Lactulosum Nycomed for constipation and liver failure. How to use the syrup?

Lactulosum Nycomed is a preparation used in the treatment of chronic constipation and encephalopathy in the course of hepatic failure. The active substance is lactulose. The preparation should not be administered to, inter alia, people who are allergic to any component of the drug or struggling with intestinal obstruction. The preparation is in the form of a syrup for oral use and is available without a prescription.

Lactulosum Nycomed (Nycomed Pharma)

form, dose, packaging availability category the active substance
syrup 0,5 g/ml (2,5 g/5 ml) (150 ml) OTC (over-the-counter) lactulose


Lactulosum Nycomed is an osmotic laxative.

Lactulosum Nycomed – indications and dosage

Lactulosum Nycomed is a syrup recommended:

  1. in the treatment of chronic constipation,
  2. in encephalopathy in the presence of liver failure.

Drug dosage

Lactulosum Nycomed is in the form of a syrup and is intended for oral use. In children, it is recommended to administer the drug after dilution with water or juice. The dose should be reduced in the event of flatulence.

  1. Adults -20-40 ml once / d or in 1 doses. division After obtaining the effect, determine the dose individually.
  2. Children after 3 years of age – 15 ml / day.
  3. Children up to 3 years of age – 5 ml / d, then the dose of the drug may be gradually increased every 3 days until normal bowel movements are obtained. .
  4. Initially in infants – 2,5 ml / d.

Encephalopathy in the course of hepatic failure (pre-coma and hepatic coma).

  1. Adults – 120-240 ml / d in 3-4 doses. division The dosage should be determined individually so that the number of bowel movements is 2-3 / day.

Lactulosum Nycomed – contraindications

There are the following contraindications to the use of Lactulosum Nycomed:

  1. hypersensitivity to any component of the preparation,
  2. bowel obstruction,
  3. galactosemia,
  4. lactose intolerance.

Lactulosum Nycomed – warnings

  1. Consult your doctor if constipation does not improve after a few days of treatment.
  2. People who are intolerant to fructose should not take the drug because it contains sorbitol.
  3. The long-term use of Lactulosum Nycomed in high doses leads to diarrhea and disturbance of the water and electrolyte balance. Blood sodium levels should be monitored.
  4. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before taking the preparation.

Lactulosum Nycomed with other medications

  1. Lactulose lowers the pH of the large intestine, which leads to acidification of its contents, it may weaken the effect of drugs whose release depends on the pH of the colon.

Taking the drug at the same time with:

  1. with antacids: may reduce its effect,
  2. with anticoagulants (e.g. acenocoumarol, phenprocoumon): increases their effect,
  3. with droperidol: causes the risk of hypokalemia and hypomagnesaemia (decrease in the concentration of potassium and magnesium in the blood, respectively) and damage to the heart muscle,
  4. with licorice root: increases the risk of hypokalemia.

Lactulosum Nycomed – side effects

During treatment with Lactulosum Nycomed, the following may appear:

  1. flatulence (transient), especially in the initial period of using the preparation,
  2. stomach pain,
  3. nausea,
  4. vomiting.

When using too high doses, the following may occur:

  1. diarrhea,
  2. abdominal pain (the dose should then be reduced).

When using high doses in hepatic encephalopathy, in addition to the side effects mentioned above, the following may occur:

  1. hypokalemia,
  2. hyponatremia,
  3. occasional vesicular pneumothorax.

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