Labyrinthitis – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

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The labyrinth is a small part of our ear, but it plays an important role in it, it is located in the middle ear and is divided into the bony labyrinth and the membranous labyrinth. It is responsible for the proper functioning of the hearing and balance organs. Where to look for the causes of labyrinthitis? What are the most common symptoms of an infected labyrinth? What is an effective way to treat a sick labyrinth?

With every movement our body makes, the fluid that fills the entire ear structure moves. At this stage, very sensitive cells inside the labyrinth are stimulated. The impulse then travels to the nervous system and from there to the brain where it is read as a sense of movement. Labyrinthitis disrupts the entire process.

Labyrinthitis – causes

Labyrinthitis is a disease caused by viruses, but it can also be a bacterial infection. One of the common causes of labyrinthitis are complications after chronic inflammation of the middle ear.

There are also etiological factors that can cause labyrinthitis. These factors can be divided into two groups, ie non-infectious and infectious. Viruses that cause labyrinthitis include rubella, measles, mumps and cytomegalovirus. Inflammation of the labyrinth can also be caused by protozoa (toxoplasmosis) and fungi. The labyrinth disorders may also be caused by mechanical injuries, the labyrinthitis appears in patients after accidents in which the temporal bone was injured.

Labyrinthitis – symptoms

How to recognize the symptoms of labyrinthitis? Most often, the disease begins suddenly. Labyrinthitis is manifested primarily by imbalance, constant dizziness, nystagmus appears. Other symptoms include nausea and vomiting. In some patients, labyrinthitis is not associated with pain. An alarming symptom that must not be ignored is increased body temperature, as it may indicate that the inflammation has moved to the cranial cavity. With purulent labyrinthitis, complete deafness is diagnosed. In meningogenic or haematogenic inflammation, the labyrinthitis is bilateral, while in tympanogenic inflammation it is unilateral.

Labyrinthitis – treatment

A patient diagnosed with otitis media should pay special attention to the appearance of nystagmus, high fever or balance disorders, as these are symptoms that require immediate medical attention.

Labyrinthitis is a condition that requires hospitalization. The treatment itself and its type depend on the factor that caused the inflammation. When labyrinthitis is caused by bacteria, a broad-spectrum antibiotic is required. In more severe inflammations, the doctor decides about surgical treatment, which consists in removing the inflammatory granulation tissue from the middle ear. Symptomatic treatment is also important. In autoimmune labyrinthitis, glucocorticosteroids are administered.

Is it possible to cure labyrinthitis completely? It depends on the type of inflammation in the labyrinth. The best prognosis is with serous inflammation. On the other hand, purulent labyrinthitis is associated with a greater number of complications. There may appear, among others, meningitis, brain abscesses, deafness, permanent damage to the labyrinth. Delaying proper treatment causes complications.

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