Landscaping styles and their characteristics

Today, there are many possibilities for how to beautifully equip a personal plot. One such opportunity is landscaping. To date, there are various styles of landscape design. In this article, we will make a brief overview of existing designs, their features, as well as the distinctive aspects of their design.

Landscaping styles and their characteristics

In a nutshell about landscape design

Today there are a huge number of styles and trends in landscape design. Each of them has its own design features. For example, some prefer flowers, stones, architectural elements, and so on. In this article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following styles:

  • Country.
  • Provence.
  • Regular.
  • Scandinavian.
  • Landscape.
  • Rural and the like.

Each style of landscape design has a photo, so you can immediately identify the main features of each of the options. In any case, remember that the main task in the development of landscape design is to create comfort, coziness, harmony and beauty in your summer cottage.

landscape and english garden

Landscaping styles and their characteristics

Landscape style in landscape design excludes strict forms and emphasizes the maximum naturalness of the landscape. When creating and developing a design, you will have to completely abandon the correct geometric shapes. As a result, everything should be in perfect harmony and merge with the surrounding nature. That is, partial intervention in the nature of the landscape is implied, with the obligatory consideration of the prevailing vegetation in your area.

This style is characterized by the following design elements:

  • Reservoirs of natural form with water lilies, lilies. Bridge across the pond and benches near the pond made of natural material.
  • Winding paths made of natural materials saw cut wood, stone.
  • Quality lawn available.
  • The predominant green color with silver.
  • Elements of vertical gardening.
  • Areas immersed in flowers, among which daffodils, crocuses, tulips, pansies, mallows, roses are clearly expressed. In this case, it is recommended to plant flowers in groups to create a lush composition.
  • Mandatory use of decorative willow, boxwood, thuja, juniper, jasmine, elderberry.
Important! English style in landscape design requires constant care.

It can be organized on the territory of at least 12 acres. If the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe local area is smaller, then you can take some elements of landscape design.

Classic or regular style

Landscaping styles and their characteristics

The regular style in landscape design implies strict symmetries, geometric and clear forms. If there are shrubs, then they must be impeccably trimmed, this also applies to trees. The French style in landscape design completely excludes the naturalness of wildlife. First of all, the emphasis is on the artificiality of design.

The following design elements stand out:

  • Strictly shaped flower beds.
  • Reservoirs and fountains in the center of the site.
  • Straight lanes.
  • Arbors installed at the intersection of paths. The buildings themselves should be round in shape and imitate an ancient Greek portico.
  • Use of natural materials.
  • Topiary plants are preferred. A spherical thuja, maple, linden, pyramidal juniper, jasmine, lilac, girlish grapes are planted on the site.
  • For planting flower beds, different flowers are used, for example, salvia, phlox, begonias, roses.
  • Forged benches.
  • Pergolas.
  • Decorations – arches, Greek flowerpots with legs, classical columns, stone balls, antique sculptures.

The design of such a design is relevant on the territory of at least 15 acres.

Scandinavian style

Landscaping styles and their characteristics

Scandinavian style in landscape design also has distinctive features. It gives preference to the natural landscape. When creating it, emphasis is placed on the following details:

  • Flowers planted in containers.
  • Hispano-Moorish lawn.
  • Ponds of different shapes.
  • Heather garden.
  • Oases and clearings where wild plants grow.
  • Hedges, presented in the form of fences and fences.
  • Maximum open space.

Country and predictable village

Landscaping styles and their characteristics

Country style in landscape design is the most common today. The great popularity is due to the simplicity, naturalness and ease of design. It is also known as rustic style in landscape design. There should not be strict lines here, just as there are no strict rules when designing a landscape.

You can equip absolutely any area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe local area. Mostly bright colors are used in the design. Also in such a landscape project, priority is given to natural materials, such as lining, vines, timber, metal, stone, gravel, wood. Often the territory is planted with fruit trees, for example, plum, cherry. You can also grow medicinal plants such as mint, thyme, marigold and thyme. Shrubs are also popular – bird cherry, lilac, viburnum and more. In a word, everything that is popular in an ordinary village.

Landscaping styles and their characteristics

Advice! For this landscape design of the territory, preference is given to those plants that require the least care.

