Lactoferrin – a recipe for immunity?
PHARMABEST Publication partner

In the era of the coronavirus pandemic, ‘immunity’ has become an inflectional word for all cases. Not without reason – it protects us against bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. The good news is that we can take care of our immune system every day.

Insufficient amount of sunlight, a poorly balanced diet, less exercise in the fresh air are just some of the factors that contribute to the decline of winter and early spring immunity. The weakening of the body and its increased susceptibility to infections make viruses and bacteria easily overcome our immune system, and the number of cases of upper respiratory tract infections is increasing.

This is evidenced by statistics – in Poland several million suspicions of influenza are reported every year – children staying in large clusters of people: nurseries, kindergartens and schools are particularly vulnerable to infection. What is worse, their immature immune system favors more serious and longer courses of the disease – while an adult can infect for 5 days after the symptoms disappear, a child can be infected even 10 days or longer.

Experts have been emphasizing for years that in this special period we should support our immunity, i.e. eat healthy, avoid stimulants, do not forget about the daily dose of exercise and adequate regeneration. Proven dietary supplements supporting the body during the infection season also come to our aid, such as: Lactoferrin IgG, intended for both adults and children (over 3 years of age). The composition of the preparation includes 3 ingredients that are characterized by synergy of action:

  1. 100 mg of lactoferrin,
  2. 250 mg bovine colostrum,
  3. 60 IU of vitamin D3.

What is lactoferrin?

Lactoferrin is a multifunctional protein found in significant amounts in the milk of mammals, including breast milk. Researchers emphasize its broad biological activity in the human body. As a natural regulator of the immune system activity – it can stimulate the body to fight infection more effectively, stimulating the acquired and innate immune response of cells, which is especially important in the neonatal period.

Additionally, it has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. The antibacterial mechanisms of lactoferrin include bactericidal action, i.e. direct action on bacterial cells and their destruction, as well as bacteriostatic action by blocking their multiplication. The latter enables the characteristic feature of lactoferrin – the ease of capturing and binding iron ions, which are also a nutrient for many pathogenic microorganisms. In this way, it makes iron inaccessible to pathogens, preventing them from growing and reproducing, which also results in an antifungal activity.

As for the antiviral effect of the “multifunctional protein”, lactoferrin, by binding to the host cells, becomes a specific shield that prevents the virus from interacting with the body and thus blocks the possibility of infection.

Another immunity-supporting feature of lactoferrin is its bifidogenic effect. Lactoferrin promotes the multiplication of beneficial bifidobacteria in the intestine, which have a positive effect on maintaining the microbiological balance in the intestines. The natural intestinal flora, in turn, has a significant influence on the course of the effective immune response of our body in the event of an infection.

The power of synergy?

The dietary supplement Lactoferrin IgG, apart from bovine lactoferrin, which is distinguished by a high degree of similarity to human lactoferrin, also includes colostrum bovinum and vitamin D3.

Colostrum bovinum is the so-called bovine colostrum. the first milk that differs in composition from mature milk. It includes, among others growth factors and immunologically active compounds, which enables protection against pathogens. The observations to date confirm that supplementation with bovine colostrum may reduce the frequency of upper respiratory tract infections, as well as shorten the duration of the infection. Colostrum contained in Lactoferrin IgG is specially standardized for the content of IgG immunoglobulins. This means that the content of IgG in each lozenge is always the same and amounts to 75 mg.

The third component of the Lactoferrin IgG supplement is vitamin D3, which has a multidirectional effect on our body. First of all, it participates in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, being responsible for healthy, strong bones and teeth. In addition, it takes part in metabolism, regenerates neurons, has a beneficial effect on our muscles, is important for maintaining adequate immunity and supports the bone marrow. Recently, attention has been paid to the importance of vitamin D in the prevention of respiratory diseases such as tuberculosis, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), viral and bacterial infections. Recent studies also show that the proper level of vitamin D in the blood serum helps to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection, and also reduces the risk of a severe course of infection.

How to use Lactoferrin IgG?

In addition to the innovative composition, what distinguishes Lactoferrin IgG is the unique form of lozenges on the market, which provide:

  1. higher concentration of lactoferrin in the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract and its better absorption, 
  2. faster and longer action of the active ingredients of the preparation,
  3. facilitating use in the case of people with difficulty swallowing.

The tablet should be sucked as long as possible until it is completely dissolved in the mouth.

According to the recommendations, Lactoferrin IgG should be taken during the winter and early spring risk of spreading infection. Daily supplementation can be supplemented with additional use of the preparation in situations of exposure to contact with a large group of people, when the risk of infection increases (shopping in a store, visiting a restaurant, social, family and company meetings).

The recommended minimum time of taking Lactoferrin IgG is a monthly treatment or for the entire period of epidemic exposure. In the case of adults, the recommended dose is 2-3 tablets a day, while in the case of children (over 3 years of age) – 1-2 tablets. Importantly, the use of lower doses may be ineffective.

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