Laryngeal larynx – symptoms, causes, treatment

Laryngeal larynx is most often a congenital defect that manifests itself in the so-called stridor, which is the whistling sound that is heard when you inhale. Laxity of the larynx is much more common in boys than in girls. This type of laryngeal dysfunction usually resolves before the child reaches 2 years of age, although surgery may sometimes be necessary. What are the causes of laryngeal laxity? How is the treatment going?

The larynx is an organ that belongs to the upper respiratory tract. It is located between the trachea and the throat. It is about 6 cm long and has the shape of an inverted pyramid with a rounded top. The position of the larynx depends on age and gender. In children, this organ is located between the second and fourth cervical vertebrae, in women between the fourth and sixth, and in men between the fifth and seventh. In advanced age, the proper muscle tone may be lost, which are responsible for supporting the larynx, which often results in the so-called the lowering of the larynx. The larynx is equipped with an epiglottis, glottis and subglottis, and its skeleton consists of numerous cartilages, incl. discoid, tincture, ring or cone. They support the larynx and shape it. Lossiness of the larynx is one of the most common defects within this organ.

Laryngeal larynx – symptoms

The most characteristic symptom of laryngeal laxity is the so-called stridor, i.e. a very specific wheezing that is noticeable when inhaling. It intensifies when lying down, during excessive physical exertion, experiencing strong emotions or crying, as well as during various types of viral or bacterial infections. The laxity of the larynx may also be associated with cyanosis, shortness of breath or difficulty breastfeeding (if the problem concerns the baby). Laryngeal larynx is most common in children under the age of 2, but it is also often a congenital defect. The laxity of the larynx can be observed by noticing the collapse of the neck, both during the inhalation and exhalation phases. One of the symptoms can also be night apnea, hoarseness, cyanosis, and even respiratory failure. If a child suffers from laryngeal flabbiness, its symptoms are noticeable just a few weeks after birth. Sometimes symptoms of congenital laryngeal laxity are visible in the first days of a child’s life. It is worth adding that laryngeal laxity often occurs simultaneously with gastroesophageal reflux.

Laryngeal larynx – causes

Lack of larynx is one of the most common defects in this organ. The main cause of laryngeal laxity is insufficient development of the cartilaginous elements of this organ. We are talking about the cartilages that make up the larynx skeleton, which consists of three even – tincture, pink, wedge-shaped and three odd cartilages – annular, discoid and epiglottis. These cartilages are connected with each other by muscles, ligaments and joints. However, if the individual elements made of cartilage are too soft, they may collapse. This consequently leads to an incorrect flow of air through the larynx. According to another theory, laryngeal larynx is caused by insufficient development of the nervous system and impaired cooperation between the neuromuscular fibers that enable proper breathing. The laryngeal larynx may also be genetically determined.

Laryngeal flabbiness – treatment

The key is the correct diagnosis and diagnosis of laryngeal laxity. Physical and physical examinations are performed by an ENT doctor. He may perform indirect laryngoscopy, during which he will examine the larynx using a mirror, or he may choose the direct method, i.e. assess the condition of the larynx endoscopically, using an anesthetic. If laryngeal laxity occurs, then the doctor notices a collapse of the suddenness at the time of inhalation. During the examination, the doctor also takes into account the condition of the vocal cords, checks for tumors, neoplastic changes, congenital defects such as cysts, narrowing of the cricoid cartilage or laryngeal fins.

Treatment of laryngitis is not always needed, as if it occurs in children under 2 years of age, it often resolves spontaneously. Very often, the beginning of the proper functioning of an organ begins around 9-10 months of age. Of course, the child must undergo periodic medical checks. However, if laryngeal laxity persists, it must be treated endoscopically. The so-called supraglottoplasty, that is, cutting the epiglottic ligaments and removing the excess of accumulated mucous tissue. In extreme cases, it is necessary to make a hole in the trachea, and then insert a special tube that allows breathing. This surgery is called a tracheostomy.

Laryngeal larynx – prognosis

The prognosis is good in most cases. The laxity of the larynx does not lead to serious complications.

Laryngeal larynx – prophylaxis

In the case of laryngeal laxity, there are no indications for prophylaxis.

The name of the ailment Flabbiness of the larynx
Wstęp Laxity of the larynx is most common in children under 2 years of age, more often in boys than in girls. It is caused by insufficient development of cartilages, which constitute the skeleton of this organ.
symptoms Neck collapse when breathing, stridor worsening with crying, overexertion, strong emotions, night apnea, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing.
The reasons Congenital defects, insufficient development of the cartilages that build the laryngeal skeleton, disorders of the proper functioning of the neuromuscular fibers in the larynx.
Treatment If it occurs in children, the symptoms often disappear spontaneously, but if they are not, treatment under the supervision of an ENT specialist is recommended – endoscopy or even a tracheostomy.
Prognosis The prognosis is good in most cases. The laxity of the larynx does not lead to serious complications.
Prevention In the case of laryngeal laxity, there are no indications for prophylaxis.

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