Laryngitis in adults
Komsomolskaya Pravda talks about how to treat laryngitis in adults, what are the symptoms and prevention of laryngitis, and how to protect yourself in especially dangerous seasons, when an insidious disease can lie in wait at every corner

Laryngitis is an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the larynx. The mucous membrane of the vocal folds may also be involved in the process, causing hoarseness. Since the larynx is part of the respiratory system, the inflammatory process can spread from the larynx to other organs (pharynx, trachea, bronchi, and even lungs). As a rule, the process of inflammation is reversible and disappears after the appointment of the correct treatment.

Causes of laryngitis in adults

In most cases, laryngitis develops in parallel with other infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system (rhinitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis) and is provoked by an acute respiratory viral infection, such as influenza, adenovirus infection, parainfluenza. Laryngitis can also develop with whooping cough, measles, tuberculosis, etc. The development of subglottic laryngitis in children is very dangerous, which can be complicated by respiratory failure (development of false croup).

Inflammation can also be caused by a bacterial infection, most often staphylococcal or streptococcal, and often develops as a secondary infection against the background of SARS, or other infections.

Another cause of inflammation of the larynx can be excessive tension of the vocal cords for a long time – singing, diction, talking in raised tones. In this case, recovery occurs faster if the vocal cords are given rest.

The most dangerous of the above is laryngitis of allergic origin. This is due to the fact that contact with allergens (food, plant pollen, and bee stings) can often be accompanied by severe swelling of the larynx, which makes it difficult for air to enter the lungs.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx can also be caused by:

  • gastroesophageal reflux disease, in which the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus and throat;
  • inhalation of dust, gas;
  • thermal exposure, that is, drinking hot or very cold water;
  • smoking;
  • injuries of the larynx and neck;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • surgical interventions in the neck.

Types of laryngitis

According to the course of the process and its duration, acute and chronic laryngitis are distinguished.

Acute forms of laryngitis according to the depth of tissue damage are divided into two options:

  • catarrhal laryngitis: inflammation affects the mucous membrane, submucosal tissues and internal muscles in the larynx;
  • phlegmonous laryngitis: this is a purulent lesion of both the mucous and submucosal layers, as well as muscular, ligamentous elements, sometimes involving cartilage and periosteum.

Chronic laryngitis by its nature is divided into:

  • catarrhal: only superficial tissues are affected;
  • limited or diffusely hyperplastic;
  • atrophic.

Often hyperplastic limited forms of laryngitis are formed in people who use their voice a lot – singers, lecturers, actors. Nodules form on the vocal cords.

Acute laryngitis

With a duration of symptoms of the disease no more than 7 days, laryngitis is considered acute. If symptoms persist for a longer time, laryngitis first becomes subacute and then chronic.

Symptoms of acute laryngitis include:

  • sore throat;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • dry cough, which can then turn into a wet cough with sputum;
  • hoarseness, change or complete absence of voice;
  • fever up to 38 ° C, especially if laryngitis is caused by an acute viral infection;
  • general weakness, headache.

Chronic laryngitis

If the manifestations of laryngitis last for 3 weeks or more, then this indicates that the acute inflammatory process has become chronic. This form is a social problem, since it is capable of depriving persons whose profession is related to voice or speech for a long time – actors, singers, teachers, etc.

The causes of chronic laryngitis include:

  • frequent acute laryngitis;
  • chronic foci of infection (caries, sinusitis, otitis, etc.);
  • frequent contact with allergens, chemicals;
  • the presence of other chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, gastroesophageal reflux disease of the stomach);
  • increased stress on the vocal cords;
  • high pollution of inhaled air;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • smoking;
  • sudden changes in air temperature;
  • diseases against which laryngitis develops: bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, gout, vasculitis;
  • neoplasms of the larynx.

The main symptom of chronic laryngitis is hoarseness, which is accompanied by a sore throat, pain when swallowing, dryness, foreign body sensation.

Laryngitis symptoms

The characteristic symptomatology of laryngitis is known to everyone. First of all, there are sore throats, discomfort, sensation of a foreign body. The voice becomes hoarse. When you try to say something, the discomfort intensifies.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx causes its swelling and narrowing of the lumen, which can make breathing difficult. To a greater extent, this is expressed in children. Severe swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx in young children can cause false croup. This is one of the most severe complications of laryngitis, which, if not treated in time, can be fatal. Laryngitis can also be accompanied by fever up to 37 ° C and above, general weakness, lack of appetite, headache and chills. These symptoms are not basic. They are not diagnosed.

