La Tapa becomes academic

In the mythical restaurant Lhardy in the capital of Spain, the birth of this new academic entity that magnifies Madrid and national cuisine took place.

The birth of the Madrid Tapa Academy, constitutes a new milestone within the national gastronomic panorama, managing to institutionalize the traditional aperitif to accompany the drinks in the hotel and catering establishments.

Its objective is the promotion and dissemination of the city of Madrid as gastro-cultural benchmark and collaborate so that the prestige, quality and excellence of its elaborations, are at the level of the best world cuisines.

The birth of such a culinary entity took place with the signing of the founding act of the Academy, naming the managing commission in the same act, under the watchful eye of the 175-year history of the White Room of Lhardy Restaurant, cradle in turn of one of the best references of the capital’s gastronomy, the stew.

As a non-profit entity, the framework of actions will cover the cultural, social and tourist activity of the city to help maintain the Lid as a symbol of our gastronomy and a benchmark in the hospitality industry that has contributed to the socialization of culinary art.

Work that will surely develop perfectly those called to lead the academic project in the figure of:

  • Joaquín Ruibérriz de Torres and Navarro-Pingarrón as president
  • Manuel Angel de los Ríos Cañete as Vice President
  • Jesus Flores Téllez as Secretary General
  • Emilio Garrido Polo as Treasurer.

The future of our Tapas

Within the framework of actions where it is intended to add value from the institution, are the technological and scientific disciplines that contribute to the gastronomy an improvement in their elaborations and above all a guarantee of quality and healthiness.

Since those past decades from which the aperitif served in a dessert plate takes its name that used to be “coverage “or” cover “ of hot consumption, so that it conserves all its aroma, flavor and especially temperature, has reached the Lid as a motivating symbol of consumption within the most avant-garde culinary creation.

That is where it is intended to act as true culinary ambassadors of quality agri-food products from Madrid and its Community, to build ties between the apeople scientific, technological, artistic, cultural and outreach, to ensure a future full of Tapas in our daily lives.

Tapas “Made in Madrid”, Covers that “Awaken the Senses”, Tapas “Total Experience”, will be part of the new calls to action that we will begin to see within the program of activities that the association wants to develop in the form of Events, Tapas Routes, Gastronomic Days, etc.

The lifestyle of “Tapeo” will always be alive. With attitudes and actions like this one, they will surely help to preserve and promote it, as they have already started from the website of the Academia de la Tapa de Madrid ®

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