Large-headed conocybe: description and photo

Large-headed conocybe (Conocybe juniana), also called Conocybe magnicapitata, belongs to the Bolbitiaceae family, genus Conocybe or Caps. This is an agaric mushroom with an interesting coloration. Despite its miniature size, the fruit body looks neat, retaining the characteristic features of a real mushroom.

What do large-headed conocybes look like?

The fruiting body of the large-headed cap is small. The cap diameter is only 0,4-2,1 cm. The color varies from light sand to brownish and red-brown. Only the mushroom that has appeared has a rounded thimble-shaped shape, straightens out as it grows, becoming bell-shaped, and then – umbrella-shaped with a pronounced bump in the center. The surface is smooth, longitudinal strips of plates translucent through the thin pulp are visible, the edges are even, in an overgrown mushroom they slightly bend upwards.

The plates are frequent, unincreased. The color matches the top or a tone lighter, without a cover. Spores are brown.

The leg is thin, even, 1 to 3 mm thick, in some specimens it grows up to 10 cm. Fibrous, with small scales and longitudinal grooves, the color darkens with age, from red-sand to almost black.

Large-headed conocybe: description and photo

Where do large-headed conocybes grow?

It is found everywhere, in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, it is undemanding to the climate, as well as the composition of the soil. Grows in small groups, scattered. He loves forest clearings and meadows with an abundance of grass, in which he hides from the scorching sun. The mushroom picker bears fruit from early June to late autumn.

Comment! Large-headed conocybes are one-day mushrooms, their lifespan does not exceed 1-2 days.

Is it possible to eat large-headed conocybes

The large-headed cap is classified as an inedible mushroom due to its low nutritional value and small size. No poisonous substances were found in its composition, so they cannot be poisoned. The pulp of the fruiting body is fragile, dark, with a pleasant mushroom aroma, sweetish, with a slight smell of earth and dampness.

How to distinguish large-headed conocybe

Similar outwardly poisonous counterparts of the large-headed conocybe are strongly distinguished by size and color:

  1. Fiber conical. Poisonous. Differs in larger sizes, grows up to 7 cm, has a light-colored leg, an unpleasant smell.

    Large-headed conocybe: description and photo

  2. Paneolus bordered. Toxic. It is distinguished by a lighter, egg-shaped hat, almost black plates, a grayish leg with a thickening at the root.

    Large-headed conocybe: description and photo

  3. Psilocybe. Poisonous. The cap is pointed in shape with rounded inward edges, with adherent descending laminae, slimy, like lacquer. The leg is almost white.

    Large-headed conocybe: description and photo

The large-headed cap is very similar to representatives of its own species. Luckily, they are not poisonous either.

  1. Fiber cap. Not poisonous. It differs in a lighter, creamy hat and the same leg.

    Large-headed conocybe: description and photo

  2. cap brown. Not poisonous. The cap is light brown in color, the leg is creamy white.

    Large-headed conocybe: description and photo

  3. The cap is tenderth. Not poisonous. The hat is covered with small scales, light, very thin. The leg is white and cream.

    Large-headed conocybe: description and photo


The large-headed conocybe belongs to the cosmopolitans, it can be found in the most unexpected places. He loves thickets of tall grasses, which provide the delicate fruiting body with the necessary moisture and protection from the sun. It bears fruit all summer and the first half of autumn until frost. In dry years, it dries up, not having time to grow. The fruit body is classified as inedible, although it does not contain toxic substances. Miniature size and short lifespan make it uninteresting for mushroom pickers. It is quite simple to distinguish from poisonous twins, since it has characteristic, pronounced signs.

Conocybe Tenera mushrooms

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