Large-fruited tomatoes for greenhouses: a list of the best

There is no gardener who would not dream of growing the largest pumpkin, zucchini, tomato or other vegetable. For the sake of this, summer residents are ready to adhere to all recommendations for the care and planting of crops. Today we will talk about which varieties of large-fruited tomatoes are best planted in a greenhouse in order to get not only large, but also tasty tomatoes.

Variety overview

Every year, with the onset of spring, we have to solve an important question – what varieties of tomatoes should be planted in a greenhouse? It is rare that anyone chooses only one particular variety of tomato, because their large-fruited species are so good that they are suitable not only for eating fresh, but also for preparing preservation for the winter.

Experienced gardeners prefer to grow large tomato varieties in greenhouses because they are very juicy and tasty. There are excellent varieties of tomatoes that are adapted to the conditions of our climate, have a strong immunity to diseases, and are distinguished by a very interesting shape and color.Large-fruited tomatoes for greenhouses: a list of the best

Indeterminate varieties

Such varieties of large-fruited tomatoes are quite tall, have a liana-like structure of bushes and give very large fruits. They almost completely use the entire volume of greenhouses, which allows you to harvest a good harvest.

In season, from one square meter you can get up to about 15 kg of tomatoes. If you opt for hybrid varieties, then the yield can reach 25 kg per square meter of greenhouse.

Mazarin. In the conditions of industrial greenhouses, tomatoes of this variety can be about 1 meters high. Their fruits are distinguished by a beautiful crimson color, and also have an interesting heart shape, and their mass can reach an average of about 8 grams. Best suited for preparing a variety of salads.

Large scorpion. This variety of tomato is recommended to be grown in closed ground conditions. The fruits have a characteristic pink or deep crimson color, and may change color depending on the lighting. The average weight of tomatoes of this species is about 800 grams. If you collect them from the bush green, they can ripen quickly and do not crack. Cardinal. Tomatoes of this variety can grow up to two meters in height. Their fruits have a crimson color, they are fleshy and very sweet. They can weigh approximately 900 grams each. They are well suited for both fresh cooking and canning.

Bear Paw. Mid-early tomato variety for greenhouses. It has a beautiful red color and round, slightly flat fruits. The weight of each can be about 800 grams. Such cultures need a garter and timely pinching. And they are advised to plant no more than three pieces per square meter.Large-fruited tomatoes for greenhouses: a list of the best

Grandma’s secret. It has a fairly average growth for indeterminate tomato varieties – about one and a half meters. But at the same time, it can be safely attributed to the type of super large-fruited. The fruits of such a culture are capable of weighing about a kilogram, and sometimes more. The main advantage of this type of tomato for greenhouses is the ability to grow them in Siberia. The fruits have quite a few seeds and a large amount of pulp, which is fleshy and pleases with an excellent taste. Used to make winter preserves.

Goose egg. A fairly new type of tomato, it has fruits of a rich red color, in the shape of an oval, the size is medium-large – the mass of each vegetable reaches about 300 grams. It tends to ripen in a short time after removal from the bush.

De Barao is a giant. One of the most popular types of tomato for greenhouses. The ripening period of this culture is medium-late. The fruits have an unusual cube shape, weigh about 300 grams, are distinguished by juiciness and excellent taste. Very loved by gardeners who use them to make salads and marinades.Large-fruited tomatoes for greenhouses: a list of the best

King of Giants. Variety of tomatoes of the Siberian selection. It can reach about 1 meters in height, and the average is 8 meters. Allows you to collect about 1 kg of vegetables from one bush. Well proved at storage and transportation.

Crimson Giant. A type of tomato for greenhouses, which has a fairly early ripening period. It has characteristic fruits of raspberry-pink color, ribbed flat-round shape, which rarely weigh less than 200 grams. Such tomatoes are very fleshy, sweet, well suited for preservation for the winter.

Bull heart. It has fruits weighing from 150 to 500 grams. Their form is quite diverse, and the sweet taste tends to persist even after processing.


Hybrid varieties require less maintenance than regular tall, large-fruited tomato varieties. They can produce a high yield even under conditions of sharp temperature fluctuations and insufficient illumination. They have early and medium early maturation, good immunity to diseases.

Ural F1. Suitable for growing in film and glass greenhouses. It has round beautiful fruits, the mass of which is about 400 grams. From one bush you can collect up to 8 kg of vegetables, which are used mainly for making salads. It really needs timely tying up and stepsoning.Large-fruited tomatoes for greenhouses: a list of the best

Krasnobay F1. Medium-late variety with flat-round fruits, the weight of which can reach 500 grams, and the yield per square meter is about 40 kg. Good for both fresh consumption and canning.

Handbag F1. An early ripening type of tomato that grows only in a greenhouse. It has fruits weighing up to 400 grams, sweet, juicy, which are best consumed fresh.

Cavalcade F1. Early ripening tomatoes, which are grown in shelters in the northern regions and the middle lane, and in open ground in the southern regions. Quite unpretentious, have large and tasty fruits.

Gilgal F1. It has an early ripening period and large fruits weighing up to 350 grams. The yield per square meter is approximately 35 kg. The fruits keep well.Large-fruited tomatoes for greenhouses: a list of the best

Volgograd F1. Very similar in quality to the previous species. Only has an average ripening period. Able to be stored for a long time, well transported.

size F1 and Siberian F1. Tomato varieties are supergiants. The average weight of fruits is 500 grams, in the largest ones they can reach 2 kg. It has a wonderful aroma and excellent taste.

Planting and care specifics

When growing any variety of large-fruited tomatoes, it should be borne in mind that they have the ability to grow to the sides and up. Therefore, they should not be allowed to grow arbitrarily, so as not to get small fruits. It is customary to plant seedlings of tomatoes in a greenhouse in the first decade of May. During this period, the air temperature is still not very high, so it is recommended to tighten the greenhouse with a second layer of film, which can be removed in early June. Ventilation is important, because with stuffiness and high humidity, seedlings may die. Seedling beds are made along the greenhouse, the number depends on its width.Large-fruited tomatoes for greenhouses: a list of the bestAt the same time, the width of the bed itself should be about 80 cm. The soil for planting is prepared in three days, you can spill it with hot water with potassium permanganate at the rate of 1 gram per liter. Large-fruited varieties are planted at a distance of about 60 cm.

Immediately after planting, the seedlings should be pinched, leaving no more than two stems. At the same time, side shoots are removed, and in place of the cut stepson, it is necessary to leave a stump of 2 cm so that it does not appear again. On each of the stems, about 3 – 6 flower brushes should be left. To limit the growth of crops, when the plant reaches the maximum height of its top, it is necessary to pinch it, leaving about three sheets above the brush.Large-fruited tomatoes for greenhouses: a list of the best

Bushes are advised to tie them to special supports so that they do not break due to the weight of the vegetables that have appeared. It is best to make vertical trellises, stretch the wire directly above them in such a way that you can then wind tall crops around them as they grow. In this case, the brushes together with the fruits must be tied up separately. The remaining types of care for large tomatoes are the same as for undersized and medium-sized varieties.

Video “Varieties of tomatoes”

In the video, a man talks about those varieties of tomatoes that are suitable for growing in greenhouses.

Varieties of tomatoes for growing in a greenhouse

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