Kyst al-Hindi – application in medicine

Kyst al-Hindi - application in medicine

An exotic Indian plant, kyst al-Hindi or costus, came to Europe not so long ago, but gained great popularity. At first glance, it seems that it is associated exclusively with the bright color of the flower part. In fact, kyst al-Hindi is the only plant of its kind famous for its medicinal properties.

Kostus is included in the list of representatives of the flora in the Red Book. The governments of China and India have legally banned the export of the plant beyond their own borders. This served as an incentive to study in detail the necessary conditions for its cultivation in countries with a similar microclimate. Today, the largest producers of Kyst al Hindi are Iran and Syria. Exotic lovers grow costus in greenhouses and greenhouses, but rather for decorative rather than medicinal purposes.

What is qist al hindi?

Kyst al-Hindi - application in medicine

Kyst al-Hindi is a large, perennial, tropical plant native to the Himalayas. During the flowering period, it releases spiral-shaped shoots, on which greenish-yellow or bright red bracts are formed, similar to cones. On them, surrounded by elongated two-colored leaves, flowers of incredible beauty bloom. By the color of the petals, one can judge the origin of the plant. White ruffled petals in the Indian variety, and black in the Syrian. The flower in diameter reaches 5 cm, exudes a pleasant aroma. During flowering, kyst al-Hindi is similar to the more familiar irises.

Large leaves – up to 15 cm in length, are located on the shoots in a spiral. The leaf blade is two-colored, juicy, sometimes covered with a velvety fluff. If you tear the leaf slightly, you can feel a slight ginger smell.

Kyst al-Hindi – is it a tree or a bush?

Kyst al-Hindi is considered a tall shrub. There were many disputes that the plant is rather a tree, but in the end, botanists came to a consensus. Costus has a trunk that grows up to 150 – 200 cm. Numerous spiral shoots branch off from the central trunk, which practically hide it and form a crown about 1,5 meters in diameter.

The value is not the beautiful flowers of kyst al-Hindi, but its bark and roots. The shrub has a powerful, dense root, which goes into the soil by 10-18 cm. The diameter of the root processes is from 2 to 5 cm, depending on the age of the plant.

Costus roots are harvested during plant transplantation for the purpose of reproduction. Cut off parts of the common rhizome, sprinkle the slices with charcoal and place in the ground. After a few months, shoots of young bushes appear. The collected roots are washed in special solutions and dried. Depending on the species, it acquires a gray or dark yellow color. A mixture of roots and bark of al-Hindi kyst has a recognizable sensual, slightly burning aroma.


Kyst al-Hindi - application in medicine

More than 100 useful components are recorded in kyst al hindi powder. Let’s dwell on the most famous:

  • Ascorbic acid – is involved in metabolism, has antioxidant properties.

  • Витамин Е — защищает клетки, восстанавливает повреждённые структуры, обладает омолаживающим действием.

  • B vitamins – improve blood composition, renew nerve fibers, increase visual acuity, are necessary for the proper development of the fetus.

  • Carotene – activates the immune functions of the body.

  • Calcium – maintains bone density, strengthens tooth enamel.

  • Phosphorus – necessary for mineral metabolism, mineralization of the bones of the skeleton.

  • Potassium – heals the heart muscle, calms the central nervous system, regulates the water-salt balance, normalizes the functions of the kidneys and adrenal glands.

  • Железо — необходимо для иммунитета, улучшения качества крови, регенерации повреждённых тканей.

  • Benzoic acid – able to suppress the growth of pathogenic flora.

  • Chilinin – has an antibacterial effect.

  • Triterpenes are compounds that impart a characteristic bitter taste.

  • Alanine – improves the function of the kidneys, prostate gland, increases efficiency.

  • Глютамин — подавляет рост опухолевых клеток, стимулирует иммунитет, улучшает работу ЖКТ.

  • Glycine – favorably affects the central nervous system, participates in the synthesis of collagen, improves the condition of the skin, ligaments.

  • Citrulline – restores strength after past illnesses, improves sexual function, improves cognitive functions.

  • Aspartic acid – is involved in the production of sex hormones, preserves the integrity of red blood cells, increases endurance.

  • Vegetable fats – improve the lipid profile of the blood, restore cell membranes.

  • Protein compounds are necessary for a full-fledged metabolism, the construction of new cells.

  • Carbohydrates are fast carbohydrates that provide the body with energy.

  • Essential oils – have a choleretic effect, improve the condition of blood vessels, suppress the inflammatory process, relieve vasospasm.

The rich composition explains the unique healing effects of al-Hindi kyst. Mentions in the recipes of traditional medicine prompted the organization of many observations of patients with various diseases. All scientific experiments have confirmed the exceptional benefits of costus roots.

Application in medicine

Kyst al-Hindi - application in medicine

Official medicine continues to explore the impact of al-Hindi cysts on the body in pathological conditions. Thus, data were obtained on the general strengthening effect of the plant root on the central nervous system. Regular use provides vivacity, high spirits, emotional stability.

Studies have shown that costus root:

  1. Reduces pain and fever, has an anti-inflammatory effect [1].

  2. Улучшает симптомы язвенного колита [2].

  3. Also, kyst al-Hindi has activity against helminthic (nematode) infections. Some studies show that costus root reduces the number of worm eggs in stools about as effectively as treatment with a standard drug called pyrantel pamoate. [3][4].

