Laser coagulation of varicose veins is an innovative approach that is designed to alleviate the condition of the patient with varicose veins. It is this disease that is provoked by interruptions in the functioning of the valves, which occurs due to the expansion of superficial veins. Outwardly, such a manifestation does not look particularly aesthetically pleasing, but in addition to a superficial defect, the disease destroys health from the inside.
The vessels that have become a victim of the disease are first bent, and then they begin to swell, causing increased swelling and convulsive syndrome. As a result, the victim has to deal daily with the negative consequences of a non-working blood flow. Constant aching pain, especially in the lower extremities, bulging veins, difficulty in motor activity and even trophic ulcers – all this is a direct consequence of developing varicose veins.
Initially, the only true and at the same time effective solution to the problem of neutralizing the disease was an operation. But due to the many contraindications, the great trauma and the fear of many patients to take such drastic measures, doctors had to look for alternative approaches.
This is how the strategy of laser coagulation appeared, which immediately after its implementation in practice received numerous positive reviews. People praised the procedure for the absence of the need to carry out a full-fledged surgical intervention and traces after the treatment event.
Method specifics
The appearance of specific spider veins on the skin is the first alarming symptom, signaling a sharp deterioration in the condition of the victim. As soon as this is discovered, you should immediately make an appointment with a specialized doctor. Attempts to get rid of only the external manifestation of the disease will not give the proper result, and will not delay the onset of relapse.
It is much more effective to first treat the primary source of the pathology, and only then remove the aesthetically unpleasant symptoms. So it will turn out to consolidate the result for a longer period. And correctly carried out prevention will become a reliable protection against a possible repetition of the development of the clinical picture in the future.
The endovasal laser intervention technique can help to cope with this. The strategy belongs to the camp of minimally invasive manipulations, which adds to its attractiveness in the eyes of patients.
Many also like the price. Patients need to pay only direct work with the laser unit. Since rehabilitation therapy does not last long at all, without providing for serious financial injections from the victim, this makes the cost of therapy really budgetary.
Despite the fact that the technique began to be actively used just a little over 15 years ago, it managed to overtake classical surgical intervention in many respects. This is explained by many factors, but in the first place there is always a shortened rehabilitation period.
A therapeutic event is carried out at the expense of an ultrasonic device and a laser installation. After the doctor makes a puncture on the skin of the ward in the alleged lesion, a special light device is introduced there.
Since the manipulation is fully automated, this allows you to rely on “jewelry precision”. Based on the incoming data from ultrasound, the doctor can adjust the impact on the affected area in order to affect only the diseased areas. So it will turn out not to accidentally touch healthy vessels and tissues, which increases the chances of a successful and quick recovery.
The light guide introduced into the lumen has a so-called sealing effect on the vein from the inside of the vessel. This approach guarantees the passage of blood flow exclusively through healthy veins. After a while, the patient will get rid of venous insufficiency completely, and unpleasant symptoms such as heaviness in the lower extremities and edema will disappear on their own.
Preparation rules
In all clinics, the tactics of laser “soldering” are somewhat different depending on which particular device they use. But the general algorithm for completing the task remains identical anyway, providing:
- preparatory stage;
- local anesthesia;
- catheter insertion and bonding;
- bandaging;
- checking the patient’s condition.
Before writing out a referral to the laser coagulation room for the ward, the doctor must send him to undergo a thorough examination. Various analyzes will reveal possible latent contraindications, concomitant chronic diseases.
During the initial examination, the doctor will examine the victim’s medical record, issue directions for tests, and also ask about the current state of health. Separately, to make a complete assessment, the specialist will take into account the hereditary predisposition and the patient’s attempts to cope with the problem on their own or by other medical methods.
Approximately a week before the appointed date, the victim must refuse to take a number of pharmacological agents such as antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. But this can be done only after the approval of the ban by a narrow-profile attending physician who prescribed the previously approved treatment program.
In the same period, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary allergic test. We are talking about checking the possibility of anaphylactic shock on drugs that are necessary for local anesthesia.
