Labyrinth ENG test – who should perform it? The course of the study and the interpretation of the results

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Balance disorders, dizziness or nystagmus may indicate diseases of the labyrinth, which is examined using the ENG test. It is based on the fact that firstly the eyeballs are irritated with the help of various stimuli, and then their movements are observed and recorded.

Who should perform an ENG test?

ENG study should be performed by suspected persons inflammation or damage to the labyrinth. The related symptoms are as follows: in addition to balance disorders or dizziness, there is hearing loss, nausea and even vomiting, often accompanied by tinnitus. Labyrinthitis is a fairly common disease. It occurs as a result of complications of viral diseases such as rubella or mumps, but most often due to the transfer of bacterial infections to the inner ear. There are also cases where inflammation occurs as a result of mechanical damage.

When suspecting problems with the labyrinth, it is important to start treatment as soon as possible, including implementation ENG research. Failure to react can lead to numerous complications that are difficult to heal. Bacteria from the area of ​​the sick labyrinth can easily get into the nervous system and cause, among others, meningitis.

More about the ENG study itself – what is it?

In the case of ENG research Nystagmus is assessed on the basis of an electronystagmograph that records the movement of the eyeballs. During this examination, electrodes are attached to the patient’s temple, which follow the eye reactions and transmit information about them to the computer. In fact, it is about picking up stimuli registered between the cornea and the retina. Thanks to this, it becomes possible, among others determining whether the disturbed work of the labyrinth has a neurological source of the disease. ENG study however, it may not be fully effective, it is therefore worth reaching for an alternative in the form of VNG testing. The problem of the diagnosis made on their basis is that it is impossible to precisely define the internal work of this organ.

However, the same ENG study may not be enough to make a correct diagnosis. It is worth trying to use extended diagnostics and a series of tests to exclude other diseases that may often accompany problems with the labyrinth. Additionally, blood counts with a smear and CRP are performed, which determine the degree of infection development and its origin. After the problems with the labyrinth disappear, it is good to stay under the supervision of a doctor to eliminate possible complications. Including those related to hearing, such as Meniere’s disease or Cogan’s syndrome. In that cases ENG study it is only an introduction to further diagnostics, i.e. to magnetic resonance imaging and a tomograph.

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