
General description of the disease

Translated from the ancient Greek language, the word “laryngitis” means larynx, which identifies a vulnerable part of the body when infected. The development of the disease begins with inflammation of the larynx mucosa, edema of the vocal cords. If, in addition, the initial parts of the trachea are affected, then we get a type of disease called laryngotracheitis.

The causes of laryngitis

Most often, laryngitis occurs against the background of colds resulting from hypothermia, mouth breathing with difficult, off nasal breathing.

The next factor is damage, strong tension of the vocal cords (screaming, prolonged conversation). People of speech professions are at risk: actors, singers, announcers, teachers. Dry and dusty air, smoking, alcohol abuse, too cold or hot food, drinking are no less dangerous for the larynx.[3].

Laryngitis development is also promoted by:

  • allergic reactions;
  • decreased immune reactivity;
  • age-related mucosal atrophy;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Adolescents are at risk, since the disease often appears at the time of puberty against the background of a voice mutation.

The rapid development of laryngitis provokes bacterial flora with scarlet fever, bark, whooping cough, diphtheria[2].

Types of laryngitis

The disease is divided into acute and chronic laryngitis, which are classified according to the duration of the course, the rate of growth and disappearance.

Acute laryngitis can be:

  • catarrhal – the main, most common form;
  • phlegmonous (infiltrative-purulent) – in this case, the inflammatory process spreads deeper than the larynx.

The following types of laryngitis are a consequence chronic form diseases. Distinguished for reasons causing the disease, the degree of damage to the mucous membrane of the larynx, vocal cords:

  • catarrhal laryngitis considered the mildest form, in which there is a slight perspiration, slight hoarseness of the throat;
  • atrophic laryngitis – the most severe form of exacerbation of chronic laryngitis. Along with the larynx, the pharynx, trachea, and nasal cavity are affected. Patients are tormented by the sensation of a foreign body in the larynx. Thinning of the mucous membrane provokes hoarseness, prolonged cough;
  • hypertrophic (hyperplastic) laryngitis differs in growths on the ligaments, which are called “singing nodules”, giving the voice hoarseness.

Professional laryngitis susceptible to people whose activities are directly related to the tension of the vocal cords – teachers, singers, actors.

Hemorrhagic laryngitis diagnosed during the flu with hemorrhage in the laryngeal mucosa.

Diphtheria and tuberculous laryngitis occurs when the body is infected with corresponding diseases[2].

Symptoms of acute laryngitis

The first signs of the disease are similar to those of a cold. There is a reddening of the larynx, an increase in temperature is noted, and the general condition of the body worsens.

In order not to confuse laryngitis with another disease you need to try to highlight the symptoms inherent only to him. The main indicator is a voice, or rather, its complete absence or hoarseness, a change in timbre, a hysterical sound. This is followed by especially unpleasant dryness, a feeling of “scratching” the throat, which, by the way, are not always accompanied by painful sensations, but cause severe discomfort. The onset cough is described as “barking”. In the first days of infection, it is dry, over time, the accumulated sputum is coughing up.

With an extensive inflammatory process, breathing can become difficult, which most often indicates laryngitis, this is due to the narrowing of the glottis.

Based solely on the primary symptoms, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis; it is imperative to pass tests for laboratory research.

How many days is laryngitis treated depends on how quickly the necessary measures were taken after the first symptoms were detected. Correctly prescribed treatment quickly enough, in just 7-10 days, puts the patient on his feet.

The first thing to do, if there is a suspicion of acute laryngitis, or has already been diagnosed, is to stop talking even in a whisper, smoking, eating seasonings and spices. A plentiful, warm drink, warming compresses are required. Before doing inhalations, you should consult a doctor, do not use the medicines recommended by relatives and friends on your own.

Drug treatment is prescribed depending on the type, severity of the disease. This is mainly antibacterial, antimycotic and vitamin therapy, the use of mucolytic drugs[3].

Chronic laryngitis symptoms

The disease is a consequence of frequently recurring acute laryngitis, professional activities associated with constant tension of the vocal cords. Sometimes the chronic form is provoked by inflammatory processes in the throat, nose and sinuses.

The main symptoms of chronic laryngitis are the same as in the acute form, but here the main determining factor is the duration of the course of the disease. If after 14 days the signs of the disease do not disappear, then there is a high probability that doctors will diagnose chronic laryngitis.

Medical treatment in some particularly severe cases is not enough, sometimes surgical intervention is necessary[3].

