Laser hair removal – the best way to get rid of unwanted hair [EXPLAINED]

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Laser hair removal is one of the most popular methods of completely removing excessive hair. Laser hair removal is performed by a qualified beautician / cosmetologist in a beauty salon under the supervision of a doctor, using specialized equipment. What does the laser hair removal treatment look like, how much does it cost and what are the possible contraindications to laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal – what is it?

Laser hair removal is an alternative to traditional, mechanical hair removal using an epilator, wax or a regular razor. The laser hair removal treatment uses a laser that generates a beam of light, which destroys any hairs on contact with the skin by capturing the melanin in the bulbs, which gives the hair a dark color. Melanin absorbs the laser light, heats up and damages irreversibly.

As a result of the operation of the laser beam, the hair is completely destroyed, which is why the laser hair removal treatment is called permanent. In addition to photo-epilation – it is the most effective way to remove unwanted hair. The laser hair removal treatment has so far been performed only in specialized beauty salons, but nowadays you can find laser heads for hair removal on a regular basis.

If you want to know more, read: Laser versus needle and syringe – where is aesthetic medicine going?

Laser hair removal – types

Aesthetic medicine salons / beauty salons offer various offers of laser hair removal. However, the following two types are most often used.

IPL hair removal – Technically, IPL (or Pulsed Light Intensive Therapy) is not a laser. Nevertheless, it is one of the most popular light based hair removal methods. While lasers send a single beam of light, IPL sends the entire spectrum. Since it is less efficient than a laser, it may be less effective so it is best suited for fair hair.

Light Sheer Desire epilation – laser hair removal by this method is based on selective photothermolysis on the hair follicle. The laser light, selectively absorbed by the hair follicle structures containing melanin, is converted into heat, which destroys the hair elements responsible for its growth, causing permanent hair loss and destruction of the hair follicle. This process is considered to be the most effective for hair in the active growth phase (anagen). The beam emitted by this laser penetrates 2 mm deep into the skin, so it does not pose a threat to the skin and health. This technology is used in the case of:

  1. hair removal for aesthetic purposes,
  2. hair removal associated with hormonal disorders (hirsutism),
  3. treatment of inflammation of the hair follicles.

Laser hair removal – what places can you epilate?

Procedure laser hair removalDue to its non-invasiveness, it can be performed in any part of the body that causes discomfort due to excessive hair. The most common laser hair removal treatments are: legs, arms, armpits, bikini area and face. Laser hair removal on the torso, abdomen and back is also becoming more and more popular – these places are especially relevant for men.

Men and women, however, use home remedies to remove unwanted hair much more often. For this purpose, you can reach for cosmetics and accessories by Tadé Pays du Levant. We recommend, for example, Olive-laurel shaving soap with lipids in a soap dish and the use of a badger hair brush. The brand also offers a Deluxe Handheld Shaving Kit, which includes:

  1. olive-bay shaving soap,
  2. natural bristle brush,
  3. stainless steel brush stand,
  4. stone soap dish.

Also read: Hypertrichosis – werewolf syndrome – what is it?

Laser hair removal – does the color of the skin or hair matter?

Laser hair removal works best for people with fair skin and dark hair. This is because the contrast of the pigment makes it easier for the laser to target the hair, irritating the hair follicle and weakening it. People with dark complexion or fair hair may require much more treatments, and may also observe more hair regrowth.

Read: The laser problem

Laser hair removal – contraindications

The main contraindication to the use of laser hair removal is pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding. In addition, conditions that exclude the possibility of laser removal of unnecessary hair include: extensive skin burns, psoriasis, vitiligo, diabetes, epilepsy, blood clotting disorders, the use of creams and ointments based on retinol, taking preparations based on photosensitive herbs (such as calendula).

See also: How to live with psoriasis?

Laser hair removal – preparation

Preparations for laser hair removal should begin with finding the right specialist, a cosmetologist who has the necessary qualifications and equipment to perform this treatment. Everything is done under the supervision of a doctor. For this purpose, it is worth asking the opinions of other people who already have the laser hair removal treatment behind them and read opinions on various internet forums regarding a given beauty salon / institute where the treatment would take place.

