Lapis lazuli from weeds: reviews 

Every gardener wants to grow tasty and healthy vegetables on his plot. This task would not seem so difficult if not for these annoying weeds. To protect the harvest of potatoes and other crops, as well as to make your work easier, you can use special herbicides. These are substances that destroy weeds in the garden. “Lazurit” is a modern tool that helps get rid of unwanted plants. Further in the article, we will consider the instructions for using Lapis Lazuli from weeds, and we will also see all the advantages and disadvantages of this drug.

Lapis lazuli from weeds: reviews 

Description of the preparation

Lapis Lazuli is a weed killer that is used in plantings with potatoes and tomatoes. The substance is able to quickly penetrate into the plant. The effect of the drug is visible almost immediately after application. The components act very quickly, thanks to which the beds are completely cleared of weeds in a short time.

The tool is able to act on 50 species of weeds known to all. This includes all the most common plants that most often clog our sites. After the weeds have dried, the action of the drug continues for 2 weeks. So you can not be afraid that soon the weeds will appear again. Preparing a solution of a substance is quite easy. The tool is accompanied by a detailed instruction, which clearly describes all the stages of work. In addition, this drug is relatively inexpensive.

Important! Lapis lazuli from weeds affects not only the upper parts of plants, but also the root system.

Lapis lazuli from weeds: reviews 

The advantage of the preparation is that it is not necessary to wait for the germination of weeds. You can work the soil even before the first shoots of weeds appear. It acts very quickly, leading to the complete wilting of weeds.

Principle of action Lazurite

The secret of such an active action of Lazurite lies in a special component. It’s called metribuzin. A kilogram of the product contains about 700 grams of this substance. Such a high concentration helps to get rid of a huge number of weeds in a short time.

Before use, the drug must be diluted with water. During watering, the solution penetrates to the roots of weeds. But you can also use it externally. To do this, the prepared solution is poured into a container and the plants are sprayed with a sprayer. Lapis lazuli is able to completely clean even a very clogged area. For 2 weeks, the substance will affect the plants, and at the end of this period they will die.

Lapis lazuli from weeds: reviews 

The drug remains in the soil and continues to act for 1-2 months. This period depends entirely on weather conditions. In sunny weather, Lazurite will remain active for a long time, and if it rains, then, after a month, it would be better to repeat the procedure.

How to use Lazurite

The first treatment of the site is carried out even before the weeds germinate. Immediately before the procedure, it is necessary to loosen and water the soil. Then you should wait a little for the soil to settle a little. The procedure should be carried out only on a warm windless day. Thanks to this, sprays of the drug will not spread to other plants.

Attention! Sown crops should be deep in the ground so that the drug does not penetrate to them.

Lapis lazuli from weeds: reviews 

To process one square meter of beds, you will need about 1–1,5 kg of the drug. If spraying weeds is carried out twice. Then the second time the drug is used no earlier than the planted plants grow up to 5 cm. For the second spraying, the concentration of the substance should be weaker, we take about 1 grams of the drug per 400 square meter of the garden.

Cooking means

Before preparing the product, you need to know some important rules:

  1. The prepared solution must be used immediately for spraying.
  2. The remaining solution should either be used on another bed, or disposed of. It is not able to maintain properties over a long period of time.

Lapis lazuli from weeds: reviews 

Next, proceed directly to the preparation of the mixture:

  1. The substance from the package should be mixed well.
  2. Pour the required amount of water into the prepared container.
  3. Lapis lazuli is added there and mixed thoroughly.

In order not to harm cultivated plants, consider the ratio of water and the drug. Lapis lazuli in the mixture should be no more than 0,5%. The remaining solution is poured out of the container and washed thoroughly.

Important Tips

In no case do not exceed the amount of the drug in the mixture. On the contrary, in light and loose soils, the concentration can be slightly reduced. The dosage indicated on the package is suitable for heavy soils. In sandy soil or with a lack of humus, it is undesirable to use this substance. Also, do not use the product on too dry soil. If there are pests on the site, then at first they carry out preventive measures to eliminate them, and only then can the soil be treated with Lazurite.

Important! Do not use Lapis Lazuli after the potato has been ill.

Lapis lazuli from weeds: reviews 

Compatibility with other drugs

Manufacturers do not prohibit the use of Lapis Lazuli at the same time as other substances. This will not only save the drug, but also improve its effect on weeds. However, the solution must be homogeneous. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly mix the drugs in solution. Such combined herbicides should also be applied immediately after preparation.

When not to use the remedy

It is not recommended to use the tool in such cases:

  1. If cultivated plants were planted very early.
  2. If the seedlings suffered from frost.
  3. In beds with plants that do not respond well to herbicides.
  4. In areas with few weeds. In such cases, it is better to simply weed the weeds or mulch the soil.
  5. Do not use the drug without protective clothing, goggles and a mask, rubber boots and gloves.

In addition, during the use of the drug, in no case should you eat or smoke. While eating, harmful substances can easily enter the body.

Lapis lazuli from weeds: reviews 


By choosing the right tools, weed control will become much easier. The drug Lazurite is just that. It quickly copes with even the strongest plants. Its application is so easy that it will not be difficult even for inexperienced gardeners. In this case, it is imperative to follow the instructions and safety precautions. Anyway, herbicides are chemicals. We are sure that Lazurit weed killer will help you overcome annoying plants. Worth a try!


Oksana Andreevna, 52 years old, Nizhny Novgorod
I used to always try to get rid of weeds by hand. Some uprooted, others removed by weeding. But a few years ago we decided to expand the area with potatoes. There was simply not enough strength to fight these weeds. Husband bought Lapis Lazuli and sprayed the entire area. The weeds were completely dry within a couple of days. My surprise knew no bounds. Over time, when young sprouts began to appear, we repeated the procedure. More for the whole season we did not return to the weeds. It’s just a great tool.
Evgeny Fedorovich, 45 years old, Krasnodar city
In a small area, weeds can be controlled without herbicides. But on a large field – it’s just a necessity. Our growing of tomatoes is a family business. Of course, you don’t want the fruits to grow small and unattractive in appearance because of weeds. We have been using lapis lazuli for several years. The tool has never failed. Works great on any weed. And most importantly, the effect persists for quite a long time. Now without him, as without hands.
Fighting weeds on potatoes.

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