Laser technologies guard women’s health

The laser is actively used in the treatment of gynecological diseases (cervical erosion, endometriosis, urinary incontinence etc.) and is gaining in popularity due to its safety and effectiveness.

Laser application for vaginal rejuvenation is also increasingly in demand, and by no means only by elderly patients. For example, the use of a laser is often necessary in the postpartum period. Also, the laser allows you to get rid of prolapse of the genitals, vaginal atrophy, decreased tone and elasticity of the walls of the vagina.

The laser acts on the affected tissue, while healthy areas of the tissue are not affected or injured.

In “Onli Clinic” procedures using laser technologies are carried out on the latest generation apparatus – three-wave laser Magic 3.

This method has many advantages: painlessness, good tolerance, pronounced effect after the first session, no side allergic or any other reactions.

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