Landscape Design 3D program – 3D modeling of the site

Landscaping companies charge money for everything – the general layout of the site, the dendroplan, 3D visualization, and so on. People pay because there is an opinion that drawings and 3D modeling are long and complicated. And to draw a house with paths and a garden, you need to be a designer and understand AutoCAD.

We decided to check if a simple site planner can handle the same task, if it has enough functionality to create a realistic project. For the review, we chose the 3D Landscape Design program, since it is designed for a computer, it does not look too complicated and is cheaper than the others.

What do LD 3D and video games have in common

After we drew the site and began to sort through the objects from the catalog, it felt like we were in a video game. The program can be compared to simulation toys where you need to choose the area, arrange houses, trees, and so on.

Ready-made project in two-dimensional graphics

In Landscape Design 3D, everything works just as simply – a site is drawn, buildings, plants and decor are selected. All objects are ready and stored in the catalog, there is no need to draw windows-doors from scratch. Just click on the item you like and drag it to the right place. At the end, you can start the walk mode and walk through the created “world” in 3D – houses, flowers and garden furniture will be voluminous, they will cast a shadow. Everything is like in life.

You can “climb” to the second floor and look into the courtyard from the balcony

Due to the fact that the menu is simple and the controls look like a game, the program is suitable for all ages. For those who want to quickly master all the features, there are video tutorials on the scheduler website. Additional questions can be sent to technical support by mail. The program is Russian, so communication is conducted in Russian.

How the directory works

Items in the catalog are divided into categories:

  • buildings – residential and economic;
  • plants – fruit, berry, ornamental;
  • fences – profiled sheet, wooden, etc.;
  • reservoirs of various shapes and designs;
  • furniture for rest and dining area;
  • lighting – high lanterns and small columns;
  • tracks with a variable type of coverage;
  • other – decor, sports facilities, transport, etc.
This is what the object directory looks like

In total, there are more than 200 3D objects in the program’s collection, but they can be diversified even more. Finishes and colors are adjustable through “Properties”. So, you can change the material of the facades, instead of a stone path, “pour” sand, “repaint” the supports of the gazebos, and so on. It’s the same with flowers.

Let’s say you need bushes with small yellow roses, and in the catalog there are only burgundy and white ones. The plant needs to be dragged into the project and set a new texture and color of the petals through the settings. After that, the shrub can be enlarged or reduced, made more elongated, or, conversely, sprawling branches can be arranged.

It is noticeable that the trees, berries and flowers were selected for the conditions of the Russian climate. The most unpretentious plants are taken, which can grow even in the Far North. Therefore, you can set up a garden not only in the middle lane or in the village of the Krasnodar Territory. The same lilac, apple, gooseberry and currant are grown in Murmansk and even in Chukotka.

What zones can be organized

Residential. The catalog contained different types of houses: one- and two-story, brick and wooden, with and without balconies. There are simple buildings made of logs, and chic avant-garde-style villas or a classic manor. The decor of the house and the materials of the rest of the details change, but you need to look at which direction the texture is. If the building is finished with putty, then the board finish will only stand vertically.

To make the boards look natural, you need to scale down the texture

It is more convenient to arrange any buildings in 2D. They can be rotated around the axis and dragged, but the position of the site itself relative to the cardinal points does not change. The scheme is always standard in the “Plan” mode – north from above, east to the right, south below, west to the left. This can be seen if you change the time of day to “Morning” in the program.

Knowing the cardinal points, it is more convenient to set the correct position at home. Traditionally, the front door faces south or southeast – this way the wind blows less into the room and frost gets in from the street.

In the “Morning” mode, the sun’s rays will begin to fall from the right, from the east

The residential area can be located anywhere on the site, but the rules of sanitary and fire safety must be observed. In the program, this can be tracked like this:

  • go to the “Plan” mode;
  • check the box “Show grid”;
  • comply with the standards.

Each cell is assumed to be 1 meter long and XNUMX meter wide. So you can calculate the distance to the fence, septic tank, neighbor’s house.

One cell = 1 square meter

Rest zone. Here they place a patio with a dining group and a barbecue, install a pool with sun loungers or break a pond to relax by the water. Landscape Design 3D has the right objects.

