Lack of orgasm in women

When a woman is in a relationship, her lack of an organism can become not only a serious problem, but also the reason for the breakup of a couple. Because sexual dissatisfaction leads to tension in relationships and conflict between partners. In addition, a woman may begin to feel flawed, and think that she is not so attractive. Therefore, such a problem should be solved as quickly as possible, it should not be underestimated and launched.

Causes of the problem

The difficulty lies in the fact that not all women are able to open up and talk about it. Many are simply ashamed of this topic, and cannot admit it. Others, on the contrary, are very carried away by the “pretense” of orgasm, because they are afraid of upsetting and thereby alienating a man. And it’s too late to admit, because you can earn the distrust of a loved one. This problem will only exacerbate the situation of women every day. However, it should be said that not all relationships are strengthened by satisfaction with each other. In a strong relationship, mutual trust of partners also plays an important role.

In medicine, this problem in women is called anorgasmia. The lack of orgasm is a sexual disorder that should be eliminated, just like any other disease of the body.

But in order to cope with this problem, it is necessary to find out the reasons why it arose. They are different.

Delayed puberty is the most common cause. Many of the fair sex do not even know that they need the help of a qualified specialist. However, it is precisely because of this that they may not experience orgasm during sexual intercourse. This can continue until the age of 25, when the areas of the brain responsible for orgasm in a woman finally mature.

Gynecological pathologies: when a woman has an inflammatory process of the genital organs and she has pain, then she cannot get pleasure in any way. There are diseases in which the need for intimacy reaches insanity, because the blood rushes to the erogenous zones. But due to inflammation, the nerve endings in this area are too tense, so a woman should consult a doctor to determine the cause, prescribe rest and use medications.

Other factors

Overstrain of the nervous system: there is a stereotype that sex is a great way to relax, but the statement does not always work and not for everyone. Sex is a great stress for the body, and an orgasm is even more so, even though a person experiences positive emotions from it. With too much overwork, the body can protect itself from stress (in this situation, there will be no orgasm). Everything will be back to normal when the body is fully restored.

Another need that should be satisfied is that any desire or feeling that a person has can also block the relaxation of the body. It is aimed at self-preservation and survival, in addition, it needs the satisfaction of the most necessary, and therefore the body cannot be distracted by something else. If a woman does not know her own body well, then she may not notice that such a state is caused by bright light or thirst.

Psycho-emotional problems: depression, phobias and neurosis have a strong negative impact on the woman’s nervous system. They are able to block pleasure already in the process of sexual contact. These pathological conditions always reduce the quality of sexual life.

The use of medications: orgasm is a physiological phenomenon that has its own chemical compounds. The use of any medications can disrupt them. Such side effects have drugs prescribed for depressive conditions, as well as for the treatment of serious allergies. It is necessary to pay attention to drugs to reduce sensitivity – they have a negative effect on achieving orgasm.

Dependence on alcohol and drugs: these habits greatly depress the human body, suppress some functions, including sexual desire.

Complicated childbirth: after the birth of a baby, many women begin to relate to their body in a new way, discovering new ways for sexual satisfaction. But those who have had severe tears in the groin may not experience feelings, because the sensitivity of the erogenous zones is damaged, which causes problems with orgasm. But, due to the fact that the field of obstetric activity is subject to constant improvement, such situations appear quite rarely.

Inexperience of partners: many couples cannot fully relax and please each other, because they simply do not know how to do it. It should also be noted that a woman is aroused much longer than a man, so he must make a lot of efforts to satisfy his partner. However, many are embarrassed by this and refuse to experiment.

