Allergy to cow’s milk protein causes the child to develop a rash, swelling of the lips and tongue, sometimes we are dealing with an asthma attack, which is related to the immune reaction of the body. Everything happens almost instantly in front of the terrified mother. On the other hand, the lack of lactase, an enzyme that digests milk sugar, i.e. lactose, manifests itself at least an hour later through bloating and stomach problems.
Allergy seems to be more dangerous, but there is a high probability that the child will outgrow it.
The (not) sweet taste of lactose
In unlucky people, the lactose that gives milk the sweetness, in an undigested form, goes to the large intestine, where, unfortunately, it ferments. Irritation of the intestine makes itself felt through gas and bloating. Babies who experience discomfort generally avoid milk. Lactase, on the other hand, is an enzyme produced in the small intestine. In proper digestion, lactose should be broken down into glucose – through which it is absorbed into the bloodstream – and galactose.
Typically, antibiotic treatments and intestinal infections are responsible for enzyme deficiency. Theoretically, lactase should return to optimal levels with recovery, but sometimes low levels persist for a long time. A child with congenital intolerance is in a much worse situation, which is very rare. In contact with milk, it reacts with diarrhea, because the body has never produced lactase. She must follow a diet excluding milk and dairy products for the rest of her life, but this will allow her to develop properly.
If the intolerance is acquired and the doctor allows the consumption of dairy products, it is worth introducing a little yoghurt into the daily diet at the beginning, because it contains much less of this unfortunate sugar than milk. Children who have not been given milk for a long time may lose the ability to produce lactase.
Meals in practice
Not only the milk itself is censored, but also white and yellow cheeses, margarine, butter, cream, yoghurt, kefir and buttermilk. When reaching for bread, make sure that it does not contain anything prohibited. A similar rule applies to some soups, meat products, pasta, flakes and what is especially difficult for a toddler – sweets. What remains is bitter chocolate, homemade cake, fresh and dried fruit, jams and jelly. Pudding made with soy milk will also be a good option. To thicken soups, you can add, for example, grated potato, and vegetable margarine will work well in sandwiches.
Troublesome infancy
There is a baby whose mother has stopped breastfeeding. Use low-lactose or lactose-free milk. Lactose-reduced and soya milk is only allowed after the age of 1.
Lactase with pharmacies
Products dedicated to older children contain natural lactase, which to some extent facilitates the digestion of milk sugar. A walk to the pharmacy is also recommended for supplements with calcium and vitamins, especially vitamin Dwhich prevents osteoporosis and rickets. Beets, spinach, fish and eggs are its true wealth. Include green vegetables such as cabbage, parsley, broccoli and peas, beans, soybeans, nuts and sardines in your child’s daily diet whenever possible. Arginine contained in meat will facilitate the absorption of calcium from groats. In addition, meat and eggs are an excellent source of protein. There are dairy products in stores that children can eat. Their labels state that they are lactose free.