For family holidays and meetings with friends, you can build open gazebos on vertical supports, closed patios with panoramic windows or semi-houses with a flat roof. You can also install a fire pit and chairs directly in the open, but if the region is rainy, it is better to choose plastic or wicker furniture. It is lightweight, so it can be quickly removed from the street.

The sofa was a little short, and we lengthened it so that there was enough space for everyone

Garden. Usually the garden is placed in the backyard so that the sight of tied cucumbers and rows of potatoes does not spoil the overall aesthetics. To do this, a distant section is selected in the drawing and hidden behind berry bushes or a partition. In order for the beds and greenhouses to stand symmetrically, they can be aligned with a grid.

In our drawing, the beds are neat, so we did not hide them

The soil differs in color and fraction, it can fill any areas from the catalog. If you need a bed with a frame, you can choose a flower bed with a side, and then lengthen it.

Standard black soil was replaced with light soil

Children’s area. For games, the central part of the territory behind the house or in the front part is selected. The main thing is that it is clearly visible from the windows and the children can be looked after. Rubber crumb is considered to be the ideal coating for a playground, but until it is added to the program, a children’s corner can be “filled up” with sand or laid with a lawn of a different color. They will also cushion jumps and falls and are great to run barefoot on.

Under the sandboxes, you can draw a wooden substrate

It is noticeable that the developers of Landscape Design 3D focus on outdoor games. The catalog includes a bicycle, a football goal, a basketball stand, a trampoline and a large play structure with ladders and a slide. Individual toys are not included, but you can take a car or ATV from the “Other” category and reduce it to child size.

All that remains is to “repaint” the equipment and the platform in the child’s favorite colors

Bathroom may look like a technical structure or be part of a house. There are both options in the program directory. If there is enough space on the site, it is better to put the bath separately. It can become part of the recreation area and be placed in front of the pool, where you can plunge after the steam room. In addition, it is better to place the bath complex separately from the dwelling in terms of fire safety.

If the site is small, it is more appropriate to build a two-story bath house. The steam room and washing room will occupy the bathroom on the first floor. On the second floor there will be bedrooms.

The only thing is that we did not find a chimney in the bathhouse

Parking. Places for parking are usually placed in the front part of the territory, so that upon arrival you can quickly get into the house. If the cottage is used only in the spring and summer, the car can be placed under a canopy – from an awning or polycarbonate. In the program, the canopy can be made wider if parking is supposed to be for two cars. Also in the catalog there is a double garage 7×8 meters – enough for a couple of jeeps for sure.

To make the project look livelier, we immediately added a car

fences. Enclosing a site with a fence in the program is easy. Fences are “magnetized” to the boundaries of the allocated land, so the lines of the picket fence or chain-link mesh are smooth and placed exactly along the edge.

For the entry of cars, you can make a gate, and for pedestrians – a separate gate

Is it possible to implement landscape design trends for 2023 here

In 2023, the fashion for naturalness and “uncut” garden will continue. To create the illusion of wild nature, you need to select coniferous and deciduous plants of irregular and natural shapes in the program catalog – spruce, pine, shrubs, gooseberries, daisies. Arrange randomly – and the forest right next to the house is ready.

Such a garden also needs to be looked after, but without a major haircut.

Also in the trend will be vegetable gardens, to which you do not need to bend down much. Beds and flower beds are created in high boxes made of wood, brick or plastic, the working area is at waist level. In the program Landscape Design 3D, you can also raise the sides.

So you can decorate flower beds, and the whole garden

And in contrast to the trend towards the naturalness and “sloppiness” of the garden, minimalism comes into fashion. In 2023, clear geometric lines and monoculture plantings will be considered successful. A minimalist garden can be organized using a well-shaped fountain, coniferous trees and hedges from the catalog.

The fewer objects and more free space, the better


The 3D Landscape Design program is suitable for designing a summer cottage from scratch or making changes to an existing one. No 3D modeling skills are required, so you won’t have to involve a designer and pay him to develop the project. The catalog is varied and thoughtful, details and finishes are easy to change.

There are some inaccuracies in the design of objects (there is no pipe near the bath, for example), there are not enough children’s toys and other trifles, but the visually finished project looks like a real one. The 3D mode is really realistic.

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