L-carnitine – role in the body, action, sources and dosage [EXPLAINED]

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L-carnitine is a substance necessary for the proper functioning of the body. However, it owes its popularity to the action supporting weight loss. What is the cause of its deficiency and in what products is the most of it? When is it worth using and does it really work? We check.

L-carnitine is an organic chemical that was first isolated from muscle in 1905. From a Latin word carnus, that is, the muscle comes from the name of this compound.

In the human body, L-carnitine is synthesized in the liver, kidneys and brain from two amino acids, i.e. lysine and methionine. Carnitine exists in the form of two isomers L and D. Natural carnitine is an L-stereoisomer and only in this form is it biologically active.

The human body contains approx. 20 g of L-carnitine and it is mainly located in the skeletal muscles and the heart. The remaining part, i.e. approx. 1,5%, is located in the places where this compound is synthesized. Initially, L-carnitine was considered vitamin BT because it showed a mechanism of action similar to that of B vitamins. L-carnitine, however, could not be considered a vitamin because it did not meet the criteria of such classification. Accordingly, it is often referred to as a vitamin compound.

L-carnitine is not metabolized. In the kidney it is filtered by the renal glomeruli and then almost completely reabsorbed in the renal tubules.

You can read more about amino acids important for the human body here: Essential amino acids – an essential element of the body’s functioning

Are you looking for a dietary supplement with the best absorbable L-carnitine? We recommend a supplement with L-carnitine tartrate available on Medonet Market.

The role of L-carnitine in the human body

L-carnitine fulfills numerous and important functions in the human body. Most often attention is paid to:

  1. participation in lipid metabolism. L-carnitine has the ability to lower cholesterol;
  2. transport of long-chain fatty acids to the mitochondria. There, they are transformed into the energy needed for the proper functioning of cells;
  3. influence on the activity of hormones, especially testosterone and thyroid hormones;
  4. participation in the transport of unnecessary metabolites from the cell to the outside;
  5. intensification of fatty acid burning processes, which inhibits the growth of adipose tissue and prevents obesity;
  6. beneficial effect on the nervous system. Its long-term supplementation in young people with mental inhibitions increases the ability to learn and improves reflexes;
  7. an important role in the process of thermogenesis and participation in the adaptation of the organism to the external environment;
  8. participation in carbohydrate transformations. It acts as an energy material as a replacement for glycogen;
  9. antioxidant effect;
  10. ability to permanently bind elements such as cadmium, iron or lead.

A high-quality dietary supplement with L-carnitine is offered by the Hanoju brand. Its natural composition helps to improve the body’s efficiency and supports the process of reducing body fat. You can buy Acetyl L-Carnitine 400mg at a low price on medoentmarket.pl.

What is worth knowing about other amino acids? Check it out: Amino acids are good for the heart

People struggling with excess body weight are still looking for miraculous means allowing for quick weight loss. That is why they look with hope, among others for L-carnitine, which – due to its properties – can help you lose unnecessary kilograms.

This amino acid by itself is not able to burn fat, but only supports this process. By taking L-carnitine supplements or supplementing your daily diet with its sources and doing nothing else, it will be difficult to notice any effects. However, when combined with healthy eating and physical activity, L-carnitine can actually facilitate the weight loss process.

How can you speed up your weight loss? Check: How to boost your metabolism?

The independent synthesis of L-carnitine, which takes place in the body, allows to fill the body’s demand for this compound only to a small extent. The human body derives its main L-carnitine resources from the food we provide it every day.

Currently, however, there is no specific standard of L-carnitine consumption by a healthy person. However, the research conducted so far shows that an adult should provide his body with 0,3 to 1,9 mg of L-carnitine per 1 kg of body weight. The upper limit of L-carnitine intake has been set at 15 mg per day. Approx. 20-25% of the L-carnitine requirement is achieved by synthesis in the body. The rest is taken with food. It is worth noting that the demand for L-carnitine increases in pregnant and lactating women.

What is worth knowing about a vegetarian diet? Check: Vegetarianism – a way of life?

