Sometimes we are pursued by a constant desire to eat something, or vice versa, the feeling of hunger absolutely disappears. Body weight changes and at such moments it seems that the body is absolutely uncontrollable. will tell you how to learn to control your appetite at such moments.
A constant feeling of hunger
Overeating is much more common than voluntary fasting. From a medical point of view, bouts of hunger can be caused by dysfunction in the production of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. Simply put, stress, a sedentary lifestyle, even ordinary boredom and laziness can make the brain constantly send hunger signals in order to somehow produce the necessary substances in the body. Their number depends on the lifestyle: sports activities, mood, employment, passion for work and other factors useful for a happy life. Actually, therefore, dieting lovers often have breakdowns. After all, restrictions on food are a real stress for the body.
How to deal with it
There are pharmaceuticals that limit
There is also a version that our regular food does not contain enough
By the way: sweeteners cause constant hunger. They were created as a substitute for too high-calorie sugar, but, alas, it is not so easy to deceive the body.
Constant refusal to eat leads to indigestion. As a result, the body stops digesting food altogether. The extreme stage of this phenomenon is anorexia – an almost complete refusal to eat, most often proceeding against the background
How to deal with it
Try to whet your appetite on your own. Spices (cumin, coriander, laurel), spicy dishes and coffee will help in this matter. True, all this is contraindicated in
If the culprit of the “voluntary” hunger strike is severe stress or growing self-doubt, see a psychotherapist. If you stopped eating out of a desire to lose weight, remember the saying about breakfast, which should not be shared with either enemies or friends. British scientists have proven that if you increase the nutritional
By the way: having sex increases appetite, because during love games there is a violent release of hormones that affect, among other things, the food center in the hypothalamus.