Laser therapy – indications, contraindications, price

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People who are afraid of a scalpel can benefit from a laser. Especially since laser therapy brings health results and has a long list of indications. Of course, not everyone, due to certain diseases, can undergo it. Therefore, read the contraindications to the use of laser therapy. You should also bear in mind that this method is not the cheapest.

Laser therapy – indications

Laser therapy, which has been using medical lasers for about 20 years, comes down to projecting a beam of light on a specific spot on the body. This must be done so that absorption of the radiation produces the desired therapeutic effect. The laser beam affects the body in many ways. It stimulates the secretion of histamine and serotonin, which in turn is associated with supporting the immune system and preventing pain, as well as anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic. Laser therapy it brings positives in terms of microcirculation and metabolism (cells regenerate and healing processes gain speed).

Laser therapy is very diverse, because many different lasers are used (diode, argon, alexandrite, ruby, neodymium-yag and CO2 – reducing wrinkles). The power and frequency of laser operation, the duration of the procedure and the number of repetitions depend on individual conditions (the needs of a given person, their health condition) and is determined individually with the patient.

Laser therapy can be performed in people of all age groups. Of course, excluding infants and the elderly. If done properly by specialists, it will not lead to undesirable, dangerous side effects. This is mainly because the tool does not come into contact with the tissues during this type of procedure. Of course, the precision of the procedure itself is also important.

Laser therapy it is useful in the case of many diseases. Indications to carry out it are vascular changes, removal of moles and other pigmented modifications as well as small nodules and tattoos. It will also work well for non-ablative photorejuvenation. Apart from that laser therapy it is used in the treatment of postoperative scars, ulcers, difficult-to-heal wounds, overload diseases and in the consolidation of skin grafts. However, this is not a closed catalog. Indications do laser therapy because there are also alveolitis, periodontitis, alopecia, fractures, folds, sprains, bruises, diabetic foot, post-thrombotic syndrome, lymphoedema, damage to peripheral nerves, neuralgia, previous shingles and dermatitis (including acne vulgaris). That’s not all. Laser therapy It is also useful in eliminating back pain, knee degeneration, facial nerve paralysis, trismus, and hematomas.

Laser therapy – contraindications

Indication list for laser therapyas you can see, it is quite long. However, the list is just as large contraindications do laser therapy. These include neoplastic diseases (current diseases and those that have been cured up to five years ago), tuberculosis, pregnancy, the appearance of gastrointestinal bleeding, adolescent diabetes, hyperthyroidism, viral, bacterial and fungal infections that are difficult to progress. Contraindications do laser therapy also taking photosensitizing drugs, having a pacemaker, unstable diabetes, cardiac arrhythmia, states of acute circulatory failure, severe viral and fungal infections, high fever, photosensitivity, mental diseases, and ischemic heart disease.

Price of laser therapy

Price of laser therapy it depends on what we want to do and where on the body. You pay differently for stretch marks, discoloration, scars than, for example, for rejuvenating treatments. Rejuvenating treatments range from PLN 500 to PLN 4500, scars from PLN 800 to PLN 2000, discoloration from PLN 500 to 1000, and stretch marks from PLN 1000 to over PLN 5000. If someone knows they will need several sessions, they can use packages that are generally smaller in advance the price than buying individual treatments each time.

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