General description of the disease
This is an inflammatory process of bacterial or viral origin with damage to the mucous membranes of the initial sections of the trachea and larynx [3]… Often this respiratory infection develops as a complication of sinusitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia and other colds.
Types of laryngotracheitis
Laryngotracheitis is classified depending on the etiology, morphology and nature of the inflammatory process.
Depending on the zone of inflammation, there are:
- 1 lining is a non-inflammatory laryngeal edema. This type of laryngotracheitis can cause a banal allergy;
- 2 acute accompanied by swelling of the trachea and larynx and occurs as a result of a respiratory infection;
- 3 obturating – the most dangerous type of laryngotracheitis, as narrowing of the lumen or blockage of the trachea and larynx can lead to suffocation.
By morphological characteristics, laryngotracheitis is classified into:
- 1 atrophic, in which the epithelial layer of the mucosa is replaced by a squamous stratified epithelium. In this case, the vocal cords, muscles inside the larynx atrophy and other irreversible changes in the submucous layer occur. As a result, the mucous glands stop producing natural secretions and dry crusts form on the walls of the larynx, which bother the patient;
- 2 catarrhal variant of laryngotracheitis leads to infiltration and thickening of the mucosa. As a result, the vocal cords swell, capillary permeability increases in inflamed areas, which is fraught with punctate hemorrhages;
- 3 hypertrophic causes the proliferation of epithelial cells, thickenings and nodules appear on the connective tissue of the larynx. Singers, orators, teachers with increased vocal load are prone to this type of laryngotracheitis.
Depending on the characteristics of the flow:
- 1 chronic form – can last for months or even years, exacerbating from time to time;
- 2 acute form lasts from 7 to 20 days and, with proper treatment, disappears without a trace.
Laryngotracheitis reasons
Children are more susceptible to laryngotracheitis, although an adult can also get sick. In some cases, tracheitis and laryngitis can occur and run separately, but, as a rule, they run in parallel.
The main causes of inflammation of the trachea and larynx can be:
- adenovirus, influenza and other respiratory viral factors, the symptoms of which in the form of high fever pass quickly, and complications in the form of a hacking or barking cough can bother for several more weeks;
- chickenpox, measles, rubella and other childhood infections;
- untreated rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, while the infection is rapidly spreading downward;
- allergic component;
- tuberculous, chlamydial and staphylococcal lesions;
- mycoplasma lesions;
- damage to the laryngeal mucosa with hot steam during inhalation;
- exposure to the herpes virus;
- stomach diseases – laryngotracheitis can cause a reverse reflux of the contents of the stomach;
- chemical damage;
- overexertion of the voice during shouting, desperate arguments, among fans during sports or after hours of singing in karaoke;
- significant hypothermia of the whole body or just legs, as well as local exposure to cold – when drinking cold drinks; inhalation of icy air through the mouth for diseases of the nasopharynx;
- harmful working or living conditions – dry dusty air, chemical fumes, tobacco smoke.
Laryngotracheitis symptoms
Viral infections enter the human body and provoke tracheal vasospasm. As a result, blood circulation deteriorates, the mucous membranes swell, and a thick secretion with purulent contents begins to be produced, which clogs the trachea. The patient complains of heavy, labored breathing, then there is a sharp barking cough characteristic of laryngotracheitis with a discharge of viscous sputum. Attacks of excruciating coughing can be triggered by cold, deep breathing, or laughter.
If the vocal cords are affected, then the patient’s voice becomes hoarse, his timbre changes, in some cases aphonia is possible. Voice impairment can be minor or severe.
Obvious symptoms of laryngotracheitis occur 4-5 days after infection. In the early days, the patient may experience discomfort in the throat and sternum. Often, a painful cough occurs suddenly at night while the patient is asleep. Laryngotracheitis is often accompanied by a slight fever, lethargy, drowsiness, and sometimes enlarged lymph nodes.
With an infiltrative – purulent form of the disease, the temperature can rise to 39 degrees.
Complications of laryngotracheitis
Laryngotracheitis is now being successfully treated. If the patient does not have problems with immunity, then with the right therapy, positive results can be quickly achieved. With incorrect treatment, laryngotracheitis can result in serious complications, such as:
- 1 angiomas, angiofibromas and other benign tumors of the larynx;
- 2 disability in people of voice – speech professions: teachers, artists, presenters;
- 3 laryngeal cancer;
- 4 cysts and polyps of the vocal cords;
- 5 narrowing of the lumen of the larynx up to suffocation;
- 6 paresis of the vocal cords;
- 7 tracheobronchitis;
- 8 heart or pulmonary failure.
Prevention of laryngotracheitis
For preventive purposes, patients prone to inflammation of the larynx need to quit smoking and alcohol. Laryngotracheitis can be prevented by the method of gradual hardening.
