Lactation crisis
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A lactation crisis is a moment when a nursing mother has too little food. In most cases, this condition is natural and serves to adjust the quantity and quality of food to the growing child. In that case, there is nothing to worry about. It happens, however, that the lactation crisis is caused by other factors. When exactly does a lactation crisis occur and what to do then to get everything back to normal?

Lactation crisis – causes

The lactation crisis means that a woman is unable to freely breastfeed her baby. In many cases, this moment is very stressful. Sometimes hormonal changes are responsible for the lactation crisis. It also happens that such a state of affairs is caused by stress. Lactation crisis can also be caused by incorrect grasping of the breast by the infant. This is because the breasts are not stimulating enough.

A lactation crisis may occur when the mother does not regularly latch on to the breast. This leads to a reduction in prolactin – the hormone that causes lactation. Pacifiers should also not be given to infants as they induce an abnormal suckling reflex. The baby then grasps the nipple incorrectly and the amount of milk produced decreases. Feeding a baby with a bottle can also lead to a lactation crisis.

If the amount of food is insufficient, the baby will cry and complain when it is attached to the breast. You should visit a doctor when you notice that your child stops gaining more than 100 g per week. Then replacement feeding may be necessary, but it is the doctor who makes the final decision.

Usually, a lactation crisis is noticed in the third week of a baby’s life. It is also possible in the 6th week. In some cases, such a crisis also occurs in the 3rd and 6th months. The breasts of a woman affected by a lactation crisis become soft, and the food does not leak out. The key to successful breastfeeding is to latch your baby to the breast as often as possible, especially when we see a crisis approaching. This condition is temporary and bottle-feeding your baby should be a last resort.

You can also stimulate lactation between feeds by using a breast pump and expressing milk, or at least by stimulating the nipples additionally. At Medonet Market you will find breast pumps at great prices. Click and check the full offer.

The expressed milk can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer. For this, try Neno Food Storage and Freezing Bags. Then just warm them up, for example with the Neno Vita 2-in-1 Sterilizer and Bottle Warmer, which you can now buy at a discounted price on Medonet Market. For feeding your baby, use Neno bottles, the capacity of which can be adjusted to the age and needs of the baby:

  1. Neno Bottle 150 ml,
  2. Neno Bottle 240 ml,
  3. Neno Bottle 300 ml.

Lactation crisis after a month of breastfeeding – how to deal?

If a lactation crisis occurs after a month, the mother should not worry. Too much stress can make food even less. This crisis after a month is the one that comes first. Subsequent lactation crises occur around months 15-16 and 18 and 24. It very often happens that a child who has reached 1,5 years of age goes through a crisis, gives up all previously introduced foods and wants to eat only milk.

It is worth mentioning that the lactation crisis that the baby’s mother goes through lasts from 2 to 7 days. If this time extends, consult a doctor. It is worth waiting out the crisis, because the longer you breastfeed, the healthier your baby will be in the future. Night feeding stimulates lactation the most. All due to the fact that the concentration of prolactin is the highest at night.

It is very important to give your baby both breasts when feeding. Always start with the one sucked last. Switching your baby to formula milk should be a last resort. During the lactation crisis, you can reach for chamomile teas. Lemon balm may also be helpful. Rest and relaxation are important for the mother, supported by the support of family and partner. Remember that a lactation crisis is most often a natural state that passes spontaneously after some time. However, if something worries us very much, it is worth visiting a doctor during this period, who will look at the situation. Also, the protracted crisis should be consulted quickly.

If you still need to prepare formula milk for your child, you will need the Neno Aqua formula for preparing formula milk with the function of heating and boiling water. You can buy the device on Medonet Market at an attractive price.

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