Lack of vitamins in the body

Lack of vitamins affects the appearance. Based on the condition of your skin, hair and nails, you can find out which minerals and trace elements you lack.

Lack of vitamins in the body


It has become dry, often peels off, wounds and cracks do not heal for a very long time. Early wrinkles appear. The skin on the shoulders, knees and elbows of the hands becomes coarser.

What is the problem: it seems that the body is experiencing a serious lack of vitamin A. It is he who is responsible for the renewal of epidermal cells, and its deficiency primarily affects the condition of the skin.

What to do: Try to saturate your menu with vitamin A. But keep in mind that in plant foods, it is contained in the form of beta-carotene, which requires fats to assimilate. That is why carrots, which are considered the champion in beta-carotene, are recommended to be consumed with sour cream or vegetable oil. Lay on fruits and vegetables that are bright orange-red in color. Include fish, eggs, and dairy products in your diet.

In addition: other vitamins are also necessary for the normal condition of the skin, for example, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E.

Hair problems most often occur with a lack of vitamin E.


Have become dull and brittle, when combed in quantities clearly exceeding the permissible norm, they remain on the brush.

What is the problem: similarly, the body signals a lack of vitamin E (tocopherol). The reason for this in most cases is an unbalanced diet.

What to do: Vitamin E is found in a wide range of foods, and it is not difficult to get the right amount of it. Lay on nuts, unrefined vegetable oils, caviar, eggs, wheat germ.

In addition: for the normal condition of hair, it is also necessary that a sufficient amount of B vitamins, ascorbic acid, iron, phosphorus and a number of other minerals enter the body.

If the nails exfoliate, most likely we are talking about a lack of a whole “bouquet” of vitamins and minerals.


They grow poorly, exfoliate and break, the nail plate has become dull and ugly.

What is the problem: it is difficult to single out one vitamin, the lack of which has led to similar consequences. Most likely here we are talking about a lack of a whole “bouquet” of microelements: vitamins A and E, group B, ascorbic acid, calcium, magnesium, etc. Most likely, you have suffered not only your nails, take a closer look at your skin and hair. Most often, long-term unbalanced nutrition leads to such unpleasant consequences.

What to do: change your diet, make it healthier. Eat at least 500 grams of fresh vegetables and fruits daily.

In addition: pay attention to complex preparations that contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.

If you have been taking vitamins for a long time but do not feel any improvement, they may simply not be absorbed.

Did you know that vitamins … They love the morning

Scientists have already proven that the body absorbs vitamins best in the morning. In this case, water-soluble should be taken after meals, and fat-soluble – during. In case of abuse of fat-soluble vitamins, a dangerous overdose is possible, so carefully follow the instructions attached to the drug.

Do not like nicotine

It is most difficult for smokers to maintain the balance of vitamins and minerals in the body. Each cigarette destroys up to 100 mg of vitamin C, which is 1/10 of the daily value of an adult! So quit smoking as soon as possible, otherwise you will definitely not become a beauty. In addition, cigarette smoke spoils the skin, leads to early wrinkles and makes teeth yellow and ugly.

Need bacteria

If you have been taking a vitamin complex for a long time and do not feel any improvement, the problem may be that the vitamins are simply not being absorbed. This happens with intestinal dysbiosis. You can restore the balance of microflora by populating intestines beneficial bacteria, which are, for example, part of the natural product Linex. Or, on the advice of a doctor, choose preparations containing lacto- and bifidobacteria necessary for the health of the body. Then the assimilation of vitamins will be more efficient.

Can cooperate with each other

In order for vitamins to work, many of them need “helpers” from their own vitamin environment. For example, phosphorus is needed to assimilate calcium, the activity of ascorbic acid increases in the presence of vitamin B1, vitamin A is better absorbed in the presence of manganese. So, having discovered a lack of one trace element, in addition to it, you will have to take others. Which ones – only a specialist can tell.

Can be at enmity with each other

Many vitamins and minerals cannot be taken at the same time, they begin to actively interfere with each other. These antagonists include ascorbic acid and copper, vitamin B1 and rutin, iron and calcium. Manufacturers of multivitamin complexes usually take this into account, but if you are going to combine different vitamin preparations on your own, be sure to consult with a pharmacist in a pharmacy in order to avoid vitamin-mineral differences in the body.

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