Labkowski’s phenomenon

Mikhail Labkovsky. Even if you have never been interested in psychology, this name is probably familiar to you. A psychologist whose columns are read, interviews are torn into quotes, commented on and sent to each other by hundreds, thousands of people. Many admire him, some he infuriates. Why? What does he say and write there? Fundamentally new? Exotic? Magic tips, still unknown? Nothing like this.

Basically, he says that in life you should do only what you want. And all those people are at first wary: Oh, YES? Here Labkovsky finishes it off: if you don’t want to, don’t do it. Never. Everyone is in shock again: impossible! Unthinkable! And he: then don’t be surprised that you are unhappy, unfulfilled, restless, unsure of yourself, no, no, no…

It became a revelation. The worldview of people who were told from childhood about a sense of duty, those who the teacher in the kindergarten, and even the mother at home, liked to repeat: you never know what you want.

We have all conscious, built, accustomed to overcome and remind ourselves: “to want is not harmful.” Therefore, public opinion was at first confused. But some daredevils tried it, they liked it. No, of course, they always suspected that doing what you want is nice. They just didn’t know that doing what you want is good. They couldn’t even guess.

And then a psychologist comes in and very confidently, downright categorically declares: so that it is not excruciatingly painful – you need to do only what you choose yourself. Every minute. And don’t care in advance how it looks in anyone’s eyes. Otherwise, they say, you will get sick, depressed and sit without money.

And we are no strangers … at first everyone thought. Like: “We choose, we are chosen, as it often does not coincide …” But there were more and more people trying to live according to the “Labkovsky rules”, and they found out: it works. And, I don’t know, they probably told their friends … And the wave went.

Labkovsky is a living, very real, not glamorous, not photoshopped example of complete self-acceptance

At the same time, Labkovsky himself is a living, very real, not glamorous, not photoshopped example of complete acceptance of himself, life in general, and, consequently, the effectiveness of his rules. He frankly admits that I went to study psychology because I had to urgently solve my own problems. What most of his life he was a malignant neurotic and broke firewood, for example, in relations with his daughter, that he smoked “like crazy” and only fell for women who ignored him.

And then the number of years lived in the profession turned into a new quality and he “took the path of correction.” So he says. I made rules and followed them. And he really doesn’t care how it all looks from the outside.

He also seems to be very amused by the question: and what, there are people without complexes? He answers like this: do not believe it – there are entire countries without complexes!

Until we believe.

Everyone is tired, and everyone is in search of something specific, internal vectors are rushing around, as if on a demagnetized compass

And we have, perhaps, a historical moment such? The revolutionary situation of mass consciousness – when old life attitudes have completely outlived themselves, but new ones have not been brought up. When the middle generation “sausages”, their former guidelines have decayed, authorities are discredited, parental recipes for well-being have only historical value …

And everyone is tired, and everyone is in search of something specific, internal vectors rush about, as if on a demagnetized compass, and show different directions: Freudianism, Buddhism, yoga, sand painting, cross-stitching, fitness, dacha and village house …

And then a specialist with experience comes in and confidently declares: yes to health! … Do what you want, the main thing is that you enjoy it! It’s not punishable, it’s not shameful. This is not only possible, but necessary. And generally speaking – it’s the only way to happiness.

He is against any effort in principle. Against everything that “I don’t want through”, and even more so through pain

Further, the psychologist artistically, convincingly, convincingly, with examples from the past of the country (and the life of everyone) tells why he is against any efforts in principle. Against everything that “I don’t want through”, and even more so through pain. In short, he is against everything that a normal, free, psychologically prosperous person would never do. (But where do you get these?)

Work on relationships? – Do not!

Torturing yourself with diets? “Well, if you don’t love yourself that much…”

Tolerate discomfort? Don’t even start.

Dissolve into a man? – Look, dissolve, lose both yourself and the man …

Lessons with a child? In the evenings, to tears, to holes in a notebook? – In no case!

Dating someone who upsets youbrings you to tears? – Yes, you are a masochist!

Living with a woman who humiliates you? “Please, if you like suffering…”

I’m sorry, what? Patience and hard work? Compromises? – Well, if you want to bring yourself to nervous exhaustion …

Keep kids in check? Husbands to sculpt from what was? Dig into yourself, analyze childhood traumas, remember what your mother said offensively at your five years and how dad looked askance? Drop it! Do not.

Determine what you really want and do it. And everything will be fine.

Isn’t it tempting?

Yes, very seductive!

Labkovsky is not shy about insisting, denouncing and pointing out what measures you need to take.

While many articles on psychology are traditionally of a neutral, non-intrusive, light advisory nature and are written according to the sterile principle “no matter what happens”, and the advice from them can be understood in this and that way, Labkovsky does not hesitate to insist, denounce and indicate what action you need to take.

And try, says Mikhail Labkovsky, try not to bother during an orgasm, AT LEAST during an orgasm! That is, if you feel good – drive away the feeling of guilt. Who wouldn’t like it? Well this is a new national idea! And it is perpendicular to the previous one.


Now everyone is just discovering the “Labkovsky rules”, tasting them and rejoicing that everything is so simple: do what you want. And don’t do what you don’t want to. But soon, very soon it will turn out that our confused sixth sense and slagged brain it is difficult to determine in principle what we really want. And to follow desires out of habit is completely impossible.

Let a year or two pass, and then we will see if there will be a total recovery and whether we will become a country without complexes. And let’s see how long his enthusiastic fans will last and whether they will stay with Labkovsky, who are now trying to follow the advice: “if you feel bad in a relationship, get out of the relationship.” Or go over to the women’s pickup schools…

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