Large family card

The large family card

What advantages?

Originally, families with three or more children only benefited from price reductions in rail transport. From now on, from leisure activities to restaurants, including education and insurance, the title grants commercial advantages in 22 brands that have signed an agreement with the State. This makeover has made the menu a very coveted sesame. Nearly 4 million people benefit from it today, against 2,8 million before its “remodeling”.

The participating brands:

Acadomia, Auchan, Avis, A2Presse, Boulanger, Buffalo Grill, C&A, Breton movers, Fiat, Futuroscope, Giga store, Homair, Lissac, Novotel, Parc Astérix, Pizza pub, Printemps, la Redoute, Reunion of museums nationals, Spir, Vêti, Yves Rocher.

The Sncf remains the first partner and offers reductions proportionate to the size of the siblings:

– 75% for families with more than 6 children;

– 50% for families with 5 children;

– 40% for families with 4 children;

– 30% for families with 3 children;

– 30% for life on second class tickets, for parents of at least 5 children.

Who can benefit ?

All families with at least three children under the age of 18 can benefit from the large family card. Originally, having French or European citizenship or being part of a former French colony was an essential condition. But faced with criticism from the High Authority for the Fight against Discrimination (Halde), which deemed this requirement “discriminatory”, the Minister for the Family extended the benefit to foreign families in a regular situation. No jealousy: mom, dad and every child has their own.

What about blended families?

They too are entitled to the card. Provided that the couple has the effective and permanent custody and charge of the children of each of the spouses, in addition, possibly, of the children born of the new union.

The formalities not to be missed

The SNCF stations, the 123 Family Allowance Funds (Caf), the 96 mutual social agricultural funds (MSA) and many town halls distribute “large family card application kits”. Everything is there: an application form, an explanatory note, an envelope (free postage) and a pocket for identity photos.

It remains to provide the supporting documents:

– photocopy of the family record book to find out the couple’s situation, the number of dependent children, etc.;

– photocopy of an identity document to prove nationality;

– proof of residence in France for foreign nationals (photocopy of an EDF invoice for example).

The cost

Note that regardless of the number of cards issued to the whole family, the application fees remain fixed at 18 euros.

There you have it? You can now keep your large family card for 3 years and renew the application as long as you meet the required conditions.

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