L-carnitine was discovered in 1905 and first synthesized in 1960. It is synthesized in our body, therefore it is not called a vitamin, but only a vitamin-like substance.
L-carnitine is synthesized in the liver and kidneys and is further distributed throughout the body. For the normal synthesis of L-carnitine, a large amount of other vitamins is needed, in particular vitamins C, B3, B6, B9, B12, as well as amino acids such as lysine and methianine.
If at least one of these substances is lacking, the synthesis of L-carnitine slows down or stops altogether.
What effect does L-carnitine have on the body?
If we consider a human cell, then inside it there are special substances – mitochondria, they produce energy. They can generate energy from fatty acids that enter the mitochondria and are converted there into ATF, which is the energy source for the cell.
L-carnitine helps fatty acids penetrate into the mitochondria, facilitating their transport across membranes, and thus fatty acids are oxidized faster. If L-carnitine is not enough fatty acids accumulate in cells throughout the body and this can be the cause of obesity.
Plus, L-carnitine has, albeit not a very strong, anabolic effect. It has been found that those athletes who use L-carnitine gain more lean muscle mass and lose fat mass faster.
That is, L-carnitine burns fat, but this does not exhaust its effect. In fact, L-carnitine enhances the burning of adipose tissue, the loss of adipose tissue is much more intense. But besides this, carnitine also lowers cholesterol levels, and this has a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and coronary vessels. In addition, carnitine has been found to enhance physical and mental stamina. This is because nerve cells, just like muscle cells, have mitochondria and they must also produce energy. L-carnitine has also been shown to reduce chronic fatigue syndromes. This is very important now. But that’s not all. It has been found that the use of L-carnitine reduces the manifestation of stress, due to the beneficial effects of L-carnitine on the adrenal glands.
L-carnitine also affects blood cells and improves the oxygen transport function of the blood. In general, L-carnitine acts on virtually the entire body.
Can it be used with food, and not just in the chemical composition?
The very name of L-carnitine comes from the word “meat”. Indeed, raw meat contains a lot of carnitine. The daily norm of carnitine is found in 300-400 grams of meat. It is also found in fish, poultry, cottage cheese, cheese and dairy products. The problem is that meat, fish, and poultry lose L-carnitine during chemical processing. Since we do not eat raw foods, this means that it is almost impossible to get your daily L-carnitine requirement in this way.
It means that it is necessary to receive the necessary dose with chemical preparations. L-carnitine comes in tablets, carbonated drinks, daily dose ampoules, concentrates and bars.
The negative point of taking L-carnitine in tablets is that it is absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract for a long time and the effect of taking it will come in 40 minutes. Therefore, you will not be able to drink them before training, however, if you take them on a pill in the morning and evening, the general background will rise.
A more convenient form for exercising is carbonated drinks with L-carnitine. When playing sports, they can be consumed before and during training. Especially if the training is aerobic in nature. For people who take L-carnitine for weight loss, but do not engage in physical activity, this form is not recommended, after all, there is a certain amount of calories.
Another convenient form is a solution in a plastic ampoule. Usually it contains a daily dose of carnitine (from 1500-3000 mg). Convenience also lies in the fact that if you drank it, then after 5-10 minutes the concentration of L-carnitine in the blood rises, which means that fat begins to be burned.
There is also L-carnitine in the form of a solution or concentrate. Usually it has a capacity of 0,5-1 liters. There is a measuring cap, the volume of which must be taken every morning and every evening. This will make up for the L-carnitine deficiency.
Take L-Carnitine, Exercise, and Be Healthy!