Complications of laryngitis

A seemingly simple disease can cause great harm to the body, lead to disability. Everyone whose professional activity is related to speaking and singing is at risk. Chronic laryngitis can provoke the formation of benign and malignant tumors of the larynx, the appearance of cysts, polyps. Laryngeal stenosis is considered a very serious complication, in which its lumen narrows, which makes breathing difficult, often leading to suffocation.

The most dangerous laryngitis in children… As a result of the inflammatory processes of the larynx, a false croup can form – a type of acute laryngitis with the localization of inflammation in the sub-vocal space, where loose tissue is located, which quickly reacts to infection. High-risk group – children aged from one to eight years[6].

The disease at first resembles a common cold. During the day, the child feels quite normal. An exacerbation occurs at night, the following symptoms appear:

  • asthma attacks;
  • sweating;
  • barking cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • cyanosis (blue discoloration) of the skin.

Narrowing of the glottis makes breathing very difficult. If a child has night attacks, during which he constantly wakes up in sweat, breathes heavily and noisily, immediate hospitalization is required.

Laryngitis in children is manifested against the background of acute respiratory infections. If the parents notice that the child has a change in the timbre of the voice, difficulty breathing has appeared, you should immediately contact an otorhinolaryngologist. The symptoms of laryngitis in children are very similar to other ENT pathologies (papillomatosis, foreign body of the larynx, congenital anomalies). Therefore, only a doctor will be able to correctly diagnose the disease by visual examination, laryngoscopy[3].

Prevention of laryngitis

The most effective methods are considered to be gradual hardening, quitting smoking, drinking alcohol. In addition, doctors recommend:

  • minimize the consumption of spicy, spicy foods;
  • if you suspect acute laryngitis, be sure to go to the hospital in order to prevent the transition to a chronic form;
  • timely treat gastroesophageal reflux disease, infectious diseases of the lower, upper respiratory tract.

Laryngitis in children develops mainly against the background of colds, so it is worth taking measures to strengthen the immune system. Clean, humid air, regular cleaning of living quarters have a detrimental effect on pathogens.

Disease in scientific research

Thanks to the latest scientific developments, patients of speech professions know how to quickly restore your voice… Experimentally confirmed studies prove the effectiveness of the combined effect of a specific bacteriophage, phonopedic gymnastics, apparatus vibration of the collar zone and the larynx region. This technology in the shortest possible time allows you to qualitatively restore the voice, reduces the frequency of exacerbations[5].

Useful products for laryngitis

Successful treatment of all forms of laryngitis depends not only on medication, but also on adherence to a special diet. It is important to remember that excessively hot or cold food and drink are contraindicated. You can not use seasonings, spices, spices.

It is recommended to take warm liquid or grated food to avoid mechanical injury to the inflamed laryngeal mucosa. For the preparation of the first courses, it is better to use chicken stock. All vegetables are preferably mashed.

Kissels, tea with honey are very useful. Drinking plenty of fluids greatly alleviates the course of the disease. Vegetable oils have a beneficial effect, enveloping the mucous membrane. They can be buried in the nose or lubricated in the throat.

Since the disease often causes a cold, you need to take care of immunity and saturate the body with vitamins, for which juices, fruits (in the form of puree) are ideal.

If laryngitis develops due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you need to exclude anything that relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter. It is because of its malfunctioning that gastric juice entering the larynx injures the mucous membrane, causing constant inflammation.

For laryngitis caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease, the following rules are recommended:

  • eat often, but in small portions;
  • cook porridge, pasta only in water;
  • chop vegetables, grind;
  • choose low-fat varieties of meat and poultry;
  • exclude dairy products of high acidity, spicy cheeses;
  • forget for the duration of treatment and limit after chocolate, nuts, halva;
  • alcohol, coffee, carbonated water are prohibited;
  • remove sour fruits and berries from the diet.

It is important to understand that these are only general guidelines for your reference. Each specific case requires the doctor to prescribe an individual diet.[1].

Traditional medicine for laryngitis

Effective treatment of laryngitis at home is not only in the preparation, use of herbal decoctions. Inhalation is also considered an effective method of curing an illness. Since the disease mainly proceeds against the background of a cold, the treatment of laryngitis with folk remedies is quite diverse.

The combination of carrots with honey, milk is considered very effective:

  • mix carrot juice, honey in equal proportions. To obtain a positive effect, use a tablespoon 4-5 times a day;
  • grate the carrots, boil them until tender in milk and take three times a day. The dosage ranges from half to a whole glass;
  • boil 100 grams of carrots in 1/2 liter of milk, strain the broth, gargle with it, you can also take inside in small sips.

It is useful to regularly gargle with fresh potato juice 4 times a day for a month. Beets are also good. Grate it, squeeze out ½ cup of juice, to which add a tablespoon of vinegar. Rinse 5-6 times a day.

