Lactic acid (E270)

In the technical classification, lactic acid goes under the abbreviated name E270. Many ordinary people do not even realize that they use it for their own purposes, purchasing ordinary food, cosmetics or hygiene items.

Athletes know that lactic acid is an integral part of the physiology of every person. It can accumulate in the muscles, which usually leads to unpleasant and even painful sensations that are characteristic of people who are diligently engaged in sports exercises. Professionals know how to remove it correctly, but they always warn that this type of acid is a completely natural substance in the body. The fact that a compound is uncomfortable does not mean how harmful or even destructive it is, as amateur athletes imagine it to be.

Learned how to use a natural component and specialists in the production of dairy products. Also, cosmetologists in any large salon today offer a complex peeling based on it. Experts say that for the face it is unlikely that it will be possible to find something so refreshing faster than lactic acid, recently elevated to the rank of a cosmetic miracle.

Authorization documents

Unlike numerous food components, the presented remedy is allowed to be used in unlimited quantities at the legislative level. This is explained by the fact that the finished liquid mass (solution) has been repeatedly tested for negative effects on the body. During the study, the researchers decided that it would not bring serious harm to a person. This truth is confirmed by numerous reviews of consumers who eat dairy products daily with the addition of E270. They are also supported by those who have already tried to prepare their own mask for rejuvenation based on it more than once.

Acid is used not only in the countries of the former Soviet Union, but also on the territory of states that are part of the European Union zone. They are very strict about emulsifiers and other carcinogens that threaten health, so a solution approved for use in Europe often reassures Ukrainians and Russians.

The main feature of the product is the ability to preserve food for a longer period. The reason for the prolongation lies in the blocking of the reproduction process with the subsequent development of pathogens or harmful fungi.

Characteristics and scope

Today, lactic acid can be found in almost any large pharmacy. The medical composition is designed to enrich the skin with the missing nutritional ingredients in order to give it a fresher and more well-groomed appearance.

Especially popular in recent years are gentle liquid soap for intimate hygiene. It is acquired by people suffering from increased allergenicity to various household variations of soap.

The appearance of the additive is not much different from the “brothers” in the food category. Usually it is a completely transparent liquid, just like glucose in ampoules, which does not have any residual effects such as sediment during long-term stationary storage.

The chemical formula is able to explain to a real pharmacist even without a sample that the smell and taste of the solution will be specifically milky. Due to the fact that the component is formed in the human body and for its addition to fermented milk products, the features have not changed, this only confirms the safety of the acid. Since such a component can be found in a person, this means that he successfully copes with its assimilation. The human body itself knows how to remove its excess so that internal organs and tissues do not suffer.

The only warning is only an overdose in the blood. Such situations should be considered in private, since the probability of exceeding the limit threshold is quite small under natural conditions.

It will be possible to find acid even simply in sour-milk goodies, which are made at home by enterprising hostesses.

Scientists have found that it is possible to find its minimum percentage even in a regular test, since there is also a fermentation process there. It is he who starts the mechanism for the formation of a food additive. This means that anyone can get a clean E270. To do this, it is enough to wait until the dairy products have gone through the full fermentation stage.

But the food use is not limited to this. Some breweries have taken the characteristics of lactic acid as a basis, and now brew branded beers with it. You can find her mention even on completely non-alcoholic drinks that athletes like to drink after training.

To speed up the process, where oxidation is additionally involved, it is enough just to use sugar and special bacteria. Such reactions can be found in the shops where they create: yoghurts, mayonnaises, kefirs, cheeses.

Not without the unspoken queen of acids in agriculture. There it is used when mixing animal feed.

In emergency veterinary cases, the solution is used even for antiseptic purposes. Instructions for using a pharmacy product allows you to do this with the proper skills.

The lion’s share of E270 use is in three other industries:

  • meat processing;
  • canning;
  • oil and fat.

The benefits of natural origin

The main advantage of lactic acid is its natural origin, because to obtain it, you only need to decompose glucose. It is this complex multi-component “energy brick” of the body that is the source of strength for each person. And this applies not only to the muscular corset, but also to mental activity.

The more intensively a person strains, the higher his need for the processing of energy reserves. In the course of a scientific experiment, it was found that it would not be possible to derive the exact norm of a substance for everyone, since here it is necessary to make an adjustment for the physiological characteristics of each patient.

The average indicators, which may still vary, are usually called 100-160 grams, which is the daily norm. If this figure is increased, then the body will independently remove the excess without compromising the well-being of the eater.

While studying the ability of E270 to benefit consumers, experts came to an interesting conclusion. Experts recommend not throwing out foods rich in this acid from the daily diet for those who have some difficulty with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The effectiveness of the unusual diet was confirmed by doctors who allow it to be used as part of ready-made meals, even for children.

Habitat of beauty salons

In pursuit of attempts to correct the external data given by nature, many turn to cosmetology. One of the basics for a presentable appearance is well-groomed skin, which actively cooperates with lactic acid.

In a literal sense, the remedy for oily skin promotes the utilization of excess sebum along with thorough hydration. To achieve the desired effect, you will need to either purchase a ready-made solution at a pharmacy, or extract the main ingredient by fermentation, and then follow the instructions of your own cosmetologist.

Such treatment does not give the first results too quickly, but it fixes the effect for a really long time. The product is suitable not only for problematic skin, but also in the case when you need to refresh a face that is already fading, or with traces of recent stress.

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