For people prone to chronic laryngotracheitis, it is recommended from time to time to cleanse the nasopharyngeal mucosa from the accumulated dirt and dust with an inhaler.
For better prevention of inflammation of the nasopharynx and trachea, the following measures should be taken:
- systematically go in for sports, moderate physical activity will be enough;
- practice breathing exercises;
- prevent even a slight hypothermia of the legs and the whole body;
- from an early age, start hardening babies;
- in the autumn-spring period, take immunomodulatory agents;
- protect yourself from drafts at home and on the street;
- do not sit under a stream of cold air from an air conditioner;
- timely ARVI therapy.
Treatment of laryngotracheitis in mainstream medicine
When infected with laryngotracheitis, it is dangerous to prescribe treatment yourself. Therapy for this inflammatory process requires serious complex therapy. The doctor must determine whether a bacterial infection has joined the viral infection and only after that develop a treatment regimen. At the onset of the disease, antiviral agents are effective.
Expectorant and antispasmodic drugs thin and promote the excretion of phlegm, thereby making breathing much easier. Patients are advised to take a large amount of liquid in a warm form. As a rule, patients with laryngotracheitis do not need hospitalization; in the room where the patient is located, it is necessary to periodically humidify the air.
In addition to antitussives and antipyretics, patients are prescribed mucolytics and antihistamines. Good results are given by such physiotherapeutic procedures as electrophoresis, inductotherapy, massage, UHF and alkaline inhalations.
Complex therapy of laryngotracheitis involves taking immunomodulators, vitamin complexes.
In the event that treatment with medicines does not bring results and there is a possible threat of the appearance of a malignant formation, then they resort to surgical treatment, which involves the removal of cysts and excision of excess tissue of the larynx. Surgical intervention is carried out by the endoscopic method.
Patients with laryngotracheitis should adhere to the voice mode – the patient is advised to be silent. Conversations in a whisper are contraindicated, since with a quiet whisper, the load on the vocal cords is several times higher than with a conversation in a normal tone. With timely therapy, the patient’s voice is restored within 10 days. Patients with vocal professions are advised to start work only after the full restoration of voice function, otherwise the disease may take on a chronic form.
Useful products for laryngotracheitis
The effectiveness of therapy for laryngotracheitis depends not only on the correct treatment. The patient needs to follow a special diet that will relieve the symptoms of the disease and promote recovery.
In order to minimize the chance of mechanical injury to the inflamed walls of the larynx, all food must be thoroughly grinded or mashed. Food should be boiled or steamed. You should eat often, but in small portions.
Patients with laryngotracheitis are shown a plentiful warm drink, in small portions, non-acidic jelly is especially useful. A large amount of fluid consumed helps to eliminate waste products and toxins. Vegetable oils, which envelop the inflamed mucosa, can alleviate the patient’s condition. Oil is applied to the throat or dripped into the nose. To improve immunity, you should saturate the body with vitamins, so you need to include fruit purees and juices in the diet.
Carbohydrates create a favorable microflora for the reproduction of bacteria, therefore, the use of carbohydrate products should be minimized and replaced with animal proteins.
Traditional medicine for laryngotracheitis
Traditional medicines are effective in combating laryngotracheitis, they help to enhance the results of conservative therapy.
- 1 to restore voice several times a day, use carrot juice mixed with honey in a 1: 1 ratio[1];
- 2 softens the inflamed walls of the larynx with chopped carrots, boiled in milk;
- 3 sore throat is well removed by rinsing with fresh potato or beet juice;
- 4 the use of a mixture made from yolks, ground with sugar with the addition of high-quality butter softens the vocal cords well;
- 5 chopped onion, mix with sugar and ¼ glass of water, boil until soft, add the same amount of honey and take several times a day in small portions. This remedy is effective for coughs;
- 6 to drain sputum, drink milk with butter and honey, you can add a little soda and egg yolk to the drink;
- 7 gargle with a decoction of St. John’s wort and sage[2];
- 8 boil 5 g of chopped ginger root in 100 g of honey for 300 minutes. The resulting jam is eaten throughout the day by a teaspoon or added to tea;
- 9 Boil a few chopped cloves of garlic in 300 ml of milk. Take a tablespoon 5-6 times a day.
Dangerous and harmful products for laryngotracheitis
In order to reduce the impact on the diseased walls of the larynx, solid foods should be excluded from the diet. You should also give up spices, seasonings, nuts, hot sauces and cheeses, sour fruits and vegetables, salty foods and sweets. These foods provoke coughing and irritate sore throat.
- Herbalist: golden recipes for traditional medicine / Comp. A. Markov. – M .: Eksmo; Forum, 2007 .– 928 p.
- Popov A.P. Herbal textbook. Treatment with medicinal herbs. – LLC “U-Factoria”. Yekaterinburg: 1999.— 560 p., Ill.
- Wikipedia, article “Laryngotracheitis”.
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