Labadia potatoes: characteristics, planting and care

The new Labadia variety is guaranteed popularity based on its characteristics. A fast development period, large, beautiful root crops, immunity to a number of dangerous diseases make the variety in demand.

Labadia potatoes: characteristics, planting and care

History of origin

The Labadia variety was bred in the Netherlands, it has been included in the State Register since 2010. Originator: Stet Holland BV Company Labadia variety potatoes are recommended for cultivation in the conditions of the central, Ural, Volga and southern regions of Our Country.

Description and characteristics

Vegetation period

Prior to ripening 75 days, the phase of technical ripeness in 105-115 days

The above-ground part

The stems are tall, the bush is vigorous, straight or semi-spreading. The leaves are large, with a slight waviness. Corollas medium or large, white


Oval, oblong; small/medium deep eyes


Smooth/slightly rough, thin, yellow


Light yellow, with a dense structure

Starch content




The weight

100-150 g

Commodity output


Quantity in nest

6-9 items


290-460 c/ha, maximum – 583 c/ha

Storage dormant period


Vegetation features

Drought resistance, adaptation of the variety to different types of soil

Disease resistance

Immunity to potato cancer and wrinkled mosaic, golden nematode infection. The variety is moderately susceptible to leafroll virus, banded mosaic and late blight.

Medium-early table variety Labadia has a good taste, after cooking it retains a pleasant creamy-yellow hue. Labadiya is used for baking, frying, french fries, chips, as it belongs to the group “B” according to the European classification of table varieties – slightly mealy, universal direction. When cooked in water, the potatoes boil a little.

Attention! Table potatoes Labadia needs enough fertilizer for a rich harvest. At the same time, the proportion of nitrogen preparations for vigorous plants is reduced.

Labadia potatoes: characteristics, planting and care

Advantages and disadvantages



Excellent commercial properties: large, one-dimensional tubers, light, slightly rough skin texture; keeping quality and transportability

Tubers planted without light shoots germinate slowly. Mandatory sprouting period

Pleasant taste

Cannot be planted early in cold ground

High stable yield

Tendency to external mechanical damage, but the dense structure remains without flaws

Tolerates drought. Adapts to different soils


The variety is resistant to dangerous potato diseases.



Growing potatoes Labadia will bring a stable harvest from all types of soil. According to acidity, soil with a pH reaction of 5,1-6,0 is better suited. Without a laboratory, you can roughly determine the acidity of a site for potatoes. If there are daisies, clover, dandelions, wheatgrass, coltsfoot, potatoes will also bear fruit well. In autumn, the soil is enriched with manure, bird droppings or superphosphate, potash mixtures, ammonium sulfate.

In the southern regions, the Labadia variety can be grown 2 times per season, if you follow the correct agricultural practices.

  • Germination in the light 20-30 days. Without sprouts, the seed awakens for a long time.
  • Before planting, it is desirable to treat potatoes with growth stimulants.
  • Labadia potatoes are placed according to the scheme 70 x 35 cm.
  • They are planted in the ground, which has warmed up to + 8 ° C to a planting depth of 8-10 cm. If the recommendations are followed, the shoots are uniform and friendly.

Labadia potatoes: characteristics, planting and care


For all the unpretentiousness of the Labadia variety, it must be carefully looked after.

  • The area with potatoes is regularly loosened, providing the root system with sufficient air access, weeds are removed;
  • In rains, they are watered only before the flowering phase, then the culture especially needs moisture;
  • In a dry period, watering is important when the stems rise to a height of 6 cm, then before and after flowering;
  • Up to 50 liters of water are consumed per square meter to moisten the layer of earth where the tubers develop.

Hilling and top dressing

Vigorous bushes of Labadia potatoes are spudded high so that the large tubers that are forming do not turn green under the sun. The first hilling is carried out at a stem height of 12-15 cm. The next one is after 2-3 weeks. The last spud before flowering.

Labadia potatoes: characteristics, planting and care

 The Labadia potato variety must be fed even on fertile soil.

  • They begin to fertilize potatoes when the plants reach a height of 15 cm: 10 g of urea is dissolved in 5 liters of water and 0,5 liters are poured under a bush.
  • Insist manure or chicken manure: 500 g per 10 liters of water. Then the infusion is diluted 1:10 and watered between rows.
  • Before flowering, dissolve 10 g of wood ash or 200 g of potassium sulfate in 20 liters of water. Watered under each bush for 0,5 liters.
  • During flowering, to activate the formation of tubers of the Labadia variety, potatoes are fed with a solution of 20 g of superphosphate in 10 liters of water. You can also add a solution of mullein or bird droppings. Consumption – 0,5 liters under the root.
Warning! Potatoes are fertilized after abundant watering.

Diseases and pests





Dark spots form on the stems and leaves, later a gray coating. In rainy weather and temperatures below + 15 ° C, the fungus spreads throughout the area in 10 days

Prophylactically, Labadia potatoes are treated with fungicides Bactofit, Arceride, Quadris and others. Healthy tubers are selected for planting


Only tubers are affected. Brown or black cracks with rough edges form on the peel. The fungus develops at high temperatures. Significantly reduced starch

In the soil, the fungus persists for more than 3 years. Planting potatoes are treated with Fito Plus. They also spray potato bushes during the growing season

Brown bacterial rot of potato

When the plant blooms, the tops begin to fade, the leaves turn yellow, the veins at the bottom of the stem are affected by rot. Tubers rot in storage

Potatoes cannot be planted on the affected area for 5 years. Planting tubers are heated for germination, and then sorted out, removing the affected ones. Sprayed with Bactofit before planting and twice before flowering

Potato moth

Butterflies, similar to clothes moths, flutter over the bushes if you move them. The plant and tubers suffer from small larvae – 1-1,3 cm. With a large infection, the moth may have time to lay eggs in tubers that are closer to the surface

Insecticides. They carry out high hilling, which is required by technology for the Labadia variety

Labadia potatoes: characteristics, planting and care


7-10 days before harvesting potatoes, green or yellowed stems are mowed, the tubers are covered with a dense peel. Dug out potatoes are aired and dried in dark rooms. Tubers are laid for storage without damage.

Important! It is impossible to leave dug out potatoes in the garden for a long time if a potato moth is noticed.


The mid-early table variety is distinguished by a plentiful harvest and large tubers, suitable for growing on private farms and for a large agricultural sector. The resistance of the variety to pathogens of viral diseases and the golden nematode, unpretentiousness to soils will serve as a popularization, as well as versatility in use.

Growing potatoes / When to feed potatoes / A bucket from a bush

Grade Reviews

Olga, 38 years old, Togliatti
Last year, 5 kg of the Labadia variety was planted at the dacha. Processed only from Colorado beetles. We always fertilize the site in the fall, we import manure every 3-4 years. They dug up beautiful, even potatoes.
Victor, 47 years old, city ​​of Yelets
I buy elite seeds for my 6 acres. I liked the Labadia variety – 6-7 large tubers each. Used for your needs. Wonderful in taste.
Alexey, 45 years old, Oryol region
I have been planting the Labadia variety for the second year. Productive and tasty variety. Illness is not amenable. It goes very well in the market because of its appearance.

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