Laser angioma removal

Angioma – a benign vascular tumor – is popularly considered to be a birthmark. In fact, doctors classify this disease as just one of the varieties of this phenomenon. It has no connection with the accumulation of skin pigment and is due to the state of the blood and lymphatic vessels. Similar vascular formations occur due to telagiectasia (expansion of the vessels of the dermis).

Types of angiomas

In medicine, several types of angioma are known. For example, stellate angioma is a skin disease that does not have a tumor nature. In appearance, this formation looks like a star, which is why it got its name. The cause of this phenomenon is the dilated vessels of the dermis. In the center of such an “asterisk” there is a vessel located vertically, and vessels – “rays” diverge from it. The diameter of the formation can range from a few millimeters to several centimeters. In the latter case, stellate angioma, if located on exposed areas of the skin, can be a serious aesthetic problem. Often, formations of large diameter become convex, as a result of which the likelihood of injury increases.

In addition, there are pineal angiomas, which are located above the skin, as a result of which they are easily injured, and nodular angiomas. The latter are red dots formed as a result of the release of blood vessels to the surface of the skin. They differ from stellate formations in that, as a rule, they do not have “rays”.

In the people, angiomas are often called “red moles.” It should be borne in mind that they can occur not only by themselves, but also be a manifestation of a number of serious diseases.

Causes of angiomas

To date, researchers have not been able to come to an unambiguous conclusion about why such neoplasms appear. There are several theories, each of which seems quite convincing.

So, the pathology of the vascular system can provoke the development of angioma. This applies, first of all, to the formations that appear in people with age. In this case, they can be an external manifestation of changes that occur in the vessels.

Often, “red moles” appear in pregnant women – thus, the hormonal “restructuring” of the organisms of young mothers manifests itself.

Gastroenterologists are convinced that the appearance of angiomas on the skin can be a manifestation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, this is how the pancreas “signals” about the inflammatory process. In addition, formations that appeared in large numbers may be evidence of developing cirrhosis of the liver.

In order to find out the cause of the appearance of a “red mole”, you will have to contact a qualified specialist and conduct all the necessary studies. The doctor will also make the final verdict as to whether the pathology should be removed.

When should angiomas be removed?

The question of removing angioma in each case should be decided individually. If the pathology is not of a malignant nature and has arisen on a skin area hidden from prying eyes, then you should not rush to remove it. Over the years, the body, including all its systems, ages. The circulatory system is no exception.

Therefore, the appearance of angiomas in the elderly is inevitable. The only “but”: you should protect the “red mole” from any external influences and in no case squeeze out its contents.

If an angioma appears on the face or other open areas of the skin, it is worth considering its removal, since such a vascular formation can lead to discomfort and the appearance of unwanted complexes.

It is mandatory to remove those neoplasms that are located on an open area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe skin and are subjected to constant mechanical stress. Also, the reason for surgical intervention is the rapid growth and aggressive spread of vascular formations over the skin. So, in the event that the “red mole” begins to grow rapidly, dome-shaped raising the epidermis of the skin in the very center, its small capillary rays can “spread” over a considerable distance.

Previously, “red moles” were treated with non-contact cauterization, electrocoagulation (cauterization with electric current), removed with liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction) or subjected to surgical excision. However, these procedures leave scars on the skin.

Today, thanks to “vascular” lasers, it is possible to remove angioma with the least discomfort. The laser beam acts selectively, exclusively on the dilated vessel, without capturing the surrounding tissue areas.

As a rule, the material obtained as a result of removal of angiomas is sent for histological and cytological examination. You should not panic in advance – this is not at all evidence that the tumor is malignant, it is simply the generally accepted procedure.

Benefits of laser hair removal

As noted above, it is the use of a laser that is currently considered the safest method for removing angiomas. This method of getting rid of pathology has a wide range of advantages:

  • with laser removal of a neoplasm, the effect on tissues is point-like;
  • due to the absence of damage to the subcutaneous fat layer, blood loss does not occur;
  • since the laser beam itself has the ability to stimulate tissue regeneration, the skin is completely restored;
  • postoperative complications are extremely rare.

How is an angioma laser removed?

Laser angioma removal is usually done on an outpatient basis. The duration of one session is no more than ten seconds. It should be borne in mind that if the neoplasm has a significant diameter or is very deep, several procedures will be required.

The essence of laser removal is that the mutated tissue is removed in layers. After removing the next layer, a break of eight to twelve days is necessary so that the wound heals a little and infection does not occur. Complete removal of the formation may require five to seven sessions.

Many patients are also interested in the answer to the question of how quickly the healing of the area where the removed angioma was located will take place. The rate of regeneration depends on the size of the removed formation, on its type, and also on the general condition of the organism.

In the event that only one session of laser therapy was needed to get rid of the formation, rehabilitation usually takes about seven days. If we are talking about angiomas of a larger diameter, then the period of complete recovery can take two to three months, given the greater number of sessions and the intervals between them.

It should also be borne in mind that more time is needed for the complete healing of the site of removal of cavernous hemangiomas (rising above the surface of the skin and outwardly resembling nodules of vascular formations), since the blood supply to the affected area of ​​the skin must be fully restored.

How to treat an angioma removal site

After removal of the angioma, an antiseptic bandage is applied to the area of ​​the skin exposed to the laser. Doctors do not recommend during the first week, while a crust is forming, to try to treat the wound with liquid antiseptics on your own. Of course, it is strictly forbidden to wet the place of removal and comb it.

The crust that has formed at the site of removal should not be scratched off on its own. Over time, it will fall off on its own. After that, doctors recommend regularly treating this area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe skin with a cream or ointment that protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Choose a product with a high protective factor.

Within six months after the procedure, you should not use products based on alcohol and other aggressive substances to treat the skin.

The site of angioma removal should be protected from direct sunlight. It is also better to refrain from visiting saunas and baths, since exposure to high temperatures can trigger the development of a new skin pathology. It should also be borne in mind that there are contraindications for laser removal of angiomas.

Contraindications for the procedure and possible complications

Like any other surgical intervention, laser removal of angiomas has its own contraindications. First of all, it is strictly forbidden to carry out this procedure in case of any failures in the human immune system. The reasons for the violation of the body’s resistance do not play any role.

The procedure should be refrained from in patients who have:

  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • herpes virus.

Patients who have been diagnosed with oncological diseases of any organs should not be exposed to the laser. Also, this method of angioma removal should be abandoned if there is a history of oncological diseases.

Removal of a neoplasm with a laser is prohibited if, as a result of a histological examination, atypical cells were found in it.

Gynecologists also insist that laser removal of angiomas is contraindicated for women who are in an “interesting” position. Since pregnant women have a hormonal background, the removal of one angioma can become a “trigger” for the formation of new ones.

It should also be mentioned possible complications after removal of angiomas with a laser. Many patients complain that after laser irradiation, the area of ​​skin exposed to it changes color.

This pathological effect passes with time, but this does not happen immediately.

Laser removal of angioma in very rare cases can cause dermatitis. A rash may occur at the site of the procedure. Also, sometimes patients complain of itching and burning. At the same time, combing the place of removal of the neoplasm is strictly prohibited.

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