Lactose-free formula for children
Lactose-free formulas are increasingly appearing on store shelves with baby food. A component such as lactose in formula for children has its value for a small organism, its nervous system, normalizes the microflora in the intestine, improves metabolic processes. It is best to combine artificial nutrition with a lactose-containing preparation. But do not overdo it, everything should be in moderation.
What is the use of this type of food
Unfortunately, modern doctors too often prescribe formulas with a low level of this component, their recommendations are dictated by commercial interests, in order to increase the sales of this type of food. In such cases, in order to be sure of the diagnosis, it is necessary to contact other specialists.
The lactose-free mixture should be consumed only according to the testimony of a pediatrician.
There is one iron rule that applies to all adults – according to experts, lactose-free and lactose-free mixtures belong to medicinal products and cannot be given to a child without a doctor’s appointment, otherwise his digestive system can be damaged.
Lactose-free baby food also contains no sugar. The lactose-free mixture is indicated for feeding artificial children who are deficient in lactose. Basically, there is no complete deficit, only partial, so you should not completely switch to this type of nutrition. It is recommended to mix two types of mixture – adapted and lactose-free, choosing the amount of each one strictly individually.
Benefits of a lactose-free blend
A lactose-free mixture is used for secondary intolerance due to an intestinal infection diagnosed by a pediatrician. The diet can be gradually changed after getting rid of the disease. There are mixtures specifically for premature babies who are diagnosed with lactase deficiency, in the mixtures the percentage of lactose is less than in the usual one. When feeding naturally – by breastfeeding, it is not necessary to exclude lactose, only in cases where the baby has a congenital form of deficiency.
Also, you cannot switch to lactose-free formulas for children quickly, as constipation may appear, so you need to add the product to the diet gradually, in small doses – 30 grams on the first day in one feeding, on the second day, 60 grams in two feedings, then completely feed lactose-free mixture. Long-term use can lead to diarrhea, discoloration of the child’s stool, colic. With these signs, you must visit a pediatrician and follow his recommendations.