Lack of magnesium in the body: how to replenish?
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In an effort to preserve youth and beauty, we buy cards for fitness clubs, are able to count calories and monitor nutrition. But for a healthy lifestyle, our diet should not only be useful, but also balanced in vitamins and minerals (macro- and microelements). Today we’ll talk about magnesium, because few people know about its benefits, especially for the female body.
Why is magnesium so necessary for women?
Lack of magnesium in the body
Everyone needs magnesium, but a woman should have more of it. Deficiency of this trace element in the fair sex occurs 20-30% more often than in men. This is due to “female” genetics.
Magnesium participates in over 500 biochemical reactions in the body and plays a special role in the functioning of the female nervous system. Lack of magnesium changes the functional state of cells and this causes a disorder of the nervous system: sleep disturbance, rapid fatigue, irritability, nervousness.
The normal level of magnesium is important for the formation of the menstrual cycle and libido, the prevention of the development of arterial hypertension.
If a woman lacks magnesium, the body begins to retain water. A woman loses her beauty faster, looks tired and pale, she develops swelling. Well, if you bring the level of magnesium back to normal, the pressure decreases, the pulse normalizes, edema subsides, and the condition of the skin improves. Magnesium is actively involved in the function of childbirth, along with other trace elements, it is “responsible” for the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth.
Why is magnesium so important during pregnancy?
Magnesium plays a key role in pregnancy. Magnesium regulates the process of reproduction of nucleic acids in the cell, that is, the process of transferring genetic information. In addition, under the influence of magnesium, muscle relaxation occurs – this concerns the muscles of the uterus, intestines, and other internal organs, which significantly reduces the risk of miscarriage.
Magnesium is a part of all forming and growing baby cells, placenta, mother’s blood cells, which also multiply rapidly during pregnancy. If magnesium is not supplied enough with food, then at first it is consumed from the reserves of the mother’s body (mainly, it begins to come from muscles and bones), but this process cannot go on indefinitely. And the fetus begins to suffer. The vessels of the placenta develop poorly, nutrition is disturbed, the tone of the uterus rises, because magnesium is an element of muscle relaxation, and when it is lacking, muscles (including the muscles of the uterus, blood vessels) react with spasm – contraction.
Why is magnesium deficiency so common today?
So, you’ve already seen that magnesium plays an important role in women’s beauty and health. Test yourself with the information below: are you at risk for this trace element?
First, dietary influences magnesium levels. Unfortunately, we do not eat enough foods containing magnesium – fresh fruits and vegetables, green leafy plants.
Secondly, our life has become more nervous and hectic. People are afraid of losing their jobs, they work for wear and tear, they are always in a hurry somewhere, they will experience nervous overload, they do not sleep well, they do not take a vacation for years. Not life, but sheer stress! And stress hormones – adrenaline and cortisone – actively remove magnesium. The loss of magnesium during stress increases threefold. Well, and one more problem: we have little sun. Adequate light is also important for the absorption of magnesium. Do we walk a lot on a sunny fine day?
How to eliminate magnesium deficiency in the body?
The strategic approach implies a revision of the drinking regime. You need to drink mineral waters with magnesium, juices, preferably freshly squeezed, exclude artificial drinks – cola, lemonades. There are more nuts, greens. Useful are seaweed, sea fish, unrefined cereals, bran bread. However, it is difficult to get enough magnesium from food. If you decide to take medications with this trace element, then it is better to choose high quality products, certified, thoroughly cleaned from impurities, effective and safe. For example, a French drug
Why does Magne B6 Forte contain vitamin B6?
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) enhances the absorption of magnesium in the intestine, transports magnesium atoms into the cell. Therefore, the exchange of magnesium and pyridoxine is inextricably linked. New drug
Magnesium deficiency causes a lot of trouble, but now you and your loved ones will not know them!
We are grateful to Olga Alekseevna Gromova, an expert – professor, scientific consultant of the Russian Center of the Institute of Microelements of UNESCO, for her help in preparing the material.
RU.MGP. March 11.03.01, XNUMX