The following guidelines are effective for treating hoarseness:

  • juice from fresh plantain leaves is mixed in the same proportion with honey, boiled for 20 minutes, consumed 2 or 3 times a day for a tablespoon;
  • 2 raw yolks, whitewashed with sugar, are mixed with butter. Take a mixture between meals;
  • pour a glass of water into a saucepan, add 2 tablespoons of dried white grapes, prepare a decoction, add a tablespoon of onion juice to it. Warm up the prepared medicine and drink three times a day for a third of a glass. If there are no contraindications, add honey to taste;
  • Also, sunflower will help with laryngitis. You need to take a teaspoon of seeds, the same amount of finely chopped leaves, pour the mixture with a liter of water, boil for 1,5 hours. For greater benefit, you can add honey, but only after the broth has cooled. The dosage for admission is 30 drops three times a day.

The following recipes are very effective but contraindicated with gastroesophageal reflux disease, since they contain garlic, onions:

  • crush 5-6 cloves of garlic, add a glass of milk to the container, boil everything. After cooling, strain, drink a tablespoon, the frequency of admission is arbitrary;
  • a decoction of 3 teaspoons of onion husks and 1/2 liter of water is suitable for gargling the throat, let it brew for 4 hours, then strain and use as desired several times a day;
  • chop a medium onion, cover with two teaspoons of sugar, pour ¾ glass of water. Boil the mixture until thickened, while the onion should become soft. Add the same amount of honey to it. Drink a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day.

Herbal collection for chronic laryngitis greatly facilitates the condition of a sick person. Ingredients: field horsetail – 10 g, coltsfoot leaves – 10 g, hawthorn flowers – 5 g, sage herb – 5 g, elecampane root – 3 g. Pour a glass of water into a container and add a tablespoon of the collection. Boil everything for 5 minutes. Then infuse for an hour and drink 3-4 times a day. The dosage is individual, ranging from a salt spoon to half a glass.

Another collection: thyme and chicory, 3 g each of walnut leaves and 10 g of black currant each. Pour a tablespoon with a glass of boiling water, leave for 8-10 hours, preferably in a thermos. Consume ½ cup up to 8 times a day.

Hoarseness, especially for singers, will disappear faster if you eat a lot of steamed garlic.

«If the voice is lost, how to recover quickly?“- this question often arises among people of speech professions. Along with drug treatment, to accelerate the effect, various inhalations are used with the use of essential oils of eucalyptus, mint, thyme, as well as collections of medicinal herbs:

  • 5 g of chamomile flowers, 10 g of lavender, pour into a saucepan. Pour the mixture of herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour. Instead of lavender, you can use 5 g of pine buds.
  • 5 g of tricolor violets, 3 g of a three-part series, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour, strain before use.

The following recipes are used not only for inhalation, but also for rinsing:

  • in one bowl, insist 40 g of alder seedlings with a glass of boiling water, in the other, boil 10 g of horse sorrel root in the same amount of liquid. After cooling, mix everything and strain;
  • pour a glass of boiling water into a container with 10 g of sage leaves and into a bowl with 5 g of St. John’s wort, insist. Add the same volume of water to 5 g of viburnum bark, boil. To prepare the final medicine, the decoction and infusion are mixed[4].

Dangerous and harmful products for laryngitis

Correct therapy means an integrated approach to the treatment of the disease, you cannot do only with drug treatment. It is important to follow a certain diet. With laryngitis, it is strictly forbidden to use:

  • all alcoholic drinks;
  • sparkling water;
  • seeds, nuts;
  • garlic, pepper, mustard, onion, horseradish;
  • seasonings, spices, spices.

Food should be runny or mashed, not too hot or cold. It is advisable to exclude fried, fatty foods, and steam meat and fish.

Information sources
  1. Dietetics. 4th ed. / Edited by A. Yu. Baranovsky – SPb .: Peter, 2012 .– 1024 p.
  2. Ovchinnikov Yu.M., Gamov V.P. Diseases of the nose, pharynx, larynx and ear: Textbook. – M.: Medicine, 2003 p .: Textbook. lit. for students honey. universities).
  3. Palchun V.T., Magomedov M.M., Luchikhin L.A. Otorhinolaryngology: textbook. – 2nd ed., Rev. and add. – M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2011 .– 656 p. : ill.
  4. Herbalist: golden recipes for traditional medicine / Comp. A. Markova. – M .: Eksmo; Forum, 2007 .– 928 p.
  5. Cyberleninka, source
  6. Wikipedia, article “Laryngitis”.
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