Lamotrigine – what is it? Description, action, indications, contraindications, side effects

Lamotrigine is an organic medicinal substance in many antiepileptic and mood medications. It is an aromatic compound with a bicyclic skeleton and the chemical formula C9H7Cl2N5. In Poland, it can be found in many preparations with different trade names, such as Lamotrix, Symla, Lamilept, Lamitrin, Epitrigine, Lamotrigine, Symla or Verpin. Most of them are reimbursed by the National Health Fund.

What is the mechanism of action of lamotrigine?

Epilepsy attacks occur as a result of sudden discharges of bioelectric nerve cells. Lamotrigine prevents such discharges and stabilizes the membranes of neurons. This stabilization is possible due to the blocking of voltage-gated sodium channels in the membranes of nerve cells by lamotrigine. Inhibiting the flow of sodium ions prevents the occurrence of bioelectric discharges and blocks the production of amino acids that stimulate neurons – mainly glutamate.

Indications for the use of drugs containing lamotrigine

The main indication for lamotrigine is epilepsy with partial and generalized seizures. Due to their stabilizing effect on mood, drugs containing lamotrigine are also used in the treatment of bipolar disorder. It is also used to prevent migraine attacks.

Contraindications to taking lamotrigine

Lamotrigine preparations must not be used in case of hypersensitivity to it or to any of the excipients of the drug containing lamotrigine.

The drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. In case of pregnancy, the risk of using it should be carefully considered with your doctor. An increased incidence of birth defects has been reported in children of women taking lamotrigine during pregnancy. Therefore, treatment with lamotrigine during pregnancy should only be used when absolutely necessary.

Great caution should also be exercised in the case of problems with the kidneys and liver.

Side effects of lamotrigine

Very common side effects of lamotrigine are skin reactions such as rash and headache. As it is a drug that affects the nervous system, adverse reactions such as aggression or drowsiness, dizziness, sleep disturbances (sleepiness or insomnia), as well as digestive system disorders, dry mouth, bone and muscle pain may also occur frequently. and fatigue.

Lamotrigine may impair psychomotor performance (through dizziness, visual disturbances) and affect driving.

Lamotrigine preparations may interact with other drugs – mainly other antiepileptic drugs and hormonal contraceptives, so read the leaflets of all the drugs you are taking carefully. Before prescribing the drug, tell your doctor about all other medical conditions and any other medications you are taking.

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