  4. Another study showed that patients with throat infections who took al-Hindi cyst had a remission rate similar to that associated with antibiotic use. [5].

  5. Costus has also been used for asthma and coughs.

With diseases of the digestive tract

Costus is indispensable for the gastrointestinal tract and digestion. Active substances disinfect the oral mucosa. This serves as an excellent prevention of inflammatory lesions of periodontal tissues, gums. Valuable amino acids and vegetable fats soothe the inner wall of the stomach in case of gastritis, regulate the acidity of gastric juice, and help heal ulcerative lesions. Antioxidants, protein compounds facilitate the elimination of toxins. The rhizome of kyst al-Hindi favors a decrease in the coefficient of low density lipoproteins (“bad” cholesterol). At the same time, there is an alignment of the lipid profile with a drop in triglyceride levels and an increase in high-density lipoprotein (“good” cholesterol).

Gastroenterologists have defined their own recommendations for treating the digestive system:

  • Первоначальная дозировка не должна превышать 1/2 чайной ложки порошка костуса. Препарат принимают дважды в день, после приёма пищи.

  • Monitor your well-being. If within 3-4 days allergic reactions or deterioration are not observed, the dose is increased.

  • It is allowed to take 3 tablespoons of the product, which are divided into three doses per day.

  • Costus can be consumed in two ways – by dissolving the powder in water or in dry form. To improve the taste, honey can be added to the drink. If the powder is taken in dry form, then it is washed down with plenty of water.

  • The maximum therapeutic effect is achieved when using the powder form of al-Hindi cysts.

To restore liver cells, a course of treatment for al-Hindi cysts is recommended for a month. Active substances stimulate the outflow of bile, soften the manifestations of inflammation.

For joints

Costus active substances help to restore joints, cartilage damaged due to trauma or degenerative processes. Observations have shown that regular intake of al-Hindi cyst powder by patients with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis for 4-6 weeks significantly improves the condition of the affected bone and cartilage joints, stops the inflammatory process.

For autoimmune diseases

If we talk about autoimmune conditions, one cannot but mention multiple sclerosis. This disease is characterized by impaired demyelination of the nerve pathways, which causes severe neurological symptoms. Kyst al-Hindi inhibits autoimmune reactions, restores the natural activity of T-lymphocytes. The beneficial effect on the pineal gland of the brain greatly contributes to the synthesis of myelin.

Studies have shown that regular intake of costus rhizome extract suppresses the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. According to MRI images taken after 6 months of regular use of therapeutic doses of cyst powder, there is a decrease in sclerotic lesions in the nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord. Patients note an improvement in their health status, a gradual return of lost motor functions, and an improvement in visual acuity.

Benefits for men

Kyst al-Hindi - application in medicine

Men who have difficulty in conceiving a child are advised to use al-Hindi kyst internally and externally. For external use, costus oil is taken. It is applied to the lower abdomen and testicles. For internal – dilute 1 tablespoon of powder in a glass of warm water. The medicinal drink is drunk 5 times a day for a month. A break between courses is a week, three courses in a row are allowed.

Active ingredients of Kyst al-Hindi:

  • Get rid of chronic infections and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs.

  • Activate local blood circulation.

  • Improve the function of the prostate gland.

  • Stimulate spermatogenesis.

  • Increase the quality of sperm, thereby increasing the chance of conception.

To achieve the maximum effect, it is recommended to introduce pumpkin, nuts, green leafy vegetables into the diet.

Benefits for women

Gynecologists have come to the conclusion that natural powder and costus preparations in the form of dietary supplements have a positive effect on the health of the female reproductive system.

They are used to treat:

  • Inflammation of the appendages, uterus.

  • Memes.

  • Erosion of the cervix.

  • Disruption of the menstrual cycle.

  • Lack of ovulation caused by impaired growth, maturation of the follicle.

  • An infection caused by a fungus of the genus Candida.

  • Genital herpes.

  • Inflammatory processes – colpitis, vaginitis.

Kyst al-Hindi saturates the body with iron, restores hormonal balance, promotes the synthesis of estrogen and progesterone.

For the treatment of infertility, a drink is prepared from 1 teaspoon of costus powder and a glass of heated water. After thorough mixing, the liquid is drunk immediately. During the day you need to drink 5 glasses. The treatment course is 30 days. After a week break, it is repeated again.

During the entire pregnancy, it is recommended to drink the same drink, but 2 times a day. This contributes to the formation of the child’s immunity, the development of internal organs, and the proper functioning of the endocrine system. In addition, the female body is preparing for childbirth and breastfeeding.

Для лечения воспалительных процессов в органах малого таза готовят вагинальные тампоны из равных пропорций корня кыст аль-хинди и мёда. Смесь наносят на аптечный тампон и вводят во влагалище на 2 часа. Лечебный эффект наблюдается после 7-10 дней терапии.

Benefits for children

Costus is one of the few plants that is allowed for babies almost from birth. Kyst al-Hindi ensures the correct formation, development and functioning of internal organs, helps the formation of the rudiments of milk teeth, and prevents deformation of the bones of the skeleton.

[Video] Dr. Vivek – the beneficial properties of kyst al-Hindi, how to use it?

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