Lady Gaga has been facing her for years. Fibromyalgia is a painful disease

The movie “The House of Gucci”, starring Lady Gaga, has just appeared on the screens of cinemas. The star has been struggling with a serious illness for years. Thanks to her confession, fibromyalgia has reached the lips of the whole world and has ceased to be shrouded in secrecy. Contrary to appearances, Lady Gaga’s life is not all roses, but a constant struggle for a better quality of life with the accompanying pain.

What is Lady Gaga suffering from?

In 2017, the world was shocked by the confession of the popular artist, Lady Gaga. In the documentary produced for the Netflix platform entitled “Five Foot Two” she admitted for the first time that she is dealing with a chronic disease. The world heard about living with fibromyalgia and started asking questions. Only after the premiere of the film, the star decided to talk about her experiences in more detail in an interview for “Vouge”. Many people were shocked, previously such a health problem did not exist in the public consciousness, and the disease itself was often downplayed and labeled exaggerating the accompanying symptoms.

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Lady Gaga on the disease

Lady Gaga suffered from the disease as a result of a sexual assault she experienced as a teenager. Since then, he has struggled with trauma and the many physical symptoms of PTSD. In addition to depression and anxiety, rheumatic diseases of joints and muscles came to her life, causing everyday life with pain. Literally. For this reason, the star was forced to cancel the series of concerts.

Own living with fibromyalgia describes openly, is not afraid to admit that it is a life of fear, pain and incomprehension. She makes it clear that her illness makes her unhappy and that trying to regain control of her body is a constant struggle. In addition to their physical symptoms, patients have to deal with stigmatizing them as hysterics and constantly questioning their suffering by those around them.

“I’m terribly irritated by people who don’t believe fibromyalgia is real,” Lady Gaga confessed in an interview.

Fibromyalgia is an incurable disease, the star can only fight its symptoms with painkillers and antidepressants.

Fibromyalgia – what is it?

Fibromyalgia is a chronic non-inflammatory rheumatic disease of soft tissues manifested primarily by chronic pain in muscles and joints. The disease is extremely difficult to diagnose, and the whole process is often accompanied by the frustration of the patient and medics. People with fibromyalgia struggle with rejection for years before being diagnosed. Their pain, the physical causes of which cannot be determined by doctors, is a source of mockery and disregard. Patients are treated as hypochondriacs or hysterics, and subsequent tests exclude potential diagnoses. Illness and accompanying symptoms, as well as a lack of understanding and hopelessness, often lead to depression and other psychological consequences.

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It is estimated that about 3 – 6 percent live with fibromyalgia. population, only in Poland, the disease may affect nearly 2,5 million people. Fibromyalgia can occur regardless of age and gender, although it most often affects middle-aged women.

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Correct diagnosis is an extremely difficult task, as each patient may struggle with different symptoms. Additionally, this disease entity may exist alone or with other diseases.

Fibromyalgia – symptoms

Among the most characteristic symptoms of fibromyalgia there is a complex of pain symptoms called generalized pain, soreness can be of different intensity and intensity. Most of the sick are struggling the so-called painful places, scattered on the body, in which the symptoms most often appear, and their contact causes shooting pain. The neurological reaction occurs even under the influence of slight pressure on such a point. The ailments are accompanied by: depression, anxiety states (and even spasms), sleep disorders and a number of functional disorders. There are also accompanying symptoms.

Fibromyalgia – accompanying symptoms:

  1. headaches,
  2. anxiety,
  3. problems with memory and concentration,
  4. coordination disorders,
  5. intestinal oversensitivity,
  6. diarrhea or constipation
  7. stomach discomfort,
  8. bladder oversensitivity,
  9. palpitations,
  10. dizziness.

Laboratory or imaging results are normal, and doctors cannot find a physical cause for the conditions. This is the main reason that hinders proper diagnosis and implementation of proper patient care.

Fibromyalgia – causes

Although the first description of the disease dates back to 1904, very often the disease was marginalized, and patients were pinned with hysterics or hypochondriacs. It was not until 1990 that the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) suggested diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis of fibromyalgia. The last updates to the guidelines are from 2016. In the medical world, fibromyalgia is therefore a relatively new and still studied disease.

The reasons are not fully understood, and the most frequently described include:

  1. genetic factors,
  2. mental factors,
  3. Lyme disease, HIV, HPV or HBV infections,
  4. autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Hashimoto’s disease).

However, the most common factors that trigger fibromyalgia are past injuries and traumas. Patients with fibromyalgia are treated primarily symptomatically. Patients have the best chances for correct diagnosis and properly implemented treatment in pain management clinics.

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