Lakripos Gel for eye irritation. How to use the eye gel?

Lakripos Gel is used to refresh, moisturize the surface and soothe eye irritation in case of dryness or burning sensation caused by staying in air-conditioned rooms, working at the computer, etc. Lakripos Gel in the form of an eye gel is dispensed without a prescription.

Lakripos Gel (Ursapharm)

form, dose, packaging availability category the active substance
eye gel (10 g) OTC (over-the-counter) karbomer, cetrymid (carbomer, cetrimide)

SUBSTANCE 1 g contains 0,002 g of cetrimide

Lakripos Gel – indications and dosage

Lakripos Gel is a sterile eye gel recommended for refreshing, moisturizing the surface and soothing eye irritation in case of dryness or burning sensation caused by staying in air-conditioned rooms, working at the computer, etc.


Usually 1 drop of Lakripos Gel into the conjunctival sac 3–5 × / day.

Lakripos Gel – contraindications

Contraindication to the use of Lakripos Gel is:

  1. hypersensitivity to any component of the preparation,
  2. contact lenses should be removed before use.

Lakripos Gel – warnings

  1. Contact lenses can be inserted 15 minutes after instillation of Lakripos Gel.
  2. In the event of transient blurred vision after instillation of the preparation, one should refrain from driving.
  3. Store Lakripos Gel at room temperature (15-25 ° C) and out of the reach and sight of young children.
  4. Lakripos Gel can be used for 4 weeks after opening the package.
  5. After administration of the preparation, a temporary blurring of vision may occur, during this time one should refrain from driving a motor vehicle.

Lakripos Gel – interactions

  1. If you need to use other eye drops, wait about 15 minutes before using Lakripos Gel.
  2. Eye ointment should not be used earlier than 1 hour after instilling the preparation.

Lakripos Gel – side effects

Temporary blurred vision for a few moments after administration of Lakripos Gel.

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