Laser scar removal

For many people, laser scar removal has brought tremendous relief. Scars on the face, which are difficult to hide, are particularly damaging. They are often the source of many complexes and loss of self-confidence. Injuries and surgery are the cause of many permanent marks, but even more often the cause of scarring is youthful acne.

Although it is sometimes claimed that each scar adds charm, it is usually difficult for their owners to accept such permanent changes on the surface of the skin. For many young people, acne itself is already a stressful experience, and traces of it not only do not look aesthetically, but can burden the psyche of a young person. They have a very negative effect on both well-being and can cause a drop in self-esteem. The external appearance, especially at a young age, is of great importance. No wonder many people choose to laser scar removal.

Laser scar removal – the course of the procedure

Laser scar removal is a procedure that has recently appeared in the offer of aesthetic medicine clinics. The procedure is carried out using devices called fractional lasers. They are also used to remove wrinkles and stretch marks. They also work well during the correction of drooping eyelids.

Laser scar removal relies on precise targeting light beamswhich penetrates deep into the skin, into the subcutaneous tissue and the dermis, causing microdamages. There, a photothermal reaction takes place and the water in the tissue is heated and evaporates. The consequence of this phenomenon is the launch of natural skin reconstruction processes and stimulation of the production of collagen, i.e. the substance responsible for the impeccable condition of the skin. As you know, a decrease in collagen production causes skin aging, sagging and the formation of wrinkles. Fractional laser by destroying the changed tissue, it also stimulates it to auto-renew. To achieve satisfactory results, usually a series of such treatments should be used.

Laser scar removal – care after the procedure

Even a few days after the treatment, the skin around scar removal it may be slightly swollen and red. There may even be a mild rash that may disappear or peel over the next few days. The basis of care is the use of mild moisturizing creams and drinking a large amount of non-carbonated mineral water, which will provide the skin with the right level of hydration.

After the cutaneous laser treatments hot baths should not be taken for several days. It is forbidden to use the saunas and stay in the sun. Before leaving the house, use creams with high UV filters. You should also give up any peels at this time.

Avoiding the sun, refraining from sunbathing, is especially important because after the treatment the skin is extremely sensitive and serious discoloration may occur. For this reason laser scar removal it should be performed in autumn and winter, when the sun is less of a threat to the skin.

The skin needs four to six weeks to recover from the treatment. It all depends on how deep the changes were liquidated. You also have to remember that to get good effects, you have to undergo a whole series of treatments.

Laser scar removal – contraindications and side effects

Not everyone can undergo such a procedure. Certainly, pregnant women will have to wait until the end of breastfeeding after giving birth. Very important a contraindication is also taking antibiotics, steroids and any anticoagulant medications.

Laser scar removal must not be performed on people suffering from cancer and serious skin diseases, such as psoriasis or atopic dermatitis. Too strong a tan is too a contraindication for this procedure.

After contacting fractional laser the skin may be red, swelling and rash may appear. Sometimes there is a permanent disturbance in skin pigmentation, its burns, or the formation of atrophic or hypertrophic scars.

If you do not decide to undergo laser treatment, on healed scars, you can use NoScar® Mother of Pearl Scar Cream to reduce their visibility.

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