If you choose the place where you will perform laser hair removal and after the interview, there will be no contraindications for the treatment, remember that before the treatment you should:

  1. avoid sunlight. Do not sunbathe – it will make the procedure impossible. Whenever you go out, use SPF30 sunscreen with a broad spectrum of action.
  2. refrain from using self-tanners for about two weeks before the procedure,
  3. give up epilation (wax, electric epilator) and pulling out hair (tweezers) that you want to ultimately remove using laser hair removal. This can interfere with hair growth and should be avoided – even 6 weeks before the procedure if the procedure is to be performed on the body, 4 weeks for the face,
  4. to give up depilatory creams at least one month before the treatment,
  5. avoid the use of blood thinners such as aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs
  6. two weeks before the procedure, do not consume herbal teas, especially those containing St. John’s wort and calendula,
  7. take care of proper hydration of the skin, it should not be dry and irritated,
  8. give up 1-2 weeks before the treatment of chemical peels,
  9. two weeks before the scheduled surgery, you should not take antibiotics,
  10. a week before the procedure, do not use creams or ointments that contain retinol, isotretinoin or fruit acids,
  11. the day before the procedure to shave you need to shave the hair to be removed. Leaving them may lead to skin irritation,
  12. on the day of the procedure, do not use makeup and creams.

Laser hair removal – what does the procedure look like?

Each treatment that triggers a reaction of the body should be preceded by an extensive interview and consultation, during which the condition of the skin and its type, as well as the type, thickness and color of the hair will be assessed. On this basis, the cosmetologist selects the optimal laser parameters that will effectively remove unwanted hair. Before the actual procedure, a test should be made on a small section of the skin, thanks to which the specialist will assess whether an allergic reaction will certainly not occur.

The laser hair removal treatment is quite painful, so it should be performed under local anesthesia – most often the skin is rubbed with a special anesthetic ointment or cream. Additionally, the area to be epilated is cooled down. During the treatment, the skin is irradiated with a laser beam and depending on the size of the depilated area – it is irradiated from a few minutes to even several hours. After the treatment, the skin is irritated, red and quite often there is a slight swelling.

Laser hair removal, to obtain the desired effects, should be repeated 3 to 10 times, but about 3 weeks should elapse between the series. The effectiveness of the treatment itself depends mainly on the thickness and type of hair, its color, and the color of the skin. People with fair skin and dark hair will see the effects most quickly. After a series of treatments, a single, reminding session once a year is recommended.

See: Cream with a filter – what to use after depilation?

Laser hair removal – how to proceed after the treatment?

A natural symptom after laser hair removal treatment is redness and / or swelling at the epilation site. These symptoms disappear after about 2-3 days, but during this time you should take special care of irritated skin:

  1. wash the skin with a soap-free preparation, clean water or non-alcoholic milk,
  2. You can apply a soothing powder or soothing ointment to the irritated places,
  3. do not rub or rub the depilated part of the body, wipe gently with a towel after bathing,
  4. exfoliating preparations, introduce only 2 weeks after the treatment,
  5. avoid exposing the depilated part of the body to the sun and do not sunbathe in the solarium for at least 2 weeks after the treatment.

Laser hair removal – side effects

The risk of side effects varies depending on the type of skin, hair color, and adherence to the recommendations before and after the procedure. The most common side effects of laser hair removal include:

  1. skin irritation – temporary discomfort, redness and swelling. Any symptoms usually disappear within a few hours.
  2. pigment changes – laser hair removal can darken or lighten the area of ​​the skin where the treatment is performed. These changes may be temporary or permanent. Skin lightening mainly concerns those people who do not avoid exposure to the sun before or after the treatment, and those with darker skin.

In rare cases, laser hair removal can cause blistering, crusting, scarring, or other changes in the texture of the skin. Other rare side effects include graying of depilated hair or excessive growth of hair around the treated areas, especially on darker skin.

Laser hair removal is not recommended for the eyelids and eyebrows due to the possibility of serious damage to the eyes.

Laser hair removal – how much does the procedure cost?

The cost of a single treatment depends on the chosen place:

  1. bikini depilation – PLN 300-350, deep bikini – PLN 400-500,
  2. laser hair removal on calves – PLN 300-400, thighs – PLN 450-500,
  3. armpit depilation – PLN 200-300,
  4. face depilation (usually a mustache) – 150-200 PLN.

Buying a package of treatments needed for complete hair removal is usually a 20-25% discount.

Laser hair removal and IPL light are the only treatments that completely remove hair and additionally, it is minimally invasive and safe. The only drawback laser hair removal is its high price. Complications may also appear, e.g. burns due to incorrectly selected laser power.

If you are more interested in epilation with an electric epilator, you can reach for the B-Beauty 5in1 epilator.

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