Treatment of laryngitis in adults

It is important to start treatment of laryngitis at its first manifestations, otherwise inflammation may spread to deeper layers of tissues, and complications may follow.


An ENT doctor can confirm the diagnosis of laryngitis according to typical symptoms, as well as the results of laryngoscopy (examination of the larynx using a special device). The doctor sees swelling and severe redness of the vocal cords, their thickening, on the surface of the mucous membranes – lumps of sputum. Sometimes it is possible to form pinpoint hemorrhages on the surface.

When examining a blood test, an increase in leukocytes is detected, if bacterial inflammation is suspected, swabs from surfaces are carried out and their study with the identification of pathogens.

Modern treatments

Treatment for laryngitis depends on the underlying cause. As a rule, in addition to drugs of general action, the therapy includes gargling, which has a softening and anti-inflammatory effect, and helps to moisturize the mucosa.

With inflammation of the vocal cords, it is necessary to give them rest. When talking, screaming, singing, the vocal cords move closer to each other. The louder the conversation, the more intense the friction of the ligaments against each other. This contributes to microtrauma and damage to the ligaments. Therefore, silence for several days will help heal the vocal cords.

The infusion of medicinal mixtures into the larynx is effective, which restores the patient’s voice within several sessions.

Also in various situations with acute laryngitis, the following can be prescribed:

  • topical preparations that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects in the form of sprays (Miramistin, Ingalipt, Stopangin, Hexoral, Tantum-Verde) and lozenges for resorption (Strepsils, Septolete, Faringosept, Falimint, Doctor Mom);
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  • Homeovox, a rich alkaline warm drink.
  • agents that thin sputum (Mukaltin, Gedelix, ACC, Carbocysteine, Bromhexine)
  • with a strong cough, Sinekod can be prescribed;
  • with laryngitis of allergic origin, accompanied by severe swelling of the larynx, the appointment of antihistamines, such as Erius, Zodak, Suprastin, Cetrin, Zirtek, is indicated.
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Can laryngitis be treated with antibiotics?

Prescribing antibiotics for laryngitis is justified only if the disease is caused by bacteria. If a bacterial infection is suspected, the doctor takes a throat swab and sends it for bacterial testing. The most common causative agents of bacterial laryngitis are staphylococci and streptococci. Bacterial laryngitis can develop against a background of weakened immunity, as well as a complication of other diseases, such as diphtheria, influenza, etc.

Inhalation for laryngitis

With laryngitis, inhalations may be recommended to relieve swelling of the mucous membranes and reduce inflammation and discomfort. They can be carried out strictly under the supervision of a physician using glucocorticosteroid solutions, drugs that relieve swelling and muscle spasm, anti-inflammatory drugs and mucolytics. For inhalation, compressor or ultrasonic inhalers are used. Steam devices or pots with hot liquids must not be used.

Surgical treatment of laryngitis

It is used for abscesses in the larynx against the background of complications. Chronic hyperplastic laryngitis is also surgically treated – decortication of the vocal cords with a biopsy is performed. Minimally invasive, including laser, treatment methods are actively used.

Prevention of laryngitis in adults

The main methods of prevention of acute and chronic laryngitis are:

  • timely treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the throat;
  • careful attitude to the vocal apparatus;
  • avoid sudden changes in temperature;
  • quitting smoking and alcohol;
  • immunity strengthening.

Popular questions and answers

We discussed with otorhinolaryngologist Tatyana Odarenko complications of laryngitis and the possibility of its treatment, contagiousness and reasons for immediate referral to a specialist.

What are the complications of laryngitis?

The most dangerous condition with laryngitis is the overlap of the airways with the development of suffocation. This condition requires emergency care. In addition, the spread of infection with the addition of tracheitis, bronchitis or the development of pneumonia is possible.

Acute laryngitis can become chronic. This threatens with persistent voice disorders, which is especially dangerous for certain professions.

Which doctor should I contact with laryngitis?

Laryngitis is treated by ENT doctors, they should be contacted both in the case of an acute and chronic process.

How many days does laryngitis last?

On average, acute laryngitis resolves within 7 to 10 days. But in the presence of complications or a protracted course, it can last up to 3 weeks.

Is laryngitis contagious?

Laryngitis itself is not contagious, but the pathogens that cause it can be dangerous to others. Especially when it comes to viral or bacterial infections.

Is it possible to treat laryngitis with folk remedies?

Although there are a lot of recipes for the treatment of laryngitis on the Internet using folk methods, you should not use them unless your doctor has approved this. You can significantly harm your health, provoke complications and loss of voice.

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