Kwan Loong Oil

Kwan Loong Oil

Traditional therapeutic uses

Main indications:

Muscle aches

  • Kwan Loong Oil relieves muscle pain associated with overwork, back pain, arthritis, and any musculoskeletal issues. By improving the circulation of Energy and Blood, it allows muscles to relax and reduces inflammation in joints and tendons. It relieves pain and helps in the healing process.

Migraines and headaches

  • This oil is also used to relieve migraines and headaches, of mild to moderate intensity.


  • Applied to the chest and back, it helps clear the airways and relieve coughs.


For external use only

Apply to the area to be treated. Repeat, as needed, 3 to 4 times a day.


There are two main categories of products for external application against musculoskeletal pain: those whose main therapeutic action is to relieve pain and those whose main therapeutic action is to accelerate the healing process. Kwan Loong oil falls into the first category. Its high concentration of active ingredients increases its effectiveness in relieving pain. This oil is very popular and sought after.

Kwan Loong oil has a pleasant smell, a blend of wintergreen, menthol and eucalyptus. The scent of this oil clears the respiratory tract and disinfects the air.

The methyl salicylate in Kwan Loong oil was originally extracted from wild tea. This product is toxic if swallowed. It should also be avoided to apply it to a large area of ​​skin, more than three to four times a day and for a prolonged period.


Eleven topical herbal preparations, commonly used in Hong Kong, were tested for the risk of skin irritation. Kwan Loong Oil did not cause any irritation. With the exception of Hung Far Oil, all products tested were found to be safe when applied without a bandage.1


  • Contraindicated for children under 2 years old.
  • Contraindicated if you have allergies to salicylates (Aspirin for example) or if you are taking anticoagulant drugs (Warfarin for example).
  • There is danger of skin reactions if an external heat source is added, such as a heating pad, or if covered with a bandage.
  • Do not apply to mucous membranes, eyes and irritated skin.
  • Stop the application in case of inflammation, itching or burning.
  • Keep out of the reach of children.


Nom en pin yin

Pharmaceutical name

Therapeutic actions

Dong Qing Yu 

Methyl salicylate (oil of wintergreen)

Moves the Energy and the Blood, stops the pains  

Bo He Bing 

Mentholum (mint essence)

Moves Energy and Blood, Stops Pain, Helps Respiratory Voices  

Anye Nao 

boussingaulti oil (essence of eucalyptus)

Move Energy and Blood, stop pain, expectorate 

On the shelves

Health Canada has assigned a DIN (Drug Identification Number) to the following product, which certifies that it is free of contaminants, that it does not contain synthetic drugs and that the Traditional Chinese Pharmacopoeia recognizes its effectiveness for the uses described here. According to Health Canada, this product has been discontinued since October 31, 2007.


  • Kwan Loong Oil. Manufactured by Haw Par Healthcare LTD, Singapore. DIN 00791903.

Available in Chinese herbalists, many natural health product stores, as well as acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine distributors.


  1. Каде и како може да се купи KWAN LOONG vo makedonija

  2. Каде и како може да се купи KWAN LOONG vo makedonija

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