Kuril tea (cinquefoil): when and how to collect, how to brew, how to drink

Drying Kuril tea to make a healthy drink at home is quite possible, you just need to know some of the nuances. This plant in the form of a low shrub is widespread in the Far East, the Caucasus, and Siberia. Many gardeners grow Kuril tea on their plots. It turns out a double benefit: the plant looks great on lawns, alpine slides, curbs.

People call Kuril tea:

  • shrub cinquefoil;
  • cinquefoil;
  • powerful.

Kuril tea (cinquefoil): when and how to collect, how to brew, how to drink

Timing of the collection of cinquefoil

You need to start harvesting cinquefoil when the plant blooms, and until the fall. The signal to stop is the fall of the flowers, since after that the beneficial properties are depleted. For collection, you need to use hard gloves so as not to injure your hands, as the branches are very strong.

Leaves, flowers, twigs and rhizomes are harvested to make healthy tea. Leaves can be harvested throughout the summer, flowers – during the flowering period. You can collect both opened and unopened buds. As for the rhizomes, they are dug up in the fall before frost or in early spring until the buds wake up.

Comment! The collection of Kuril tea should be carried out selectively in places of mass growth, so as not to destroy the natural plantation of Potentilla.

How to collect Kuril tea

During the collection of the aerial parts of the cinquefoil, shoots with leaves and buds no longer than 15 cm long are cut off. Bushes with intact parts are selected. If the activity of harmful insects is visible on the plant, then it is better to refuse to harvest such raw materials.

In folk medicine, not only shoots with leaves and flowers are used to brew healthy tea, but also the rhizomes of Kuril tea. It is necessary to harvest raw cinquefoil after the aerial part dies. Potentilla root tea has anti-inflammatory, expectorant and hemostatic properties.

After harvesting, the rhizomes are dried a little in the sun to make it easier to clear the ground. Further drying can be carried out in whole or crushed form.

How to dry Kuril tea

To prepare a healthy tea drink from Potentilla shoots, the raw materials are first sorted out. Yellowish or damaged leaves should be removed, leaving only green ones.

Leaves and flowers can be dried in a well-ventilated area, but out of direct sunlight. If this is not possible, a window sill will do. But Kuril tea needs to be shaded.

After a few days, the raw materials are laid out on a sheet and dried in a dryer or an open oven at a temperature not exceeding 70 degrees.

Roots excavated:

  1. Inspect, any damage, rotten parts are cut off.
  2. Then they are washed from the ground in several waters.
  3. Lay out on a cloth to let the water evaporate.
  4. They take it outside and dry it in the sun for 3-4 days.
  5. Then they are dried in the attic or under a canopy. The main condition is good ventilation.

Kuril tea (cinquefoil): when and how to collect, how to brew, how to drink

It is advisable to dry the raw material of Potentilla erectus (rhizomes) at a temperature of 50-60 degrees in a dryer.

Attention! When drying any parts of Kuril tea, it is recommended that raw materials be laid out on the surface in a thin layer so that it is well ventilated.

How to brew Kuril tea

Kuril tea must not only be properly collected and dried, but also brewed. This healthy drink has long been used in the treatment of many diseases, such as:

  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • scurvy;
  • diarrhea;
  • dysentery;
  • croupous inflammation of the lungs;
  • angina.

Brewing tea from dried raw Potentilla erecta is easy. You just need to grind Kuril tea, add boiling water and leave for 1-2 hours, so that all the beneficial properties of the plant pass into the drink.

Attention! Ancestors knew about herbs. Kuril tea was necessarily drunk after a bath, adding a little honey to the drink.

Tea Cooking Recipes

Since the beneficial properties of the plant have been known for a long time, it is widely used in folk medicine in the treatment of various diseases, there are many recipes. Here is some of them:

  1. flower drink. You will need 2 tbsp. l. dry buds and half a liter of boiling water. Raw materials are crushed and poured with boiling water. The container is covered with a lid and put on a slow fire for 6-8 minutes. When the liquid cools down a bit, it is filtered and drunk 100 g before meals 3-4 times a day.
  2. Leaf tea. 1 st. l. raw materials pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. There are more active substances in the stems and leaves, so 2 tbsp are added to a glass of boiled water. l. tea leaves and drink before eating.
  3. The roots. 1 st. l. crushed roots pour water and boil for 10 minutes. Before meals for 1 tbsp. add 1 tbsp. l. tea leaves and drink 30 minutes before meals.
  4. The easy way to brew. Take 2-3 tbsp. l. collection of Kuril tea (leaves, flowers, branches, roots) put in a teapot and pour boiling water. Put on a slow fire, for 5 minutes to infuse. Then drink like regular tea, adding boiling water to the cup. Sweeten with sugar or honey.

Kuril tea (cinquefoil): when and how to collect, how to brew, how to drink

How to drink cinquefoil tea

Kuril tea can be drunk as a regular refreshing drink. To do this, brew 1-2 tbsp in a teapot. l. dry raw materials and pour 300 ml of boiling water. Insist 15 minutes. A small amount of tea leaves is poured into a cup, water is added.

Do not drink too strong Potentilla tea. It is desirable that the drink be golden in color. Kuril tea, brewed correctly, has an amazing aroma and pleasant taste. Many lovers of this drink, in addition to honey, add lemon balm or mint.

Warning! Potentilla tea should not be drunk on an empty stomach, as the substances in its composition irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

How to store dried Kuril tea

Before storing raw Kuril tea for storage, you need to make sure that it is well dried. Fold the raw materials in a sealed container. This will help to avoid the destruction of dry branches, leaves, flowers and rhizomes by parasites, in particular, moths. In a dark place, where the humidity does not exceed 40%, Kuril tea can be stored for 2 years.

Limitations and contraindications

Since Kuril tea is not recognized as a medicine by official medicine, the drink should be taken with caution. In addition to an allergic reaction, cinquefoil tea can cause diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and the digestive system.

Kuril tea is not recommended:

  • children up to 10 years;
  • with low blood pressure;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • with renal failure;
  • with liver disease;
  • with an allergic reaction and individual intolerance to the substances that make up the plant.

If the daily dosage of the drink is strictly observed, then there will be no side effects and harm to the body. But with the appearance of a rash and itching, cinquefoil tea should be immediately discarded.

Before starting the use of Kuril tea, you should consult with your doctor. The fact is that during treatment with medicines you can not drink a drink in any case.


Drying Kuril tea is not difficult, as can be seen from the article. In this case, the family will be provided with a healthy drink containing calcium and potassium, manganese and iron, magnesium, cobalt and copper in winter. Kuril tea will save relatives from viral and intestinal infections, as well as from the development of diabetes.

We collect Kuril tea

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