Lakonos American and stone fruit: medicinal and beneficial properties of the berry

American lakonos and berry lakonos are two representatives of more than 110 species of the Lakonosov family growing in Our Country. Despite the almost identical appearance, these tall bushes are quite different in their properties and applications. If the purpose of the berry lakosa is culinary in nature, then its American namesake is not eaten due to increased toxicity, however, it is used in folk and traditional medicine.

Lakonos American and stone fruit: medicinal and beneficial properties of the berry

Medicinal properties of phytolacca (laconos)

Phytolacca Acinosa is of North American origin, despite the fact that its many varieties are perfectly adapted to growing in the tropics and the Far East.

This herbaceous perennial can grow up to 3 m in height and has a fairly branched stem. Lakonos berry has huge leaves up to 40 cm long and about 10 cm wide. The leaves, stems and fruits of the “berry” variety have a fairly wide application: from eating to being used as ingredients for creating various medicines. Mostly berry lakonos is used for the symptomatic treatment of colds, gastrointestinal problems and as an anti-inflammatory agent. Berry laconos is shown in the photo below:

Lakonos American and stone fruit: medicinal and beneficial properties of the berry

As for the “brother”, the American lakos, this is a plant of a completely different kind; it is not recommended to be eaten due to excessive toxicity. However, this does not prevent its cultivation, since the range of medical applications of this variety is much wider.

There is practically no visual difference in the types of these representatives of the flora: it is possible to distinguish the poisonous type of laconissus from a berry relative only by the drooping form of the inflorescence or infructescence, which is shown in the photo for the American lakonos:

Lakonos American and stone fruit: medicinal and beneficial properties of the berry

Medicinal and beneficial properties of the American laconus

The medicinal properties of the plant, in contrast to the “berry” relative, are well known in medicine. The crushed root system of this species is included in the official list of herbal preparations under the name “American lakos root”.

The root, which is quite dense and thick, contains essential oils, a large amount of sugars, flavonoids, saponins, formic and citric acids. The leaves and stems of the plant contain B vitamins, vitamin PP and vitamin C. The content of the latter is about 285 mg per 100 g of product.

American Lakonos can be eaten, but this must be done with caution. Firstly, the shoots can only be consumed when still quite fresh, when the plant has not even passed half of the growing season. Secondly, before eating, they should be subjected to thorough heat treatment.

In the cuisines of some peoples, American lakonos is used as a spice that has a tart taste. Lakonosa juice is used in the preparation of both fresh and canned dishes. In some parts of Asia and even enlightened Europe, the juice and berry of the American lakonos are still used to give the wine a rich red-black hue. In addition, lakonos is used as a food coloring and for some dishes.

Lakonos American and stone fruit: medicinal and beneficial properties of the berry

Lakonos berries do not have medicinal properties, they are used mainly to obtain juice, from which dyes for clothes are subsequently made from wool and silk.

Useful properties of berry laconus

Phytolacca Acinosa is more culinary than pharmaceutical in nature. Almost all parts of the berry lakos are eaten: roots, leaves and fruits. Similar to its American counterpart, the berry pokeweed has approximately the same chemical and mineral composition, with minor changes: a slightly higher concentration of vitamin C, less essential oils and alkaloids.

The content of toxins in the berry berry is very small, and food prepared from the plant does not have any restrictions due to the concentration of these substances. Phytolacca berry is widely used in its homeland and in Asian countries. In Our Country, the berry variety is practically unknown to anyone, since few people eat it, confusing berry phytolacca with American.

Rules of raw material procurement

For medicinal needs, the roots and flowers of the plant, as well as its leaves, are used. However, this is done in cases where there is very little plant material. It is mainly the roots of the American lakonos that are harvested, which have the maximum concentration of biologically active substances. Berries, like their juice, have a minimum concentration of active substances and are considered the safest for internal use.

Lakonos American and stone fruit: medicinal and beneficial properties of the berry

Closer to fruit ripening, the concentration of toxins in the plant increases, so the collection of material should be done with the utmost care.

Important! When collecting biological material from a plant, it is necessary to pay attention to the color of its root.

If the root is deep red or has a reddish tint, it should not be used. Harvested roots for medicinal purposes should be exclusively yellow.

Lakonos American and stone fruit: medicinal and beneficial properties of the berry

The material has been collected since September. The criterion for the beginning of the collection is the ripening of the berries of lakonos. After harvesting, the root should be dried. Drying is carried out for several hours in an oven with a temperature of about + 50 ° C.

Important! The room in which the plant components of the American lakos are dried must be ventilated during the entire time of sublimation of the biomaterial.

Store the dried parts of the plant in cloth bags in a dry and ventilated area. The shelf life is about 1 year.

The use of lakonos berry

In the tropics, where the climate allows the plant to grow to enormous sizes (meaning the coverage of the “crown” of the berry phytolacca and the thickness of its leaves and stems, and not at all height), it is cultivated as a vegetable plant: the stems are used in the same way as the stalks of lakos American – as a substitute for asparagus. However, unlike the latter, they can be consumed during the entire growing season and even after fruit ripening.

