Laser hair removal – effects, contraindications, preparation for the procedure, prices

The laser hair removal treatment is very popular and can be used in many salons and beauty centers. What is it and is it safe for health?

Laser hair removal – who is it recommended for?

Laser hair removal is recommended especially when traditional methods of hair removal cause skin irritation. It is a good solution for people with a tendency to ingrown hair and inflammation.

Thanks to laser hair removal, not only is hair removed, but also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. The effect does not appear immediately – several treatments are needed to thoroughly clean the skin of hairs growing on it for a long time.

Laser hair removal – contraindications

Although laser hair removal is very popular, this type of hair removal cannot always be performed. There are numerous contraindications to it, such as: freshly tanned skin, a history of cancer, pregnancy, viral, fungal and bacterial infections, diabetes, psoriasis, using a pacemaker, taking medications that may cause abnormal skin reactions, the use of self-tanners and bronzers. It is also not advisable to perform laser hair removal shortly after surgery.

Laser hair removal – how to prepare for the treatment?

Preparations for laser hair removal should start much earlier than the planned date of the treatment. First of all, you should consult a specialist who will perform the procedure – he or she checks if there are no contraindications and decides about the type of preparation. They are influenced by factors such as the health of the person undergoing epilation, the quality and color of the hair, and age.

In any case, there are rules that must be followed. If you are taking oral retinoid treatment, it should be discontinued 6 months before the treatment date. A month before it, you can not depilate, and when there are two weeks left to it, stop using phytotoxic and photoallergic drugs as well as herbs that have a similar effect.

Laser hair removal – the course of the procedure

Before proceeding to the actual epilation, a trial is first carried out on the selected area of ​​the skin. This allows you to see what her reaction to irritation is. If the test is successful, the actual treatment can be started. During it, the laser light directed by a specialist’s hand is absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicle. Melanin converts the absorbed light into thermal energy which destroys the bellows. The condition of success in epilation is the selection of the laser power and pulse time to the type of skin and hair.

After the treatment is completed, preparations are applied to the place where it is performed, soothing the occurring perifollicular swelling and irritation, which may last up to several hours. After the treatment, avoid hot baths and showers, as well as swimming pools and saunas for two weeks, do not use self-tanners, alcohol and alcohol preparations, do not use peels or cosmetics that can exfoliate the epidermis.

The laser hair removal treatment should first be performed monthly for the first six months, and then it should be enough to do it once a year. This is necessary because the hairs on the skin are in different stages of growth and some have too little melanin to absorb the laser light. Therefore, regular treatments allow for the removal of those that were not yet able to receive the laser in the previous ones.

Keep in mind that laser hair removal is not XNUMX% effective – some hairs will remain and the laser may make them brighter.

Laser hair removal – possible side effects

Like any other procedure, laser hair removal can also have some side effects. They do not occur in everyone. In some cases, people undergoing treatments experience darker or lighter skin discoloration in its place, blisters or burns may appear.

  1. For skin discoloration, we recommend Floslek whitening cream, which reduces the visibility of stains

Laser hair removal – treatment prices

The prices of laser hair removal treatments differ mainly depending on the place where it is performed. The cheapest cost is underarm hair removal and the most expensive is a full bikini. Armpit depilation costs from about PLN 150, bikini – from about PLN 500 per treatment. It should be remembered that there will be several treatments, so the cost should be multiplied.

If you prefer epilation with an electric epilator, it is worth buying the B-Beauty 5in1 epilator, which is waterproof and can be used even while bathing or showering.

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