
The writer and historian Leonid Yuzefovich not only tells in an extremely entertaining way about the life path of the “black baron”, but also shows what happens when they try to hammer the pulsating complexity of political reality into the stocks of utopia.

Baron Roman Fedorovich Ungern-Sternberg (1885–1921), the white general, restorer of independent Mongolia, hoped to refresh the decrepit European civilization by drawing strength from the nomadic East, in the “yellow culture”. The writer and historian Leonid Yuzefovich not only tells in an extremely entertaining way about the life path of the “black baron”, but also shows what happens when they try to hammer the pulsating complexity of political reality into the stocks of utopia. And he clearly formulates the results of such attempts: “One of the first in the XNUMXth century, he passed that ancient path on which a wandering knight inevitably becomes a wandering murderer, a dreamer — an executioner, a mystic — a doctrinaire. On this path, a person who seeks to return the Golden Age to earth returns not even a copper, but a stone one. Monstrous torture, the burning of the guilty at the stake, the uprising of the army and the inglorious death — this is where Ungern led his blindness to the existence of an individual person.


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