
Useful properties and application of lagohilus

Botanical characteristics of lagohilus

Lagohilus (the second name is “zaytsegub”) is a perennial prickly shrub of spherical shape. The rhizome of the plant is multi-headed. The height of the shrub is small, it is only 25–40 cm. The plant has numerous straight or branched hairy stems, woody near the very base. The leaves are opposite, their shape is broadly ovate, at the base the leaves are wedge-shaped, three to five-parted with wide lobes of a rounded or serrated shape.

The flowers of the plant are densely hairy, its corolla is pink (sometimes white) in color with thin brown stripes, two-lipped, 1,5 times longer than the calyx. Lagohilus is characterized by the upper lip, which splits, resembling a hare’s lip, for which he received his second name. The lower lip is oblong, three-lobed, the median lobe is larger, there is a deep incision in the middle.

The calyx is distinguished by an expanded funnel shape (bell-shaped), has five veins with wide triangular teeth, and on top with pointed styloid spines, as well as 4 stamens. The flowers are opposite, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences of 4-6 pieces, sitting on stems and branches. The fruit is oblong-shaped nuts and brown in color in the calyx.

Lagohilus blooms from June to September. Seed ripening occurs from August to September.

Useful properties of lagohilus

The beneficial properties of lagohilus are used in folk medicine. As you know, the aerial part of the plant contains substances that can have a positive effect on the human body, curing a number of serious diseases.

Lagohilus flowers and leaves are harvested as medicinal raw materials. Raw materials are harvested during the flowering period, for which the aerial part is carefully cut, given that the cut must be made at least at a height of 5 cm from the soil surface. After harvesting, the plant is dried (in the shade), after which the flowers and leaves are separated from each other.

Lagohilus contains flavonoids (rutin, hyperoside, apigenin), carotenoids, phylloquinones, tetrahydric alcohol lagochilin, essential oil, tannins, ascorbic acid, sugars, calcium.

Due to the unique composition of the plant, drugs from lagohilus have versatile pharmacological activity. Decoction, infusion and tincture of flowers and leaves of lagohilus accelerate blood clotting.

Application of lagohilus

Lagohilus is an effective remedy for a number of serious diseases. It has been proven that preparations prepared on the basis of the plant have flexible pharmacological activity. As studies conducted in the field of pharmacology have shown, decoctions, infusions and tinctures created from the flowers and leaves of lagohilus contribute to a significant acceleration of blood clotting.

Infusions and decoctions prepared from the flowers and leaves of lagohilus have a sedative, anticonvulsant, and antispasmodic effect. In addition, they have an analgesic effect on the body, contribute to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract (increase the digestive power of gastric juice), have a positive effect on vision, increasing its sharpness and color perception, and help reduce intraocular pressure.

Due to its unique properties, the plant helps to stop bleeding, prevents nasal, uterine and hemorrhoidal bleeding, helps to cope with hemorrhagic diathesis.

Lagochilius is also prescribed for gastric and duodenal ulcers, at high temperatures, and also to increase endurance and performance in difficult conditions of high temperatures, and especially in conditions of increased solar radiation.

The infusion of the plant is also used externally. They moisten napkins and gently wash the wounds, apply to bleeding tissues.

Recipe for tinctures and decoctions

Recipe number 1. To prepare the infusion, take 1 part of the raw material (lagohilus leaves) and pour it with 10 parts of 70% ethyl alcohol. The composition is placed in a dark place and insisted for 10-14 days. Reception scheme: inside 1 teaspoon per 1/4 cup of warm water 3 times a day. With threatening bleeding, the number of doses can be increased up to 5-6 times. In the treatment of hemorrhagic diathesis, the number of doses increases up to 5 times.

Recipe number 2. 1 part of dry crushed medicinal raw materials must be poured with 20 parts of boiling water and put in a boiling steam bath for 15 minutes, then cooled for 45 minutes and strained into a clean container. Scheme of administration: inside, 1 tablespoon (15 ml) 3-4 times a day.

Recipe number 3. 1 tablespoon of raw materials (flowers and leaves) should be poured with 200 ml of boiling water and infused for 4-6 hours. The resulting infusion is recommended to carefully filter. Reception schedule: 1 tablespoon 3-6 times a day.

Lagohilus intoxicating

Lagohilus intoxicating – a species of herbs and shrubs of the genus Lagohilus, belongs to the family of Lamiaceae. The family includes about 30 species, however, the intoxicating Lachogilus is the most common species. In addition, among all other representatives of its kind, it is the only one that is a medicinal plant.

Contraindications to the use of lagohilus

To date, no side effects have been found with the use of lagohilus-based preparations. It is recommended to take medicines from the plant with extreme caution with a rapid pulse, increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis.

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