Lapis Devil’s Pebble – characteristics, composition, action, application

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Lapis Diabelski Kamyk is a medical device designed to remove warts. The active substance of the medical device is silver nitrate, which effectively supports the healing of skin lesions. Read how to use Lapis Devil’s Stone, what properties does it show and who should be careful with its use?

Lapis Devil’s Pebble – what is it?

In general, the Latin word lapis literally means “stone” and is used to denote many different kinds of stones. It is the common name of a preparation traditionally used to treat warts and warts. The so-called lapis infernalis – more widely known as “devil’s pebble” (literally “hellstone”) was previously widely available in pharmacies, to disappear from the market for a while and reappear on it recently.

So Lapis Diabelski Kamyk is a medical preparation that is used to remove skin hyperplastic lesions similar to common warts. Incidentally, it is used in the treatment of some skin lesions of viral origin: common warts and condylomas.

See also: How to permanently remove warts on the neck?

Lapis Devil’s Pebble – mechanism of action

Chemically, lapis infernalis is silver nitrate (argenti nitras). It is a simple inorganic compound, a salt of nitric acid and a silver atom with the simple chemical formula AgNO3. Interestingly, this relationship was discovered in the Middle Ages by the German clergyman, Saint Albert the Great.

Silver nitrate as a chemical reagent is in the form of a powder composed of white or colorless crystals. It can also take the form of a white cane with a crystalline fracture, and in this shape it is sold as a devil’s stone for warts. This substance darkens to silver when exposed to light. Therefore, when using lapis, you should be very careful not to get dirty with it, as it leaves stains that are difficult to remove on the body and clothing. These stains are just the color of crushed, metallic silver.

The therapeutic effect of lapis on warts is due to its caustic effect on the affected skin. Therefore, you should be very careful to gently rub the pebble only on the wart, but not to damage the healthy skin next to the lesion. Lapis sticks sold for warts may not be 100% composed. from this substance, but contain some of the excipient potassium nitrate.

Silver nitrate not only has caustic (corrosive) properties, but also antibacterial and is used in a pharmacy formula as a component of ointments for slow-healing wounds, the so-called Mikulicz ointments (Unguentum Argentii nitratis compositum).

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Lapis Devil’s Pebble – directions for use

Before the first and each use, wear safety glasses. The use of protective gloves is also recommended. Then you need to:

  1. remove the protective cap from the product,
  2. remove a thin, colored layer of paraffin that protects the stick from moisture in the air,
  3. from the tip of the stick to a length of about 3-4 mm, very carefully scrape the colored layer of green paraffin with a sharp knife so as not to damage the stick. Do not inhale the dust,
  4. carefully rub the surface of the nipple (wart) with a stick in a circular motion for a few seconds. the natural humidity of the affected area will start to react with silver nitrate after a few minutes, which will result in blackening at the application site,
  5. 24 hours after application, healing can be accelerated by removing the resulting black spot, e.g. by sanding with a pumice stone. The treatment should be repeated until the complete wart skin defect disappears,
  6. after each application, the stick should be protected against air humidity by inserting a protective cap as soon as possible. 

See: Effective products to fight warts

Lapis Devil’s Pebble – precautions

Lapis Devil’s Stone should be used with great care. Do not let the stick come into contact with healthy skin and:

  1. do not use on lesions located around the eyes,
  2. do not use the product on mucous membranes and places with high blood supply.
  3. the product may leave stains on clothing,
  4. in case of accidental contact with the eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water. Continue rinsing for 10 minutes and get medical attention.
  5. in case of accidental contact with skin, wash with soap and water and remove any contamination from clothing.

If Lapis Diabelski Kamyk is swallowed, medical attention should be sought immediately.

Before using Lapis Diabelski Kamyk in pregnant or breast-feeding women, consult a doctor. The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding are especially important for a woman and a child and therefore, no medical preparations should be used without proper consultation.

Lapis Devil’s Pebble – contraindications

The main contraindication to the use of Lapis Diabelski Kamyk is hypersensitivity to the active substance. In addition, it should not be used together with other preparations for the treatment of warts. Lapis Diabelski Kamyk should not be used in children under four years of age. It shouldn’t be used on moles, dark spots on the skin, freckles, watery warts, and seborrheic warts.

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