Rustic style in landscape design also includes all kinds of decorative elements, for example, these can be:

  • Handmade accessories.
  • Original flower beds.
  • Carts.
  • Wheels.
  • Metal/wooden benches.
  • Birdhouses.
  • Wicker and living fence.
  • Decorative wells.
  • Pet figurines and more.


Landscaping styles and their characteristics

Art Nouveau style in landscape design is, without exaggeration, a style related to big checks! Particular attention is paid to small architectural structures and all kinds of accessories. Plants, flowers and the like go completely by the wayside. With all this, there should be an ideal combination of all items in the design. Plus, such a design of the backyard territory requires good and regular maintenance of the landscape.

Art Nouveau landscapes include arcuate shapes and lines that smoothly intersect with each other. It is also allowed if certain patterns are repeated, for example, when it comes to paths, flower beds, and so on. The main element of the landscape is the house and all sorts of spirals and other elements come from it, like rays from the sun.

Landscaping styles and their characteristics

Preference is given to natural materials. As for the color palette in such a design project, it is a wide variety, including blue, beige, black, chocolate, silver, yellow, red and purple. If this or that furniture is installed, it is recommended to make it from forging. The ideal solution, although not necessary, would be to organize a small fountain or stream. Together, this will emphasize this type of landscape design.

Philosophy of Japan

Landscaping styles and their characteristics

Landscape design in Japanese style always hides a mysterious meaning. We can safely say that the Japanese style in landscape design is a real philosophy. The key elements are stones, plants and water. It emphasizes the perfect harmony and balance of all components of the landscape. All elements used must have a different shape, size and color. No repetition!

There are no restrictions on the area of ​​the landscape. The base colors are brown, white, green and grey. Sharp and bright colors in the design are excluded. As already mentioned, stones are the basis of this style. They should be in perfect harmony with the planted plants. In some cases, it is important to plant or install a bamboo fence.

Landscaping styles and their characteristics

As for plants, these are juniper, maple, apple, plum, cherry, pine, Japanese quince, parthenocissus, rhododendrons, ferns, peonies, irises and cereals. As decorative elements – dry streams, tea houses, stone lanterns, roots, bamboo figurines, garden screens, driftwood and more.

Advice! In this style of design, water is a must. On a landscape site, it can be in any manifestation, whether a fountain, a stream, a pond, etc.

dutch style

Landscaping styles and their characteristics

Dutch style in landscape design is very much like country style. However, the peculiarities of vegetation from Holland are necessarily taken into account. Preference is given to wildlife. Coniferous and evergreen plants are often planted. Ornamental plants can also be found in such landscape areas. Although there is a similarity with country music, however, there is no certain neglect of the design.

Mysterious China

Landscaping styles and their characteristics

Next in line is the Chinese style in landscape design. This is a category of oriental landscape, which is distinguished by its hills. Moreover, a third of the entire site can be occupied by a reservoir. Mandatory is the presence of gazebos, bridges, galleries and verandas. Bright colors are welcome in the design, which cannot be said for another oriental style – Japanese.

As for vegetation, this is a relatively wide range, which includes evergreens, coniferous shrubs and trees. When it is created, the natural feature of a particular site is mainly preserved.

Beautiful Mauritania

Landscaping styles and their characteristics

The Moorish style in landscape design emphasizes the mystery of the East and the European art of gardening. This includes the patio, which involves the arrangement of the patio. Be sure to install arches, pergolas and other structures on which vines, grapes, climbing roses grow. All plants should not be sheared, they can have a completely natural shape in the landscape.


Landscaping styles and their characteristics

Landscape design in the style of minimalism implies concise forms and a minimum number of details. Despite the apparent simplicity, organizing such a site is not so simple. An important feature is that this design idea can be implemented on a plot up to three acres in size. Zoning is essential. At the same time, the presence of landscape symmetry is not necessary. Stairs, buildings, podiums, etc. are encouraged. As for tinting in design, cream, light terracotta, silver and white should prevail here.

Landscaping styles and their characteristics

When developing a design and project, the use of artificial and natural materials is recommended. In this case, the material should be used for all buildings the same, for example, all buildings and elements made of brick, including even paths. As for vegetation, there are no strict rules. You can plant fruit, coniferous trees, maple, birch, willow and other plants. Given the small area, vertical gardening of the landscape area is welcome. As for decorative elements, there should not be many of them. Small boulders, mirrors, metal balls, driftwood and more will do.

