“Label” for alcoholism? Addiction therapists are unanimous
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“Labels” popularly known as “Esperal” are not an effective therapeutic solution, but for private clinics it is still a great deal. “Zaszycie” costs from 500 to over 700 zlotys. And there is no shortage of volunteers.

  1. “Esperalem” to this day is colloquially called every label, which in fact is disulfiram – it is a chemical and at the same time commercial name of the active substance
  2. The preparation is a kind of a powerful bogey that does not allow you to drink – says Bartosz Piskozub, head of the Ślężański Center of Therapy, where patients with addiction problems go
  3. It happens that some people addicted to alcohol simply picked the label with a knife or fork – emphasizes Paweł Klimas, psychologist and addiction therapist
  4. On April 15 we celebrate Sobriety Day
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

If you enter the keyword “esperal” in a search engine, almost 450 entries appear. hints. These are mainly advertisements for doctor’s offices and facilities that perform procedures popularly known as the “insert”.

The announcements mislead the readers, because the pharmaceutical company Polfa stopped producing the product called esperal in 2008. However, esperal is still commonly used today as any label, which is in fact Disulfiram (it is the chemical and trade name of the active substance).

– This preparation interferes with the metabolism of alcohol in the body. It inhibits the action of aldehyde dehydrogenase, making it difficult to oxidize acetaldehyde to less harmful acetic acid. Acetic aldehyde that accumulates in the body causes symptoms of poisoning, the so-called disulfiram reaction – explains Paweł Klimas, psychologist and addiction therapist. Klimas has many years of experience in treating alcoholism and he says that some people were able to deal with the insert very quickly after “sewing”.

The insert does not cure alcoholism

– Some people addicted to alcohol Esperal just picked out with a knife or fork. It happens that the patients reported to the doctor on the second day after insertion to remove the insert. Still others count down the days and thus build up the tension that causes craving. They wait the prescribed eight months to finally drink alcohol again – reports the psychologist. By the way, he lists the health-threatening consequences that may take place in such a situation.

– Blood pressure rises, palpitations, nausea, vomiting occur. In extreme cases, there may be a heart attack, cardiac arrest, which means death. However, the insert itself will never cure alcoholism, its effect is not curative. It is based on fear – emphasizes Klimas.

Until it stops working

Therapists agree that the tag, popularly known as Esperal, is definitely not a method that will cure alcoholism. However, it helps to stay sober for even a few days.

– Without treatment, addicts simply cannot cope. Only therapy can help to break free from addiction – the therapist says.

  1. See also: Alcoholism – what is it?

It often happens that, based only on the “insert”, an addict waits impatiently for disulfiram to stop working after a few months.

– Often this preparation is a kind of a powerful bogey that does not allow you to drink. I admit that those who go to addiction centers know very well: the insert is only a prelude to abstinence. They read a lot about it, for example on addiction therapy websites – says Bartosz Piskozub, head of the Ślężański Center for Therapy, where patients with addiction problems go.

Fasten the label

Although “labels” are not an effective therapeutic solution, for private clinics it is still a great deal, because “sewing” costs from 500 to over 700 zlotys.

– In my experience, people who have experienced subcutaneous disulfiram application most often go to the Ślężański Center of Addictions. But unfortunately, they “drank” this drug. And again they fell into the alcohol sequence, despite the label. This way they realize that without professional therapy they will not be able to do it, says Piskozub. The average duration of therapy in a center such as the one in Jordanów Jordanów is at least 28 days.

– Sometimes the patient needs more time, which is due to individual circumstances. It often happens that addicts realize how complex their problem is and what mental state they are in. Then they find that they are not ready to face the outside world. And they decide to take longer therapy – emphasizes Paweł Klimas.

Alcoholism is a democratic disease

Not everyone withstands the conditions of therapy.

– However, more patients wish to continue the treatment than to stop it. Motivations are different, most often it is the closest family that encourages their relatives to live sober. However, 99 percent. those who interrupted therapy come back – points out the head of the Jordanian center.

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic is conducive to drug use.

– It is a very democratic disease and affects everyone, regardless of education, sex, material status or profession. It is valuable that public figures more and more often confess to their addictions and to fight them. This prompts ordinary bread eaters to start therapy and fight for a life of abstinence – adds Piskozub.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to the problems of the perineum – a part of the body just like any other. And although it concerns all of us, it is still a taboo subject that we are often ashamed to talk about. What do hormonal changes and natural births change? How not to harm the pelvic floor muscles and how to care for them? How do we talk about perineal problems with our daughters? About this and many other aspects of the problem in a new episode of the podcast.

Also read:

  1. What happens when you drink a glass of wine every day? Can alcohol be healthy for the body?
  2. How does alcohol affect the body’s immunity? [WE EXPLAIN]
  3. Drinking alcohol increases the risk of cancer. Science has a lot of evidence for this

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