Lapis lazuli from weeds: instructions, application
This selective herbicide is used primarily for soil cultivation. It destroys annual weeds even before they grow.
Lapis lazuli: application for weeds
The composition of lapis lazuli contains an active active ingredient – metribuzin. This chemical compound penetrates the weed root system even before the shoots appear. The chemical is also effective against young weeds, the growth of which does not exceed 15 cm.
Weed Lapis Lazuli can be used 2 times per season
The herbicide provides protection against weed growth for 2 months. It is a persistent chemical that does not degrade. This prevents new weeds from growing. The preparation is harmless for tomatoes and potatoes. It can damage other cultivated plants. When processing, the product should not fall on other crops. Lapis lazuli is most effective against weeds:
- dope;
- wormwood;
- jaundice;
- dandelion;
- cornflower;
- shepherd’s purse;
- cereals.
Lapis lazuli is not exclusively phytotoxic. For humans and animals, it is moderately dangerous. Processing can only be carried out in closed clothing. The product should not come into contact with the skin.
The use of lapis lazuli from weeds: instructions
Lapis lazuli is produced in powder form. Before use, it must be diluted with water in accordance with the instructions. When preparing the solution, it is important to observe the consumption rates. The resulting solution must be sprayed on the soil before seedlings grow. The chemical enters the root of the weed along with the soil sap. It dries out weeds during the formation stage. Vegetation dies without going to the stage of flowering and seed distribution. Lapis lazuli does not pose a threat to a person if safety standards are observed:
- processing is carried out in special clothing;
- the solution is made in a special container, and not in food containers;
- a respirator mask, goggles and gloves are used.
Spraying should not be done more than 2 times in one season. This can lead to the development of resistance of the weed to the chemical. Potatoes are processed before the first shoots. Re-spraying is performed when the tops grow to a height of 5 cm. Tomatoes can be processed once, when more than 2 leaves appear on the plants.
Lapis lazuli prevents weeds from growing. It does not harm the cultivated plants undergoing processing. The tool is also safe for humans if precautions are taken during its use.