In the office, before the actual procedure, a person changes into loose clothing that would not restrict movement. Some medical centers offer disposable special pajamas for specific purposes.
Before you lie down on the couch, you need to remove any jewelry, metal elements from yourself.
How is laser coagulation performed?
Schematically, the whole operation can be divided into five parts.
During the first stage of the intervention, the patient is given local anesthesia near the future puncture. A standard injection with the correct calculation of the active substance for a specific weight of the patient acts for about half an hour or a little more. The indicated time is enough for the phlebologist to save the ward from varicose veins with localization in the lower extremities.
Next, the expert inserts a special thin wire into the affected vein, which is the catheter of the laser equipment. When the system is activated, the device emits a powerful pulse. Its characteristics are selected individually, based on the medical indications of the victim.
The principle of exposure is based on passing the device through the entire diseased part of the vessel in order to seal its walls. As soon as the contact is successfully completed, the damaged area will immediately begin to resolve. And a few months after the completion of the intervention, a person will not even be able to determine the place where varicose veins clearly appeared before.
At the end, the catheter is carefully removed from the vein, and a bandage is applied to the insertion site. To maintain the limbs in a normal state after a sharp change in the usual blood flow, doctors insist on the mandatory wearing of special underwear. It is called compression and provides for special stockings that will have to be worn for about a month to achieve good results.
Once the procedure is successfully completed, the victim can go home. He does not need to be in a hospital under the supervision of medical personnel. And in the event of the possible occurrence of some side effects that will be found already at home, you should immediately inform the treating phlebologist about this.
Since during the intervention only the diseased walls of the veins are affected, the surrounding epithelial layer avoids a negative impact on its structure. This allows you to count on the absence of postoperative:
- scars
- burns;
- scars.
A small puncture will not affect the appearance of the legs, since compared to incisions with a surgical analogue, it is practically not noticeable. After a while, even such a trace disappears.
Relative and absolute contraindications
The use of laser equipment makes it possible to achieve significant heights in the treatment of varicose veins. According to statistics, the effectiveness of the presented therapy is more than 95% and a relatively small risk of relapse. To reduce the percentage chance of a return of the disease, experts recommend following previously approved prevention instructions.
Among other advantages, there is no need to undergo general anesthesia. It is traditional anesthesia that has the worst effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system, and is also accompanied by many contraindications. And the aesthetic picture after a couple of months pleases with the same skin relief without spider veins and bulging veins.
But all this becomes possible only after the doctor, during the preparatory examination, does not confirm the presence of possible contraindications in the ward. If a person is diagnosed with endarteritis, then you will have to look for alternative options for help.
Also, it will not be possible to realize the plan if the victim has a bleeding disorder or an atherosclerotic vascular lesion of the limbs where the operation is to be performed.
But obesity can be called relatively locked up, since when more favorable circumstances occur, the doctor will allow you to use laser therapy.
Rehabilitation and complications
In order for the healing and subsequent restoration of venous activity to pass quickly and without side effects, experts recommend not only wearing special compression underwear.
In the first days after the procedure, you will need to drink more fluids. But alcoholic beverages should be abandoned for the entire recovery period. In order for the veins to quickly be able to work in a natural mode, they will have to be helped by walking every day for at least about an hour on foot.
But for walks, you should choose comfortable shoes, and high heels will have to be put aside for several months on the far shelf of the closet. If you ignore such advice, then the likelihood of complications increases significantly.
Adherents of the laser technique note that all the consequences can be schematically divided into temporary ones, since they pass on their own, and require a special appointment of appropriate treatment.
Most often, people have to deal with aching pain in the affected area. But such symptoms go away somewhere on the third day. If the promised relief did not happen, then you should immediately seek help from a phlebologist.
Among other common deviations of postoperative therapy are bruising and bruising, which should normally resolve in about 4 days.
With a slight increase in body temperature, you should also not panic, as with tension in the veins. But thrombophlebitis or thrombosis, which make themselves felt much later, are indications for re-appointment.
In order not to bring the body to such a deplorable state, you should consult a doctor at the initial stage of the onset of the lesion, and also work on prevention in case of poor heredity.