If the shoots of phytolacca berry need heat treatment, then this is not necessary with the leaves: they are used as a salad filler.

Lakonos American and stone fruit: medicinal and beneficial properties of the berry

Berries, as a rule, go to the preparation of juice, which is used as a component of some drinks.

The medicinal properties of berry phytolacca are poorly expressed, it is mainly a symptomatic treatment of colds and inflammations.

What diseases does the American lakonos plant help with?

Lakonos American helps with the following diseases:

  • arthritis, arthrosis, joint pain;
  • inflammation of the upper respiratory tract: tonsillitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • hypertension;
  • skin diseases;
  • ulcer;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • stomatitis;
  • radiculitis.

There is also a good antiparasitic and antibacterial effect of preparations from the plant. The root of the plant performs well in the prevention of various inflammations of an external nature, as well as for the localization and partial relief of pain.

The use of laconos americana in folk medicine: recipes

Phytolacca has many medicinal properties that seem to be used for completely unrelated body systems. However, the rich chemical composition of the plant makes it a truly versatile remedy.

The following are the medicinal properties of the American Lakonos and popular recipes for certain cases.

Root and leaf tincture

A tincture of roots and leaves is used mainly for diseases of the joints: arthritis, arthrosis, sciatica, long-lasting pain.

To prepare the tincture, you need fresh leaves and roots. The use of dried ingredients in the preparation of such a product is undesirable.

50 g of finely chopped leaves and roots of the plant are poured with 100 ml of vodka or ethyl alcohol with water. The container with the tincture is placed for 2 weeks in a dark place at room temperature.

After the remedy is infused, it is used to rub painful places in the areas of the joints or compresses are made with it. The exposure time of the compress should not exceed 1 hour.

Root tincture

Root tincture is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the upper respiratory tract:

  • SARS, acute respiratory infections;
  • sore throats;
  • laryngitis;
  • tonsillitis.

Lakonos American and stone fruit: medicinal and beneficial properties of the berry

To prepare the tincture you will need:

  • 10 g root;
  • 50 ml of alcohol;
  • 125 ml of water (or about 100-150 ml of vodka).

The roots should be poured with alcohol or vodka, tightly sealed and placed in a cool, dark place for 15 days. Once every 4-5 days, it is necessary to mix or shake the composition.

Apply the remedy 1 time during the day in the middle of the day after a meal. The course lasts 2 weeks. At one time, it is allowed to use no more than 15 drops of tincture on the roots.

Root decoction

The decoction is used for hypersensitivity to the American laconus and can be used for the previously given methods of therapy.

Lakonos American and stone fruit: medicinal and beneficial properties of the berry

Preparation of a decoction: 5 g of the roots of the American lakos are poured with boiling water and infused for 30-60 minutes. Apply it no more than 5 ml per day inside and monitor the reaction of the body. If everything is normal, the dose is increased to 10 ml daily. Its external use in the areas of the joints is allowed.

Root Powder

The powder can be used to create decoctions and tinctures of lakonos, while its amount required to create one or another remedy is taken 30-50% less than the dried root or 5-10 times less than freshly harvested. The rest of the recipe remains unchanged.

In addition, the powder from the roots of the American lakos is used to treat skin diseases: from rashes and irritations to benign tumors.

In some cases, the powder from the roots is subjected to additional heat treatment, usually roasting. The resulting highly dried and heat-treated powder is used to create tinctures for blood purification.

liquid extract

A liquid extract from the roots and stems of the American pokeweed is used to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, to treat constipation. It is problematic to prepare it at home, but it is part of some remedies that help in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders.

The use of American Phytolacca in homeopathy

If the use of the plant in traditional medicine can be associated with a certain risk due to the high concentration of harmless alkaloids in its parts, then the homeopathic use of the American laconus is completely harmless. In such preparations, the concentration of substances hazardous to human life is negligible.

Phytolacca Americana is used in homeopathy for the following indications for use:

  • SARS, influenza;
  • inflammation of the oral cavity;
  • inflammation of the lymphatic system;
  • in women’s diseases.

Naturally, it is impossible to prepare homeopathic preparations on your own at home, so it is better not to practice such treatment regimens on your own.


Lakonos American has quite extensive contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • acute forms of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • complicated forms of heart disease.
Important! The use of American lakonos is prohibited for children and diabetics in any form.

Only individual intolerance can be a contraindication for berry laconos. However, berry phytolacca is also prohibited for use by children under 12 years of age.


Lakonos American is an ornamental and medicinal perennial with a wide range of uses. It can be used in various decoctions and tinctures to treat a wide range of ailments, from the common cold to cardiovascular diseases and tumors. Its use should be carried out in small doses and very carefully, since the substances contained in the root of the plant and its other parts are potentially dangerous to humans. Phytolacca berry, unlike the American one, is not a poisonous plant and is used in cooking.

Phytolacca, American pokeweed

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