
Kurt is a fermented milk product that has many names and geographic affiliations. It is ranked among the cuisines of the Turkic, Altai, Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Bashkir, Uzbek, Mongolian and Tajik peoples. Among dozens of variations of names, only four are especially popular: kurt, short, kurut, kurut.

The product is widely distributed in Central Asia, in areas where the steppe peoples live by the old traditions. Kurut is a part of soups and meat dishes. They take it on a long journey without worrying about safety – the kurut is perfectly stored.

What is the product like and will an authentic Asian dish be able to win the popularity of the modern consumer?

What is kurut?

This is a salty dried cottage cheese based on sheep’s milk. It is prepared according to this principle: sour raw materials are subjected to prolonged heat treatment. The milk is boiled until all the liquid boils away. The resulting mass is filtered through gauze, spice salt is added and rolled up in the form of miniature balls or pyramids. Before serving, the kurt is dried in the fresh air to completely remove moisture from the dish. Most often sold in local markets where the demand for the product is high.

Kurt is classified as a hard cheese, which is prepared on the basis of milk of animal origin. Each country where kurt is considered a national dish has its own special recipe and way of serving. But the basis of cheese in all countries is prepared in the same way. First, they wait for the souring of the milk of a sheep, goat or cow, then they prepare yogurt, filter it, separate the whey, dry it, and only then they begin to roll cheese balls from the resulting raw materials using salt. The average preparation time of the product is 5 days, including drying.

The finished dish has a pronounced salty taste with pleasant creamy notes. Depending on the component composition, it can be sour, sweet, spicy or spicy. The shade of cheese – white or dark – also depends on the abundance of spices and additional components.

Interesting: the poem “Kurt is a precious stone”, which belongs to Raisa Golubeva, was written about the national dish. The author tells about the importance of the kurt for the prisoners of ALZHIR. It was this product that helped them avoid starvation.

Product Varieties

Variety is most often determined by a specific set of spices and foodstuffs, but kurut variety is determined by structure, not taste. In total, there are three types of dishes: dried, dried and boiled cheese.

Dried kurt has the highest degree of salinity. Raw materials are rolled up in the form of balls or triangles. A feature of dried kurt is a pattern on the surface. On the raw material there is a trace of the human hand that formed the ball. Previously, the locals brought a special sacred meaning to these prints, but now the production process is automated and more hygienic – the culinary specialist puts on gloves, so no traces remain.

Boiled cheese is prepared according to a different technology: raw materials are boiled for about 2-3 hours, after which they are rolled into the required shape and sent to dry in the sun. Ultraviolet rays completely remove moisture and slightly dry the structure of the product. Prolonged cooking makes the texture of the cheese softer and more tender. The salinity of kurut is muted, but the creamy taste and aroma come to the fore.

There is also boiled pasty kurt. It can be spread freely on a slice of bread or scooped up with a spoon to enjoy the pure taste of the product. Such cheese is boiled in a special broth, the components of which depend on the region and the taste preferences of the cook.

Important: dried cheese can also be added to the broth and brought to a paste-like consistency. Kurt must first be soaked in ordinary water and only then thrown into the broth.

Dairy product manufacturing technology

The basis of cheese is milk of animal origin. Most often, sheep, cow or goat milk is used. For example, in the south of Kazakhstan, only mare’s milk is used to prepare kurt, and in the west – camel’s.

Salted cheese is prepared on the basis of katyk, from which moisture is completely removed.

Katyk is a fermented milk drink. It is produced by fermentation of heat-treated milk and special bacterial cultures. Katyk differs from other fermented milk drinks in its high fat content, denser texture and rich taste. The liquid serves as the basis for the preparation of other dishes (for example, ayran and kurt).

To remove moisture from the katyk, it is placed in special bags, hung in a dark place and left for several days. During this time, the liquid itself flows down to the floor, and the raw material remains in the bag. As a result, a dense nutrient mass is formed – suzma. Suzma or suzbe is a specific fermented milk raw material, the consistency of which is between cottage cheese and sour cream. Suzma can be eaten or further processed.

To prepare kurut, the suzma is placed in salt, after which balls are rolled from the mass or triangles are formed. The average diameter of a cheese ball is 1 to 5 centimeters. The finished balls are dried in the sun, after which they are served at the table. Boiled kurut is pre-boiled for 2-3 hours, the excess liquid is filtered again, rolled into the required shape and dried. Salt is not added to boiled cheese. The drying process takes several days and depends on the preferences of the cook. Kurt can be tender and soft like cream cheese or firm like Parmesan.

The harder the kurut, the easier and longer it can be stored. This property is often used by manufacturers during long-term transportation of cheese to retail outlets.

Useful properties of the product

Ready cheese takes over the benefits of the main component – katyk. It contains a combination of lactic acid bacteria and bulgaric acid. It is these substances that provide the nutritional value and benefits of the drink.

Microorganisms that are involved in the preparation of raw materials improve the degree of digestibility of food products and increase the biological value of the finished dish. The fermented milk mass contains a set of useful nutrients that are necessary to maintain the high-quality functionality of the body.

Katyk inhibits the growth of putrefactive intestinal microflora, harmonizes the balance of beneficial and neutral bacteria. The product has a beneficial effect not only on the intestines, but also on the entire gastrointestinal tract. Also, the drink strengthens the protective functions of the body, prevents early aging.

