La Table Krug, the exclusive table from El Portal

La Table Krug, the exclusive table from El Portal

La Table Krug It is presented as a new gastronomic experience of the Alicante area The portal, where not only the best raw materials from the Mediterranean are cooked, but also the best ideas around the art of restoration are concentrated. Its creators, Carlos Bosch and chef Sergio Sierra, have sought a way to create a new concept of reserved space within the same restaurant.

The Table Krug is designed for a minimum of four and a maximum of eight people, with a special menu prepared for the occasion of 190 euros per person, which includes high quality products accompanied by Krug Cuvée and a selection of wines from different vintages.

The success of El Portal

The Portal, located in the Principal Theater of Alicante, has achieved, in its seven years of life, bring together the most select tourism and foodies from Alicante. “The proposal seeks to be a research center and laboratory for the Mediterranean gastronomic culture of the Spanish Levant”, says Bosch.

It is distinguished especially by your cellar, with more than 300 references from around the world, with 70 sparkling wines and 80 wines.

The businessman thus gives a twist to the concept of the classic Spanish tavern adapting it to the XNUMXst century and to a more current demand, and, together with Sierra, it rescues the pillars of traditional cuisine, continually reinventing it. From caviar to truffle, passing through red prawns and tapas, El Portal blurs the boundaries of the flavor of the Levant with a more international concept.

«You can go thirty days in a row and not repeat any», Says Bosch. Sierra, chef and co-owner of this space, affirms that all the elements reign with the same importance to offer the 130.000 customers who pass through the restaurant each year more than 120 proposals.

Together they work to exalt the virtues from the raw material to its maximum exponent and surprise the most demanding palates every day.

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