Labor of children in nature, organization of preschool education

Labor of children in nature, organization of preschool education

The work of children in nature is a compulsory activity in kindergarten, which gives the child a lot of joy and fun. And this is not surprising, because kids love to communicate with animals and plants. In addition, these activities are not only interesting, but also useful. They instill in children a love of nature, contribute to their physical and mental development.

The importance of labor for preschool children

Working in nature has a positive effect on the development of the child. Thanks to communication with plants and animals, the baby’s horizons expand, he learns a lot of useful things about the properties of the environment. Children become curious and observant and learn to love and protect nature.

Working in nature is a favorite pastime of children in kindergarten.

Activities in nature affect the upbringing of a child. He is instilled with hard work and responsibility, as well as the ability to work in a team. Labor affects the physical development of the baby and makes him stronger and more enduring. In addition, regular outdoor exercise improves health, stimulates internal organs, improves movement, and improves coordination.

Organization of children’s labor in nature

So that children can constantly communicate with nature in groups of kindergartens, “living corners” are created where birds, animals, fish and plants are kept. In addition, kids study in the backyards of children’s institutions, where they learn to loosen and dig the ground, grow flowers, vegetables or berries. To make work bring pleasure to children, classes are selected according to their age:

  • A child of the younger group takes care of flowers and feeds animals only under the supervision of a teacher. At this age, he is entrusted with simple tasks: watering flowers, wiping leaves, pouring food, harvesting.
  • In the middle group, the baby takes care of nature independently. The child is taught the skills of simple work, and is introduced to the conditions for growing plants. They explain to the kid what moisture, light, favorable conditions and warmth are for living organisms.
  • In the older group, the child learns to collective and independent work. The teacher explains how the plants differ from each other and what parts they consist of. During this period, the child develops the skills of transplanting flowers, sowing seeds.

Labor in nature instills in children a love of the environment and teaches them to take care of plants and animals. In addition, classes develop the child and strengthen his health. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out them as often as possible.

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