L. Leonard “Meeting with a crazy woman. To live, overcoming fear, anger and resentment “

There are many cases when a woman abandoned her talent, suppressed her creative impulses. Examples can be found in myth (the Morgan fairy), in history (Rodin’s lover Camille Claudel) and among our acquaintances. The reasons why this happens are different – shyness, fear of condemnation, the desire to save the family and be “like everyone else.”

There are many cases when a woman abandoned her talent, suppressed her creative impulses. Examples can be found in myth (the Morgan fairy), in history (Rodin’s lover Camille Claudel) and among our acquaintances. The reasons why this happens are different – shyness, fear of condemnation, the desire to save the family and be “like everyone else.” The rejected inner strength of a woman loses creativity, becomes destructive and turns into madness. Witch, demoness, Pythia, maenad – these images add up to the archetype of the “mad woman”. How he manifests himself, what he tells us, what we should do when we meet him is the subject of a new work by the famous Jungian analyst Linda Leonard.

KLASS, 376 p.

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