The most important useful quality of Asian cheese is the ability to suppress nausea. This property is especially useful for travelers and people who often use transport. Locals recommend using kurt for exhaustion, anemia, severe physical or mental activity.

The finished cheese contains retinol (vitamin A). It improves the functioning of the organs of vision, additionally moisturizes the retina and protects it from the harmful effects of the external environment. Retinol also stimulates cell growth and renewal. Tocopherol (vitamin E) is responsible for saturating cells with oxygen and preventing aging. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) increases the protective functions of the immune system, and calciferol (vitamin D) prevents the development of cancer and strengthens the bone skeleton.

Some scientists (for example, I. I. Mechnikov) advocated the benefits of fermented milk products. It was believed that they suppress anaerobic fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract, due to which food is absorbed faster and more efficiently. Modern studies have revealed the possible absence in the body of enzymes that break down milk protein. In this case, dairy products have a negative effect on the body.

Possible harm to the product

Kurt is based on milk of animal origin, which is recognized as harmful to the human body, in which there is no enzyme for the breakdown of milk protein. Even in childhood, lactase ceases to be produced – the only enzyme capable of qualitatively breaking down lactose (milk sugar). The impossibility of splitting and normal assimilation of milk leads to a series of problems, among them:

  • acne, allergic rash;
  • decreased functionality of the digestive organs;
  • bowel disorders;
  • pain in the abdominal cavity;
  • internal inflammatory processes.

The composition of animal milk includes hormones that are produced by cattle, and antibiotics that are supplied by the person himself. This problem concerns not only dairy, but also lactic acid products.

Scientists have discovered a specific chemical in the cheese, the composition of which is very similar to morphine. It turned out that the cows themselves were involved in the formation of the narcotic component. Morphine and codeine are produced in their livers, which pass into milk and milk products. Perhaps that is why it is sometimes so difficult for us to restrain ourselves and eat a small piece of cheese – the hand involuntarily reaches for the supplement. Sometimes this ends with overeating and further problems not only with the gastrointestinal tract, but with the whole body.

Fact: 50 grams of cheese contains 50 to 70% of the daily fat requirement. Abuse of the product is fraught with an increase in the concentration of cholesterol, diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Moreover, some varieties of kurt do not undergo thorough heat treatment, which makes it dangerous for pregnant women, and indeed for all people. Raw kurut may contain Listeria (Listeria monocyotogenes). These are the bacteria that cause listeriosis, a disease that can lead to miscarriage or delays in the development of the baby. That is why it is best for pregnant women to give up cheese or reduce consumption to a minimum. In others, listeriosis can occur as an intestinal infection or specific meningitis.

Another argument against eating cheese is tryptophan. This is an amino acid that accumulates in the human body and provokes headaches, migraines, and insomnia.

Kurt is replete with salt, into which balls are rolled out. How might this affect the human body? Salt provokes fluid retention, which leads to an increase in blood pressure. The chain continues with hypertension, heart failure and stroke.

Fact: The World Health Organization Nutrition Center has proven that reducing salt intake by 5 grams per day minimizes the risk of heart attack by 23%, and heart / vascular disease by 17%.

Salt affects human cognitive functions and is the main cause of puffiness. Also, the substance several times increases the risk of developing stomach ulcers. Salt irritates the mucous membrane of the organ, negatively affects its functionality and leads to illness. The National Cancer Institute in the United States has officially recognized an excess of salt in the diet as one of the causes of stomach cancer.

Important: sodium puts a strain on the kidneys. The fluid that surrounds the cells increases the amount of blood in the bloodstream, increasing pressure and strain on the heart and kidneys.

Use of the ingredient in cooking

Energy value (based on 100 grams of finished cheese)
Caloric value260 kcal
Proteins25 g
Fats16 g
Carbohydrates2,7 g

Kurt is considered a versatile product. Its taste can be attributed to neutral, so the cheese goes equally well with sweet, salty and sour. Thick soups are cooked on its basis, sandwiches are prepared, added to the salad instead of the usual hard cheese. The simplest kurt recipe is a milk drink. It is enough to dilute the cheese ball in a glass of water and get a thick fermented milk drink with a rich creamy taste.

Fact: 1 cheese ball contains 100 milliliters of milk.

Locals eat kurut as an independent dish or an appetizer for light alcohol. Cheese is added to seasonal salads, soups, side dishes, fish and meat dishes. On the basis of pasty kurt, sauces and dressings are prepared for the traditional diet. It is for the light recipe and unobtrusive gastronomic properties that cheese is so fond of in ethnic territories.

A serving of cheese satisfies not only hunger, but also thirst. Kurt helps to retain moisture inside the body, which is extremely important during long journeys through the desert, hot steppe or climbing to the top. Another gastronomic advantage of cheese is a natural preservative. The texture and taste of the product are formed by salt, which our body can easily absorb.

How to store finished cheese?

Kurut is highly resistant to sudden changes in temperature. Moreover, it can be safely stored without a refrigerator, without worrying about the quality of the product.

Fact: Properly prepared cheese can be eaten for 8 years. The dryness and stiffness of the kurt is directly dependent on time.

The ideal way to store the kurt is in canvas bags that are hung in a dark and well-ventilated area.

Sources of
  1. Golubeva L.V., Dolmatova O.I., Kuchmenko T.A., Salamatova A.K., Oskenbay A.S.: Innovative technologies in the production of kurt – 2018.
  2. Ermolaev V.A.: Features of the production of dry cheeses by vacuum drying – 2009.

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