Advice! If there is a reservoir, then it should have the correct geometric shape and fit perfectly into the overall landscape.

High tech

Landscaping styles and their characteristics

High-tech style in landscape design can be attributed to the modern trend. Here you can realize the most daring fantasies in the arrangement of the landscape. High-tech style does not require asymmetrical and symmetrical lines and decors. The main advantage of such a landscape is that it does not take much time to maintain it, it is an ideal solution for very busy people. It can be implemented in a variety of areas, both large and small.

The use of metal, glass, polycarbonate, plastic and other modern materials is encouraged. When arranging paths in such a landscape, white or colored gravel is used. All plants are planted in flowerpots or containers that have strict geometric shapes. You can also plant pyramidal spruces, cypresses, arborvitae, boxwoods. Using garden shears, plants should be given strict forms. With this design, bright and colorful colors do not belong here.

Landscaping styles and their characteristics

As for decoration, special attention is paid to lighting. It is customary to introduce modern lighting equipment that uses LED lighting. It is very good if the backlight is colored and evenly illuminates the landscape project. Plus, you can install solar-powered lighting. In addition to lighting, the site can be decorated with glass and metal figures, such as balls, cubes and other abstract shapes.

Mediterranean style

Landscaping styles and their characteristics

The Mediterranean style in landscape design combines colorfulness, coniferous and citrus plants, as well as picturesque ponds. It will not be easy to implement such a landscape project, because subtropical plants can only take root in the southern region of our country. In all other cases, you will have to try to adapt plant analogues that can cope with the harsh climate.

Embossed areas are welcome in this style. If they are not there, then artificial hills, slopes and stairs can be made. You can allocate space for a patio. A hedge will be an excellent solution for zoning and design of the entire territory. Of all these styles, the Mediterranean is considered the most picturesque and colorful. It uses such colors and paints as blue, orange, azure blue, white, sand.

Landscaping styles and their characteristics

Paths can be ennobled with sea pebbles or natural stones. The furniture is set in rattan with pillows painted in white and blue stripes. To be specific, palm trees, citrus and olive trees are favored in this landscape style. However, evergreens can be planted to replace them, for example, spruce, pine, juniper. Spicy herbs and colorful flower beds are also a feature of this style. Flowers in a similar design are purple, orange, red, blue. It will look original if planted in groups. Garden figures, amphorae, wooden benches, antique dishes are used as decorative design elements. There must be some kind of reservoir, whether a stream, a waterfall or a lake.


Landscaping styles and their characteristics

Landscaping in Provence style has won the hearts of many connoisseurs of classics and pragmatism. It combines France and rustic style. Here you should not adhere to strict lines in design. You can see some slight negligence. Usually broken geometric lines are found here. Old carts, wheels, benches and all kinds of handmade fakes, holey baskets, cracked jugs – all this is part of the landscape of Provence. When developing a design project, you can immediately allocate places for their installation on the site.

As for plants, there should be a brightly flowering front garden. The composition of calendula, marigolds, beans, zucchini, nasturtium, onions, sunflowers looks great. Paths can be paved with stone.

Mysterious Italy

Landscaping styles and their characteristics

Italian style in landscape design is suitable for areas that have a natural and relief slope. Retaining walls, spacious terraces look great. This style is characterized by a large number of stones. From them you can build a variety of objects:

  • Fountains.
  • Cascading.
  • Balustrades.
  • Ramps.
  • Ladders.
  • Fences.
  • pavilions.

Italy-style water plays a key role. Therefore, it is good if there are a large number of murmuring streams, fountains and reservoirs. Recreating such a landscape will not be an easy task, since it is necessary to place the garden on a difficult terrain. It is important to correctly position the stones so that your yard does not resemble a place where stones accumulate.

Landscaping styles and their characteristics

The whole picture of the design is created along the axes. On the main one there are parterre lawns, which are decorated with sculptures, flower beds and other landscape elements. Plantings in bosquets look original. Part of the landscape garden, which is flat, is equipped with stones from a semicircular wall, like an amphitheater. To organize a secluded place, an isolated corner of the garden is necessarily created.

It is also worth allocating space for ponds, long straight paths, which are laid out with Italian mosaics. Sculptures in antique style, viewpoints and much more. All this combines the Italian style in the landscape design of the backyard.