Natural sources of L-carnitine

L-carnitine is a compound most commonly found in meat and dairy products. The absolute highlight in this case is kangaroo meat, which contains 637 mg of L-carnitine in 100 g of meat. High levels of L-carnitine also apply to horse meat, lamb and game. In turn, chicken fillet contains approx. 35 mg of L-carnitine in 100 g of meat. A little more of this compound is found in minced pork, 60 mg on average. Fish meat is also a valuable source of L-carnitine. It is estimated that fish contain approx. 60-200 mg of L-carnitine.

Dairy and dairy products contain much less of this compound. For example, cottage cheese contains about 29 mg, buttermilk 39 mg, and goat cheese less than 2 mg L-carnitine. Vegetables and fruits are very low in L-carnitine. Only mushrooms contain 10 to 50 mg of this compound. Fruits and vegetables do not exceed 10 mg of L-carnitine in 100 g of the product. This means, therefore, that people on a vegetarian diet, and even more so on a vegan diet, should take L-carnitine supplements.

How to compose a healthy menu? Read: Healthy Diet

L-carnitine deficiency is usually not found in healthy people. Usually, biosynthesis and a healthy diet provide the body with the amount of L-carnitine that meets its basic needs. However, there are cases of L-carnitine deficiency in the body, and there can be many reasons for this.

The most common cause of L-carnitine deficiency is a diet low in meat and dairy. L-carnitine is also lacking in the body of people who struggle with heart, liver and kidney disorders. Deficiencies can also occur in people suffering from diabetes or hypothyroidism. L-carnitine deficiency also affects malnourished but also obese people. The proper level of L-carnitine is also not maintained in the body of people who perform very intense physical exercise. Pregnant women and nursing mothers also struggle with L-carnitine deficiency.

The first symptoms of L-carnitine deficiency are muscle damage, myocardial abnormalities, general muscle weakness, and heart failure. Muscle weakness can lead to skeletal muscle wasting and heart failure.

Preparations containing L-carnitine

If a person is at risk of L-carnitine deficiency, taking supplements enriched with this compound should be considered. Currently, you can get L-carnitine preparations in every pharmacy. The most popular ones include: Therm Line forte, Rekarnival, Olimp L-carnitine 500 Forte Plus or Olimp L-carnitine Plus. Green teas are also enriched with L-carnitine.

On Medonet Market you can buy, for example:

  1. OstroVit L-carnitine powder to be dissolved in water,
  2. L-carnitine – OstroVit grapefruit-lemon-lime flavor shot in convenient bottles.

Important! The use of L-carnitine as a supplement for athletes and people on a diet raises doubts about its beneficial effects. The effectiveness of L-carnitine requires confirmation, which will be possible only after research on a larger population.

L-carnitine dosage

The recommended dose of L-carnitine is 500 to 2000 mg daily. For most people, this dose should be well tolerated. Before starting the use of preparations with l-carnitine, always read the leaflet, and it is also worth consulting this decision with your doctor. L-carnitine can exacerbate the symptoms of other diseases, and also interacts with other drugs.

What should you know about supplements? Check: Pole supplementoholic

L-carnitine use – side effects

L-carnitine is generally a safe, non-toxic and well-tolerated substance. In some cases, L-carnitine supplementation may, however, cause unpleasant digestive ailments, such as nausea, abdominal pain or diarrhea. It is also worth remembering that too frequent and exaggerated use of L-carnitine may disrupt the bacterial flora.

L-carnitine supplement – reviews

Although L-carnitine is found in many animal products (including meat), supplements are very popular. There is nothing wrong with taking them – as long as they do not replace a rational diet.

When it comes to the effectiveness of L-carnitine, the opinions are satisfactory. Regular supplementation allows you to avoid deficiencies of this ingredient, contributing, inter alia, to to improve the functioning of blood vessels, reduce chronic fatigue, improve brain function and reduce body fat.

Try, for example, L-carnitine 500 mg Viridian – a dietary supplement, which is available on Medonet Market in packages of 30 capsules.

To sum up, L-carnitine should be reached by people who:

  1. follow a vegetarian or vegan diet;
  2. want to get rid of excess body fat;
  3. want to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health.Do you need a medical consultation or an e-prescription? Go to halodoctor.pl, where you will get online help – quickly, safely and without leaving your home.

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