Psychological reasons

In addition to the factors described above, there are psychological reasons for the lack of orgasm. It is they who most often block sexual pleasure. There are many reasons for this, but the main ones are:

  1. Strong feelings and stress if there is no orgasm: Anxiety about the lack of pleasure during sexual intercourse leads to a strong excitement that a woman experiences when entering into intimacy with a man. This can happen before orgasm itself. This does not allow her to completely relax, and accordingly get pleasure.
  2. Conflict with a partner and distrust of him: if a couple does not have harmony in relationships, then this will in any case affect their sex life.
  3. Strong internal tension, inability to relax and concentrate on intimacy, tightness: a woman will never be able to completely surrender to feelings if, at the moment of intimacy, her head is occupied with completely different thoughts. For example, she is distracted by various noises and smells. In this case, you will not be able to get sexual satisfaction.
  4. Strict upbringing, shame and shyness: some women from childhood received the installation that sex is bad and sinful, so they should not experience pleasure. This attitude towards intimacy may be hidden deep in a woman’s soul, but it will still interfere with her life. In this situation, the advice and consultation of a psychologist can help.
  5. Trauma or severe intimate stress that a woman has suffered in the past: this includes rape or attempt, they can undermine a person’s relationship with themselves and their body. The very process of sexual intimacy seems to a person something dangerous or dirty. He may not cope with his experiences, and will not experience any pleasure from sex. Often such patients need the help of a psychotherapist.

Symptoms of anorgasmia

Many women do not experience an orgasm with every sexual intercourse. For some, it is enough that they simply enjoyed the process itself. In addition, a woman may experience pain in the head and abdomen, and she also develops insomnia. And all because there is no discharge, but there are only congestion in the pelvic area.

If such a situation is repeated systematically, it causes irritation and anxiety in a woman.

In this case, you need to consult a doctor and not start a similar condition. An experienced specialist will identify the cause and provide the necessary assistance.

Treatment of pathology

In such a situation, a woman should take care of her health, and not be ashamed of going to a sexologist. However, it is not necessary to hope that after taking the doctor will prescribe a miracle cure that will give results in a few days.

It must be said right away that the process of treating such a condition is quite lengthy. In addition, it will be necessary to work on yourself not only for a woman, but also for a man. Do not think that only a man should work in bed – this is not so. You also need to be prepared for the fact that you may need to change your usual lifestyle. Therefore, the prescribed treatment will be complex.

Hormone therapy: enhanced testosterone and estrogen treatment is used. If there is not enough male hormone in the body, then apathy, a chronic depressive state, general weakness and fatigue occur. In addition, the muscles become flabby.

Restoration of the endocrine system: if pain occurs or orgasm is absent for this reason, then at the beginning of therapy, you should seek help from a specialized doctor. For example, it will not work to completely get rid of diabetes, but it is possible to normalize the general condition without using hormone injections.

Normalization of relationships between partners: two people can hardly solve such a problem, so a qualified psychologist can help them.

But it is worth being prepared for the fact that he will not be able to erase old grievances from memory, will not force partners to love each other. But, to correct relations and prove that he should fight for his happiness, he can do it.

Traditional medicine: they can be used if there are no deviations, and the attending physician has given his consent. Of course, you should not rely only on “grandmother’s” recipes. But, there is a high probability that decoctions and infusions will help solve this problem. It is more effective to use folk remedies in combination with traditional medicine.

Possible complications

Lack of orgasm can provoke the development of depressive states and neuroses. This problem often causes a cooling of feelings for a partner, in some women this is manifested by disgust. All factors have a bad effect on different aspects of family life, and because of this, conflicts arise that only exacerbate the development of neuroses.

Scientists say that this pathology increases the risk of varicose veins of the small pelvis. With such a disease, a woman will experience pain in the lower abdomen, heaviness, discomfort and pain in the vulva.

Prognosis and prevention

The prognosis of the disease will directly depend on the causes of its occurrence. If there are no severe psychological traumas and somatic abnormalities that “prevent” getting an orgasm, the problem will be resolved. However, it also depends on the willingness of partners to change their sex life, that is, to reconsider their boundaries of what is permitted in sexual terms.

Preventive measures should be aimed at adequate sexual education, increasing sexual literacy, and creating acceptable relationships between partners. It is also necessary to strictly observe the work / rest regimen and prevent the development of sexual diseases. When the latter appear, they must be treated promptly.

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