Spirit of Colonial America

Landscaping styles and their characteristics

Today, the colonial style in landscape design is very popular. This solution is optimal for small houses that have verandas. The veranda can be wrapped in ivy, due to which the room is always cool air. There are no strict rules and requirements for the use of any exclusive materials. For example, you can get by with a brick and a regular board. The result should be a slightly casual garden design, like in colonial America, where this design style comes from.

As for plants, everything is very simple here. They should be placed in wooden tubs or white dishes. Wooden figures of animals also look original. A fountain, wicker benches, deck chairs will also be relevant.

This landscape combines negligence, rigor, simplicity and the spirit of freedom. This is emphasized by plants that cut unusually. At first glance, it may seem that everything is very simple, but it is not easy to achieve the perfect harmony of design between chaos and relaxation in such a landscape project. Every detail in the design should be carefully considered.

Exclusive Solution

Landscaping styles and their characteristics

Exclusive landscape design will be of interest to those who are not satisfied with the standards. The main design idea is to make the space functional and aesthetic. The created landscape project should display a positive outlook on life, which will evoke only positive emotions. The basis of this design is the garden near the building. Particular attention should be paid to the formation of relief, vegetation, reservoirs and other compositions. Everything must have an emotional impact.

The garden is made in a variety of styles, for example, it can reflect Japan, France and even Italy. Exclusivity is achieved through the play with light and shadows, as well as the installation of original figures.

Mixed style

Landscaping styles and their characteristics

If you are not a supporter of sticking to one plank, then mixed styles of landscape design will appeal to you. The bottom line is that individual sections of the territory will have their own unique style and original landscape design. However, one landscape style should be predominant. The rest smoothly transition from one to another. Among other things, some landscape styles can be mixed with each other.

For example, you can adhere to the following concept when developing a landscape design project:

  • The front area is a regular style.
  • Front entrance and entrance – landscape style.
  • Homestead territory – French style.
  • Flower beds – country.

In this section there is a presentation of the design of this design in the photo, after looking at them, you can imagine your dream garden and recreate it on your landscape plot. An important condition is to avoid abrupt transitions from one design to another.

ECO style in support of nature

Landscaping styles and their characteristics

ECO-style in landscape design means maximum naturalness. The end result should completely resemble the pristine nature. There should be no hint that a human hand was here. Therefore, to create it, it will take a lot of effort to achieve maximum naturalness in such a landscape.

The landscape area can be very different. Color tinting is natural. Bridges made of boards, logs, grass, gravel, stones, bark – all this is a feature of ECO-style and landscape design. As for plants, here you should strictly adhere to the prevailing flora in your area. Lawns of wild flowers, forest plants, garden flowers will create a pleasant and cozy atmosphere. When choosing furniture, preference should be given to coarse, for example, stumps, driftwood, and so on.

Advice! If there is a pond, then there must be living inhabitants in it.

Forest – the harmony of nature

Landscaping styles and their characteristics

Forest style in landscape design resembles the previous one. It also implies the least human intervention. The main task is to correctly place the accents in the landscape design project. If there is an intervention, then only natural colors are added, for example, wood, grass, bark, and so on. With this style, paving is used very little. The vegetation is predominantly forest – shrubs, cereals, buttercups, chamomile, bluebells and other medicinal plants. Furniture should be as simple as possible, for example, made of wood, painted with varnish.

style of the XNUMXth century

Landscaping styles and their characteristics

The style in landscape design originated in the XNUMXth century. Its distinctive features are the use of pines, oaks, birches and cedars. It is based on alley plantings, trellises, beautifully designed roadside plots. The basis of the entire landscape ensemble is a beautiful fountain and sculpture.

All buildings can be decorated with climbing plants. Beautiful flower pots are also hung on the facades. This whole landscape style is slightly reminiscent of Provence landscape style.


So, we have considered with you a variety of styles of landscape design and their characteristic features. Each of them has a certain zest, which makes it special and unique in its own way. The presentation of all these landscape styles is complemented by photographs and videos. We hope that all this material will help you decide on the chosen direction. Of course, you can write endlessly about each style, we tried to choose for you the main distinguishing features of this or that landscape.

Video presentation of the landscape project

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